Use your logo to create custom-branded email notifications with ShipRush.
Note: Branded emails use the same logo file as branded Packing Lists and Branded Tracking Pages. The recommended logo size is 500px wide.
Setting Up Branded Email Notification
To set up a Branded Email Notification:
Click SETTINGS in the left sidebar.
Click Packing List. If you have already uploaded your logo in Packing List, please skip Steps 4-5 and proceed to Step 7.
On the Packing list template dropdown (see graphic below), use the default Packing List template or select a different one.
Click the Upload image icon (see arrow in the graphic below).
Drag the logo file into the space provided; or click Choose File, select the file, and then click Open. Your logo should then appear in the Logo Image field. The image is saved automatically and can now be used for building branded Email templates. The recommended logo size is 500px wide or smaller. Acceptable file types are: .jfif, .jpeg, .pjpeg, .jpg, .png, and .pjp.
In the left sidebar menu, click Templates to start building your branded email notification using the logo you just uploaded.
In the Email Templates section, copy the template you want by clicking its Copy icon on the far right.
Enter the Name for your template.
Click Preview Email (bottom of window). If the template is OK, click Save.
In the left sidebar menu, select the first Carrier in the list to display its submenu.
In the submenu, click Email.
Select ShipRush sends email notification (see graphic below).
Enter the From Email, From Name, and Subject to standardize this information for every email.
In the Template dropdown, select your new Branded Email Template.
As needed, select any of the Emails to Always Send options: Shipment, Tendered, Delivery, and/or Exception. Enter a static email address in the empty field at the right of each selected option.
If Add Shipment Email is selected for Tendered, Delivery, or Exception, then the main email address will be copied to the Exception email address.
Repeat Steps 9-15 to apply Branded Emails for each Carrier.
Note: Does anyone at your company need to be notified about certain activities? For example, you want to receive all Delivery notifications or to be emailed every time a delivery Exception occurs. Select the corresponding checkboxes.Then, add a static email address in the empty field to the right of each selected checkbox.
Note: Your email preferences are automatically saved and applied to future Orders. Please note that only the Shipment email is branded. All others come directly from the Carrier, if supported.
Congratulations! You set up Branded Email Notifications for all of your Carrier accounts. Now, whenever you ship a package with ShipRush, your customers will encounter your logo within their email updates.
Advanced Branded Email Notifications
If your developer or designer is fluent in html code, they may create an advanced custom branded email template. Your html expert may either copy and paste the source code from an existing email template and modify it, or write new code.
Complete Steps 1-6 in the previous section.
In the left sidebar menu, click Templates.
In the Email Templates section, click the + (plus sign) to create a new template.
Copy and paste your custom HTML code into the text field. Your developer or designer will need to add @ snippets from the right sidebar menu to ensure that ShipRush information will correctly populate your custom branded email template. Live chat with our support team if you need assistance.
Click Preview Email (bottom of window) to review your design. When you are satisfied, click Save.
Your New Template is Available in the “Email Templates” Section. Follow Steps 9-15 in the previous section to apply Branded Emails to your Carriers.