
ShipRush SDK Console Big Demo App






Example Labels


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-<member name="T:AssemblyDoc">

This assembly contains the core functionality of the Common.Logging framework.In particular, checkout
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogManager"/>
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
for usage information.


-<member name="T:CoverageExcludeAttribute">

<summary>Indicates classes or members to be ignored by NCover </summary>

<remarks>Note, the key is chosen, because TestDriven.NET uses it as //ea argument to "Test With... Coverage" </remarks>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection">

<summary>Substitute NameValueCollection in System.Collections.Specialized. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection.#ctor">

Creates a new instance of
<seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection">NameValueCollection</seealso>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection.GetValues(System.String)">

<summary>Gets the values (only a single one) for the specified key (configuration name) </summary>

<param key="key">The key.</param>

<returns>an array with one value, or null if no value exist</returns>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection.Item(System.String)">

<summary>Gets or sets the value with the specified key. </summary>

<value>The value corrsponding to the key, or null if no value exist </value>

<param key="key">The key.</param>

<returns>value store for the key</returns>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger">

<summary>Provides base implementation suitable for almost all logger adapters </summary>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.ILog">

<summary>A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs. </summary>


Implementations should defer calling a message's
<see cref="M:System.Object.ToString"/>
until the message really needsto be logged to avoid performance penalties.

<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
log method offers to pass in a
<see cref="T:System.Action`1"/>
instead of the actual message.Using this style has the advantage to defer possibly expensive message argument evaluation and formatting (and formatting arguments!) until the message getsactually logged. If the message is not logged at all (e.g. due to
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
settings),you won't have to pay the peformance penalty of creating the message.


The example below demonstrates using callback style for creating the message, where the call to the
<see cref="M:System.Random.NextDouble"/>
and the underlying
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>
only happens, if level
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
is enabled:
<code>Log.Debug( m=>m("result is {0}", random.NextDouble()) );Log.Debug(delegate(m) { m("result is {0}", random.NextDouble()); }); </code>


<seealso cref="T:System.Action`1"/>

<author>Mark Pollack</author>

<author>Bruno Baia</author>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsTraceEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsDebugEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsErrorEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsFatalEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsInfoEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsWarnEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Write">

<summary>Holds the method for writing a message to the log system. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.#ctor">

Creates a new logger instance using
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/>
forwriting log events to the underlying log system.

<seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.GetWriteHandler"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.GetWriteHandler">

Override this method to use a different method than
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/>
for writing log events to the underlying log system.

Usually you don't need to override thise method. The default implementation returns
to indicate that the default handler
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/>
should beused.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Actually sends the message to the underlying log system. </summary>

<param key="level">the level of this log event.</param>

<param key="message">the message to log</param>

<param key="exception">the exception to log (may be null)</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level includingthe stack trace of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level includingthe stack Debug of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level includingthe stack Info of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level includingthe stack Warn of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level includingthe stack Error of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Object)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">

Log a message object with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level includingthe stack Fatal of the
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
passedas a parameter.

<param key="message">The message object to log.</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

Log a message with the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
level using a callback to obtain the message

<remarks>Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message argumentsthat probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings. </remarks>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsTraceEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsDebugEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsInfoEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsWarnEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsErrorEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsFatalEnabled">

Checks if this logger is enabled for the
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>

<remarks>Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system </remarks>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage">

<summary>Format message on demand. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage"/>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">The format message callback.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage"/>

<param key="formatProvider">The format provider.</param>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">The format message callback.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.ToString">

<see cref="F:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.formatMessageCallback"/>
and returns result.



-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage">

<summary>Format string on demand. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage"/>

<param key="formatProvider">The format provider.</param>

<param key="message">The message.</param>

<param key="args">The args.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage.ToString">

<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])"/>
on supplied arguemnts.



-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteHandler">

<summary>Represents a method responsible for writing a message to the log system. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter">

An implementation of
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
that caches loggers handed out by this factory.

Implementors just need to override
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter">

<summary>LoggerFactoryAdapter interface is used internally by LogManagerOnly developers wishing to write new Common.Logging adapters need toworry about this interface. </summary>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">

<summary>Get a ILog instance by type. </summary>

<param key="type">The type to use for the logger</param>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">

<summary>Get a ILog instance by key. </summary>

<param key="key">The key of the logger</param>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">

<summary>Creates a new instance, the logger cache being case-sensitive. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Boolean)">

Creates a new instance, the logger cache being
<paramref key="caseSensitiveLoggerCache"/>

<param key="caseSensitiveLoggerCache"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.ClearLoggerCache">

<summary>Purges all loggers from cache </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)">

<summary>Create the specified named logger instance </summary>

<remarks>Derived factories need to implement this method to create theactual logger instance. </remarks>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">

Get a ILog instance by
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>

-<param key="type">
Usually the
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the current class.

An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">

<summary>Get a ILog instance by key. </summary>

-<param key="key">
Usually a
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
's Name or FullName property.

An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLoggerInternal(System.String)">

<summary>Get or create a ILog instance by key. </summary>

-<param key="key">
Usually a
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
's Name or FullName property.

An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger">

A logger created by
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
thatsends all log events to the owning adapter's
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>


<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger">

<summary>Abstract class providing a standard implementation of simple loggers. </summary>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.#ctor(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

<summary>Creates and initializes a the simple logger. </summary>

<param key="logName">The key, usually type key of the calling class, of the logger.</param>

<param key="logLevel">The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged.</param>

<param key="showlevel">Include level in the log message.</param>

<param key="showDateTime">Include the current time in the log message.</param>

<param key="showLogName">Include the instance key in the log message.</param>

<param key="dateTimeFormat">The date and time format to use in the log message.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.FormatOutput(System.Text.StringBuilder,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">

Appends the formatted message to the specified
<see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>

-<param key="stringBuilder">
<see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
that receíves the formatted message.

<param key="level"/>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsLevelEnabled(Common.Logging.LogLevel)">

<summary>Determines if the given log level is currently enabled. </summary>

<param key="level"/>



-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.Name">

<summary>The key of the logger. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowLevel">

<summary>Include the current log level in the log message. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowDateTime">

<summary>Include the current time in the log message. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowLogName">

<summary>Include the instance key in the log message. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.CurrentLogLevel">

<summary>The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.DateTimeFormat">

<summary>The date and time format to use in the log message. </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.HasDateTimeFormat">

Determines Whether
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.DateTimeFormat"/>
is set.


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsTraceEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>
. If it is, all messages will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsDebugEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>
. If it is, all messages will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsInfoEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
. If it is, only messages with a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
, and
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsWarnEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
. If it is, only messages with a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
, and
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsErrorEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
. If it is, only messages with a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsFatalEnabled">

<see langword="true"/>
if the current
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
is greater than orequal to
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
. If it is, only messages with a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
will be sent to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.Owner">

<summary>The adapter that created this logger instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.Clear">

<summary>Clears all captured events </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.ClearLastEvent">

Resets the
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LastEvent"/>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LoggerEvents">

<summary>Holds the list of logged events. </summary>

<remarks>To access this collection in a multithreaded application, put a lock on the list instance. </remarks>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)">


<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>
instances send their captured log events to this method.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.#ctor(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter,System.String)">

<summary>Create a new logger instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">

Create a new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent"/>
and send it to
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>


<param key="level"/>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="exception"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LastEvent">

<summary>Holds the last log event received from any of this adapter's loggers. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent">

A logging event captured by
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>


<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Source">

<summary>The logger that logged this event </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Level">

<summary>The level used to log this event </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.MessageObject">

<summary>The raw message object </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Exception">

<summary>A logged exception </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.#ctor(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Create a new event instance </summary>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.RenderedMessage">

<summary>Retrieves the formatted message text </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter">

An adapter, who's loggers capture all log events and send them to
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>
.Retrieve the list of log events from
<see cref="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LoggerEvents"/>

This logger factory is mainly for debugging and test purposes.

This is an example how you might use this adapter for testing:
<code>// configure for capturingCapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter adapter = new CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter();LogManager.Adapter = adapter;// reset capture stateadapter.Clear();// log somethingILog log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();log.DebugFormat("Current Time:{0}", DateTime.Now);// check logged dataAssert.AreEqual(1, adapter.LoggerEvents.Count);Assert.AreEqual(LogLevel.Debug, adapter.LastEvent.Level); </code>



<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.Clear">

<summary>Clears all captured events </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.ClearLastEvent">

Resets the
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LastEvent"/>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LoggerEvents">

<summary>Holds the list of logged events. </summary>

<remarks>To access this collection in a multithreaded application, put a lock on the list instance. </remarks>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)">


<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>
instances send their captured log events to this method.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">

Get a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>
instance for the given type.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">

Get a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>
instance for the given key.


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LastEvent">

<summary>Holds the last log event received from any of this adapter's loggers. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException">

<summary>The exception that is thrown when a configuration system error has occurred with Common.Logging </summary>

<author>Mark Pollack</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor">

<summary>Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.</summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor(System.String)">

<summary>Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class. with the specified message. </summary>

<param key="message">A message about the exception. </param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">

<summary>Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class with the specified messageand root cause. </summary>

<param key="message">A message about the exception. </param>

<param key="rootCause">The root exception that is being wrapped. </param>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.DefaultConfigurationReader">

Implementation of
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/>
that uses the standard .NETconfiguration APIs, ConfigurationSettings in 1.x and ConfigurationManager in 2.0

<author>Mark Pollack</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader">

<summary>Interface for basic operations to read .NET application configuration information. </summary>

<remarks>Provides a simple abstraction to handle BCL API differences between .NET 1.x and 2.0. Alsouseful for testing scenarios.</remarks>

<author>Mark Pollack</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader.GetSection(System.String)">

<summary>Parses the configuration section and returns the resulting object. </summary>


<p>Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse andload configuration sections using the same API regardlessof the .NET framework version. </p>
See also


<param key="sectionName">Name of the configuration section.</param>

Object created by a corresponding
<see cref="!:IConfigurationSectionHandler"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.DefaultConfigurationReader.GetSection(System.String)">

Parses the configuration section and returns the resulting object.Using the


<param key="sectionName">Name of the configuration section.</param>

Object created by a corresponding



<p>Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse andload configuration sections using the same API regardlessof the .NET framework version. </p>



-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.NamespaceDoc">

This namespace contains convenience base classes for implementing your own
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils">

<summary>Various utility methods for using during factory and logger instance configuration </summary>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.#cctor">

<summary>Initialize all members before any of this class' methods can be accessed (avoids beforeFieldInit) </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.RegisterTypeParser``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.ParseHandler{``0})">

<summary>Adds the parser to the list of known type parsers. </summary>

<remarks>.NET intrinsic types are pre-registerd: short, int, long, float, double, decimal, bool </remarks>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.GetValue(Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection,System.String)">

Retrieves the named value from the specified
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection"/>

<param key="values">may be null</param>

<param key="key">the value's key</param>

<paramref key="values"/>
is not null, the value returned by values[key].


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.GetValue(Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection,System.String,System.String)">

Retrieves the named value from the specified
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection"/>

<param key="values">may be null</param>

<param key="key">the value's key</param>

<param key="defaultValue">the default value, if not found</param>

<paramref key="values"/>
is not null, the value returned by values[key].


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce(System.String[])">

<summary>Returns the first nonnull, nonempty value among its arguments. </summary>

, if the initial list was null or empty.

<seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce``1(System.Predicate{``0},``0[])"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce``1(System.Predicate{``0},``0[])">

<summary>Returns the first nonnull, nonempty value among its arguments. </summary>

<remarks>Also </remarks>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.TryParseEnum``1(``0,System.String)">

Tries parsing
<paramref key="stringValue"/>
into an enum of the type of
<paramref key="defaultValue"/>

<param key="defaultValue">the default value to return if parsing fails</param>

<param key="stringValue">the string value to parse</param>

the successfully parsed value,
<paramref key="defaultValue"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.TryParse``1(``0,System.String)">

Tries parsing
<paramref key="stringValue"/>
into the specified return type.

<param key="defaultValue">the default value to return if parsing fails</param>

<param key="stringValue">the string value to parse</param>

the successfully parsed value,
<paramref key="defaultValue"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertNotNull``1(System.String,``0)">

Throws a
<see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/>
<paramref key="val"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertNotNull``1(System.String,``0,System.String,System.Object[])">

Throws a
<see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/>
<paramref key="val"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertIsAssignable``1(System.String,System.Type)">

Throws a
<see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/>
if an object of type
<paramref key="valType"/>
is notassignable to type
<typeparam key="T"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertIsAssignable``1(System.String,System.Type,System.String,System.Object[])">

Throws a
<see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/>
if an object of type
<paramref key="valType"/>
is notassignable to type
<typeparam key="T"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action,System.String,System.Object[])">

Ensures any exception thrown by the given
<paramref key="action"/>
is wrapped with an
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>

<paramref key="action"/>
already throws a ConfigurationException, it will not be wrapped.

<param key="action">the action to execute</param>

-<param key="messageFormat">
the message to be set on the thrown
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>


-<param key="args">
args to be passed to
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>
to format the message


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function{``0},System.String,System.Object[])">

Ensures any exception thrown by the given
<paramref key="function"/>
is wrapped with an
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>

<paramref key="function"/>
already throws a ConfigurationException, it will not be wrapped.

<param key="function">the action to execute</param>

-<param key="messageFormat">
the message to be set on the thrown
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>


-<param key="args">
args to be passed to
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>
to format the message


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.ParseHandler`1">

<summary>A delegate converting a string representation into the target type </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action">

<summary>An anonymous action delegate with no arguments and no return value. </summary>

<seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action,System.String,System.Object[])"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function`1">

<summary>An anonymous action delegate with no arguments and no return value. </summary>

<seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function{``0},System.String,System.Object[])"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler">

The type of method that is passed into e.g.
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})"/>
and allows the callback method to "submit" it's message to the underlying output system.

-<param key="format">
the format argument as in
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


-<param key="args">
the argument list as in
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel">

<summary>The 7 possible logging levels </summary>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.All">

<summary>All logging levels </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace">

<summary>A trace logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug">

<summary>A debug logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info">

<summary>A info logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn">

<summary>A warn logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error">

<summary>An error logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal">

<summary>A fatal logging level </summary>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Off">

<summary>Do not log anything. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.LogManager">

Use the LogManager's
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
methods to obtain
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
instances for logging.

For configuring the underlying log system using application configuration, see the exampleat
For configuring programmatically, see the example section below.

The example below shows the typical use of LogManager to obtain a reference to a loggerand log an exception:
<code>ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());...try{/* .... */}catch(Exception ex){log.ErrorFormat("Hi {0}", ex, "dude");} </code>
The example below shows programmatic configuration of the underlying log system:
<code>// create propertiesNameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();properties["showDateTime"] = "true";// set AdapterCommon.Logging.LogManager.Adapter = newCommon.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter(properties); </code>


<seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>

<seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>

<seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogManager.COMMON_LOGGING_SECTION">

<summary>The key of the default configuration section to read settings from. </summary>

You can always change the source of your configuration settings by setting another
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/>
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.ConfigurationReader"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.#cctor">

Performs static 1-time init of LogManager by calling
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset"/>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset">

Reset the
<see cref="N:Common.Logging"/>
infrastructure to its default settings. This means, that configuration settingswill be re-read from section
of your

This is mainly used for unit testing, you wouldn't normally use this in your applications.


<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
instances already handed out from this LogManager are not(!) affected.Resetting LogManager only affects new instances being handed out.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset(Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader)">

Reset the
<see cref="N:Common.Logging"/>
infrastructure to its default settings. This means, that configuration settingswill be re-read from section
of your

This is mainly used for unit testing, you wouldn't normally use this in your applications.


<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
instances already handed out from this LogManager are not(!) affected.Resetting LogManager only affects new instances being handed out.

-<param key="reader">
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/>
instance to obtain settings forre-initializing the LogManager.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger">

Gets the logger by calling
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
on the currently configured
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
using the type of the calling class.

This method needs to inspect the
<see cref="!:StackTrace"/>
in order to determine the callingclass. This of course comes with a performance penalty, thus you shouldn't call it toooften in your application.

<seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>

the logger instance obtained from the current
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>



-<member name="F:Common.Logging.LogManager._getCallingMethod">

<summary>Cache the function returned from CreateGetClassNameFunction </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.CreateGetClassNameFunction">

<summary>Creates a function which creates a new StackFrame and get the Method 3 (2 from the callee's perspective)steps up in the callstack </summary>

<returns>A function, returning the calling the Method invoking the function</returns>

<exception cref="T:System.PlatformNotSupportedException">System.Diagnostics.StackFrame does not exist on the platform (ex. windows phone)orStackFrame(int skipFrames) constructor not presentorStackFrame.GetMethod() not present </exception>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger``1">

Gets the logger by calling
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
on the currently configured
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
using the specified type.

the logger instance obtained from the current
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)">

Gets the logger by calling
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
on the currently configured
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
using the specified type.

<param key="type">The type.</param>

the logger instance obtained from the current
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)">

Gets the logger by calling
<see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
on the currently configured
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
using the specified key.

<param key="key">The key.</param>

the logger instance obtained from the current
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.BuildLoggerFactoryAdapter">

<summary>Builds the logger factory adapter. </summary>

a factory adapter instance. Is never


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.BuildLoggerFactoryAdapterFromLogSettings(Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting)">

Builds a
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
instance from the given
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting"/>
<see cref="T:System.Activator"/>

<param key="setting"/>

<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
instance. Is never



-<member name="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.ConfigurationReader">

<summary>Gets the configuration reader used to initialize the LogManager. </summary>

<remarks>Primarily used for testing purposes but maybe useful to obtain configurationinformation from some place other than the .NET application configuration file.</remarks>

<value>The configuration reader.</value>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter">

<summary>Gets or sets the adapter. </summary>

<value>The adapter.</value>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting">

<summary>Container used to hold configuration information from config file. </summary>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.#ctor(System.Type,Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection)">

<summary> </summary>

-<param key="factoryAdapterType">
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
typethat will be used for creating
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<param key="properties">
Additional user supplied properties that are passed to the
<paramref key="factoryAdapterType"/>
's constructor.


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.FactoryAdapterType">

<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
type that will be used for creating
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.Properties">

Additional user supplied properties that are passed to the
<see cref="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.FactoryAdapterType"/>
's constructor.


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.NamespaceDoc">

<summary>This namespace contains all core classes making up the Common.Logging framework. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ExceptionFormatter">

<summary> </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NamespaceDoc">


This namespace contains portable out-of-the-box adapters, namely
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
and theall output suppressing
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>

For unit testing, you may also want to have a look at
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
that allows to easily inspect logged messages.



-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NamespaceDoc">

<summary>This namespace contains various utility classes. </summary>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter">

Base factory implementation for creating simple
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>

Default settings are LogLevel.All, showDateTime = true, showLogName = true, and no DateTimeFormat.The keys in the NameValueCollection to configure this adapter are the following

-<list type="bullet">






Here is an example how to implement your own logging adapter:
<code>public class ConsoleOutLogger : AbstractSimpleLogger{public ConsoleOutLogger(string logName, LogLevel logLevel, bool showLevel, bool showDateTime,bool showLogName, string dateTimeFormat): base(logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat){}protected override void WriteInternal(LogLevel level, object message, Exception e){// Use a StringBuilder for better performanceStringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();FormatOutput(sb, level, message, e);// Print to the appropriate destinationConsole.Out.WriteLine(sb.ToString());}}public class ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter : AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter{public ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter(NameValueCollection properties): base(properties){ }protected override ILog CreateLogger(string key, LogLevel level, bool showLevel, boolshowDateTime, bool showLogName, string dateTimeFormat){ILog log = new ConsoleOutLogger(key, level, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName,dateTimeFormat);return log;}} </code>



<seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>

<author>Mark Pollack</author>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>

Looks for level, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat items from
<paramref key="properties"/>
for use when the GetLogger methods are called.
for more information on how to use thestandard .NET application configuraiton file (App.config/Web.config)to configure this adapter.

<param key="properties">The key value collection, typically specified by the user ina configuration section named common/logging.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
class withdefault settings for the loggers created by this factory.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)">

<summary>Create the specified logger instance </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

<summary>Derived factories need to implement this method to create theactual logger instance. </summary>

a new logger instance. Must never be


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.Level">

The default
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
to use when creating new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowLevel">

The default setting to use when creating new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowDateTime">

The default setting to use when creating new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowLogName">

The default setting to use when creating new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.DateTimeFormat">

The default setting to use when creating new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>


-<member name="T:NamespaceDoc">



<para>There are a variety of logging implementations for .NET currently in use, log4net, EnterpriseLibrary Logging, NLog, to key the most popular. The downside of having differerent implementationis that they do not share a common interface and therefore impose a particular loggingimplementation on the users of your library. To solve this dependency problem the Common.Logginglibrary introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation atruntime. </para>

<para>The library is based on work done by the developers of IBatis.NET and it's usage is inspired bylog4net. Many thanks to the developers of those projects! </para>


The core logging library Common.Logging provides the base logging
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
interface aswell as the global
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogManager"/>
that you use to instrument your code:

<code lang="C#">ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());log.DebugFormat("Hi {0}", "dude"); </code>

<para>To output the information logged, you need to tell Common.Logging, what underlying logging systemto use. Common.Logging already includes simple console and trace based logger implementationsusable out of the box. Adding the following configuration snippet to your app.config causesCommon.Logging to output all information to the console: </para>

<code lang="XML"><configuration><configSections><sectionGroup key="common"><section key="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" /></sectionGroup></configSections><common><logging><factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging"><arg key="level" value="DEBUG" /></factoryAdapter></logging></common></configuration> </code>


In the case you want to integrate your own logging system that is not supported by Common.Logging yet, it is easilypossible to implement your own plugin by implementing
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
.For convenience there is a base
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
implementation available that usuallymakes implementing your own adapter a breeze.

<h1><system.diagnostics> Integration</h1>

If your code already uses the .NET framework's built-in
<a href="">System.Diagnostics.Trace</a>
system, you can use
in Common.Logging to redirect all trace output to theCommon.Logging infrastructure.



-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugOutLogger">

Sends log messages to
<see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Debug"/>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugOutLogger.#ctor(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

Creates and initializes a logger that writes messages to
<see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Debug"/>

<param key="logName">The key, usually type key of the calling class, of the logger.</param>

<param key="logLevel">The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged.</param>

<param key="showLevel">Include the current log level in the log message.</param>

<param key="showDateTime">Include the current time in the log message.</param>

<param key="showLogName">Include the instance key in the log message.</param>

<param key="dateTimeFormat">The date and time format to use in the log message.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugOutLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">

Do the actual logging by constructing the log message using a
<see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>
thensending the output to
<see cref="!:Console.Out"/>

-<param key="level">
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>
of the message.

<param key="message">The log message.</param>

-<param key="e">
An optional
<see cref="T:System.Exception"/>
associated with the message.


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter">

Factory for creating
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
instances that write data using
<see cref="M:System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(System.String)"/>


Below is an example how to configure this adapter:
<code><configuration><configSections><sectionGroup key="common"><section key="logging"type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging"requirePermission="false" /></sectionGroup></configSections><common><logging><factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging"><arg key="level" value="ALL" /></factoryAdapter></logging></common></configuration> </code>



<seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>

<seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>

<author>Mark Pollack</author>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
class using defaultsettings.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>

Looks for level, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat items from
<paramref key="properties"/>
for use when the GetLogger methods are called.
<see cref="!:System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager"/>
for more information on how to use thestandard .NET application configuraiton file (App.config/Web.config)to configure this adapter.

<param key="properties">The key value collection, typically specified by the user ina configuration section named common/logging.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
class withdefault settings for the loggers created by this factory.


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">

Creates a new
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.DebugOutLogger"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger">

<summary>Silently ignores all log messages. </summary>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>

<author>Erich Eichinger</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Object)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="message"/>

<param key="e"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args"/>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.

-<param key="format">
The format of the message object to log.
<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/>


<param key="exception">The exception to log.</param>

<param key="args">the list of message format arguments</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">

<summary>Ignores message. </summary>

-<param key="formatProvider">
<see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/>
that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

<param key="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>

<param key="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsTraceEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsDebugEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsInfoEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsWarnEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsErrorEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsFatalEnabled">

Always returns
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter">

Factory for creating
<see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
instances that silently ignoreslogging requests.

This logger adapter is the default used by Common.Logging if unconfigured. Using this logger adapter is the most efficientway to suppress any logging output.

Below is an example how to configure this adapter:
<code><configuration><configSections><sectionGroup key="common"><section key="logging"type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging"requirePermission="false" /></sectionGroup></configSections><common><logging><factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging"><arg key="level" value="ALL" /></factoryAdapter></logging></common></configuration> </code>



<seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>

<author>Gilles Bayon</author>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">

<summary>Constructor </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection)">

<summary>Constructor </summary>


-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">

<summary>Get a ILog instance by type </summary>

<param key="type"/>



-<member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.Common#Logging#ILoggerFactoryAdapter#GetLogger(System.String)">

<summary>Get a ILog instance by type key </summary>

<param key="key"/>







<?xml version="1.0"?>






-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonObjectId">

<summary>Represents a BSON Oid (object id). </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonObjectId.Value">

<summary>Gets or sets the value of the Oid. </summary>

<value>The value of the Oid.</value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonObjectId.#ctor(System.Byte[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonObjectId"/>

<param name="value">The Oid value.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader">

<summary>Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized BSON data. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.JsonNet35BinaryCompatibility">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether binary data reading should be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary. </summary>


if binary data reading will be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.ReadRootValueAsArray">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root object will be read as a JSON array. </summary>


if the root object will be read as a JSON array; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.DateTimeKindHandling">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when reading
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values from BSON.

<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when reading
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values from BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader"/>

-<param name="stream">
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
containing the BSON data to read.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader"/>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader"/>
containing the BSON data to read.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.DateTimeKind)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader"/>

-<param name="stream">
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
containing the BSON data to read.

-<param name="readRootValueAsArray">
if set to
the root object will be read as a JSON array.

-<param name="dateTimeKindHandling">
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when reading
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values from BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader,System.Boolean,System.DateTimeKind)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader"/>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader"/>
containing the BSON data to read.

-<param name="readRootValueAsArray">
if set to
the root object will be read as a JSON array.

-<param name="dateTimeKindHandling">
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when reading
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values from BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.Read">

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>


if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.Close">

Changes the reader's state to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Closed"/>
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.CloseInput"/>
is set to
, the underlying
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
is also closed.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter">

<summary>Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating BSON data. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.DateTimeKindHandling">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when writing
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values to BSON.When set to
<see cref="F:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified"/>
no conversion will occur.

<see cref="T:System.DateTimeKind"/>
used when writing
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
values to BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter"/>

-<param name="stream">
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
to write to.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter"/>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryWriter"/>
to write to.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.Flush">

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
and also flushes the underlying stream.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteEnd(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken)">

<summary>Writes the end. </summary>

<param name="token">The token.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteComment(System.String)">

Writes a comment
containing the specified text.

<param name="text">Text to place inside the comment.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteStartConstructor(System.String)">

<summary>Writes the start of a constructor with the given name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the constructor.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteRaw(System.String)">

<summary>Writes raw JSON. </summary>

<param name="json">The raw JSON to write.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteRawValue(System.String)">

<summary>Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state. </summary>

<param name="json">The raw JSON to write.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteStartArray">

<summary>Writes the beginning of a JSON array. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteStartObject">

<summary>Writes the beginning of a JSON object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WritePropertyName(System.String)">

<summary>Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.Close">

Closes this writer.If
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter.CloseOutput"/>
is set to
, the underlying
<see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
is also closed.If
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter.AutoCompleteOnClose"/>
is set to
, the JSON is auto-completed.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Object)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
value.An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteNull">

<summary>Writes a null value. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteUndefined">

<summary>Writes an undefined value. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.String)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.String"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int32)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.UInt32)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int64)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Int64"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.UInt64)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.UInt64"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.UInt64"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Single)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Single"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Single"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Double)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Boolean)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Int16)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Int16"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.UInt16)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.UInt16"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.UInt16"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Char)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Char"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Char"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Byte)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.SByte)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.SByte"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.SByte"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Decimal)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTime)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.DateTimeOffset)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Byte[])">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[] value.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[] value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Guid)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Guid"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Guid"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.TimeSpan)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteValue(System.Uri)">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Uri"/>

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Uri"/>
value to write.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteObjectId(System.Byte[])">

Writes a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[] value that represents a BSON object id.

<param name="value">The Object ID value to write.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter.WriteRegex(System.String,System.String)">

<summary>Writes a BSON regex. </summary>

<param name="pattern">The regex pattern.</param>

<param name="options">The regex options.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling">

Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling.Default">

<summary>First attempt to use the public default constructor, then fall back to a single parameterized constructor, then to the non-public default constructor. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor">

<summary>Json.NET will use a non-public default constructor before falling back to a parameterized constructor. </summary>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter">

<summary>Converts a binary value to and from a base 64 string value. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BsonObjectIdConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonObjectId"/>
to and from JSON and BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BsonObjectIdConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BsonObjectIdConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BsonObjectIdConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1">

<summary>Creates a custom object. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The object type to convert.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1.Create(System.Type)">

<summary>Creates an object which will then be populated by the serializer. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<returns>The created object.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.CustomCreationConverter`1.CanWrite">

Gets a value indicating whether this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON.


if this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataSetConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.Data.DataSet"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataSetConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataSetConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataSetConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. </summary>

<param name="valueType">Type of the value.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataTableConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataTableConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataTableConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DataTableConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. </summary>

<param name="valueType">Type of the value.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DateTimeConverterBase">

Provides a base class for converting a
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DateTimeConverterBase.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DiscriminatedUnionConverter">

<summary>Converts a F# discriminated union type to and from JSON. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DiscriminatedUnionConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DiscriminatedUnionConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DiscriminatedUnionConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.EntityKeyMemberConverter">

Converts an Entity Framework
<see cref="T:System.Data.EntityKeyMember"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.EntityKeyMemberConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.EntityKeyMemberConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.EntityKeyMemberConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter">

Converts an
<see cref="T:System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.ExpandoObjectConverter.CanWrite">

Gets a value indicating whether this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON.


if this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
to and from the ISO 8601 date format (e.g.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter.DateTimeStyles">

<summary>Gets or sets the date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON. </summary>

<value>The date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter.DateTimeFormat">

<summary>Gets or sets the date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON. </summary>

<value>The date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter.Culture">

<summary>Gets or sets the culture used when converting a date to and from JSON. </summary>

<value>The culture used when converting a date to and from JSON.</value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.JavaScriptDateTimeConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
to and from a JavaScript
constructor (e.g.
<c>new Date(52231943)</c>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.JavaScriptDateTimeConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.JavaScriptDateTimeConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.KeyValuePairConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2"/>
to and from JSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.KeyValuePairConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.KeyValuePairConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.KeyValuePairConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.RegexConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex"/>
to and from JSON and BSON.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.RegexConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.RegexConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.RegexConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter">

Converts an
<see cref="T:System.Enum"/>
to and from its name string value.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.CamelCaseText">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the written enum text should be camel case. </summary>


if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.AllowIntegerValues">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether integer values are allowed when deserializing. </summary>


if integers are allowed when deserializing; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.#ctor(System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter"/>

-<param name="camelCaseText">

if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.VersionConverter">

Converts a
<see cref="T:System.Version"/>
to and from a string (e.g.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.VersionConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.VersionConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.VersionConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter">

<summary>Converts XML to and from JSON. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.DeserializeRootElementName">

<summary>Gets or sets the name of the root element to insert when deserializing to XML if the JSON structure has produced multiple root elements. </summary>

<value>The name of the deserialized root element.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.WriteArrayAttribute">

<summary>Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. </summary>


if the array attribute is written to the XML; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.OmitRootObject">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write the root JSON object. </summary>


if the JSON root object is omitted; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.IsNamespaceAttribute(System.String,System.String@)">

Checks if the
<paramref name="attributeName"/>
is a namespace attribute.

<param name="attributeName">Attribute name to test.</param>

<param name="prefix">The attribute name prefix if it has one, otherwise an empty string.</param>


if attribute name is for a namespace attribute, otherwise


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.XmlNodeConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. </summary>

<param name="valueType">Type of the value.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling">

<summary>Specifies how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling.Double">

Floating point numbers are parsed to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling.Double"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling.Decimal">

Floating point numbers are parsed to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling.Decimal"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling">

<summary>Specifies how dates are formatted when writing JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat">

Dates are written in the ISO 8601 format, e.g.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat">

Dates are written in the Microsoft JSON format, e.g.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling">

Specifies how date formatted strings, e.g.
, are parsed when reading JSON text.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.None">

<summary>Date formatted strings are not parsed to a date type and are read as strings. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.DateTime">

Date formatted strings, e.g.
, are parsed to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.DateTime"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset">

Date formatted strings, e.g.
, are parsed to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling">

Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Local">

Treat as local time. If the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc">

Treat as a UTC. If the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Unspecified">

Treat as a local time if a
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
is being converted to a string.If a string is being converted to
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
, convert to a local time if a time zone is specified.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind">

<summary>Time zone information should be preserved when converting. </summary>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling">

Specifies default value handling options for the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>


<code title="DefaultValueHandling Class" lang="cs" region="ReducingSerializedJsonSizeDefaultValueHandlingObject" source="..\Src\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests\Documentation\SerializationTests.cs"/>

<code title="DefaultValueHandling Ignore Example" lang="cs" region="ReducingSerializedJsonSizeDefaultValueHandlingExample" source="..\Src\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests\Documentation\SerializationTests.cs"/>



-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.Include">

<summary>Include members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects.Included members are written to JSON. Has no effect when deserializing. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.Ignore">

Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objectsso that it is not written to JSON.This option will ignore all default values (e.g.
for objects and nullable types;
for integers,decimals and floating point numbers; and
for booleans). The default value ignored can be changed byplacing the
<see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute"/>
on the property.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.Populate">

<summary>Members with a default value but no JSON will be set to their default value when deserializing. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.IgnoreAndPopulate">

<summary>Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objectsand set members to their default value when deserializing. </summary>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatFormatHandling">

Specifies float format handling options when writing special floating point numbers, e.g.
<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatFormatHandling.String">

Write special floating point values as strings in JSON, e.g.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatFormatHandling.Symbol">

Write special floating point values as symbols in JSON, e.g.
.Note that this will produce non-valid JSON.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.FloatFormatHandling.DefaultValue">

Write special floating point values as the property's default value in JSON, e.g. 0.0 for a
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
for a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting">

Specifies formatting options for the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None">

<summary>No special formatting is applied. This is the default. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented">

Causes child objects to be indented according to the
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter.Indentation"/>
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter.IndentChar"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.IArrayPool`1">

<summary>Provides an interface for using pooled arrays. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The array type content.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.IArrayPool`1.Rent(System.Int32)">

<summary>Rent an array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed. </summary>

<param name="minimumLength">The minimum required length of the array. The returned array may be longer.</param>

<returns>The rented array from the pool. This array must be returned when it is no longer needed.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.IArrayPool`1.Return(`0[])">

<summary>Return an array to the pool. </summary>

<param name="array">The array that is being returned.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo">

<summary>Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.HasLineInfo">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information. </summary>


<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.LineNumber"/>
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.LinePosition"/>
can be provided; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.LineNumber">

<summary>Gets the current line number. </summary>

The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, when
<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.HasLineInfo"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.LinePosition">

<summary>Gets the current line position. </summary>

The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, when
<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.IJsonLineInfo.HasLineInfo"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
how to serialize the collection.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute.AllowNullItems">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether null items are allowed in the collection. </summary>


if null items are allowed in the collection; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute"/>
class with a flag indicating whether the array can contain null items.

<param name="allowNullItems">A flag indicating whether the array can contain null items.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonArrayAttribute"/>
class with the specified container Id.

<param name="id">The container Id.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConstructorAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
to use the specified constructor when deserializing that object.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
how to serialize the object.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.Id">

<summary>Gets or sets the id. </summary>

<value>The id.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.Title">

<summary>Gets or sets the title. </summary>

<value>The title.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.Description">

<summary>Gets or sets the description. </summary>

<value>The description.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemConverterType">

<summary>Gets or sets the collection's items converter. </summary>

<value>The collection's items converter.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemConverterParameters">

The parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
described by
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemConverterType"/>
, the default constructor is used.When non-
, there must be a constructor defined in the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
that exactly matches the number,order, and type of these parameters.


<code>[JsonContainer(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] </code>



-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.NamingStrategyType">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>

<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.NamingStrategyParameters">

The parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>
described by
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.NamingStrategyType"/>
, the default constructor is used.When non-
, there must be a constructor defined in the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>
that exactly matches the number,order, and type of these parameters.


<code>[JsonContainer(NamingStrategyType = typeof(MyNamingStrategy), NamingStrategyParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] </code>



-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.IsReference">

<summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object references. </summary>


to keep object reference; otherwise,
. The default is


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemIsReference">

<summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve collection's items references. </summary>


to keep collection's items object references; otherwise,
. The default is


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemReferenceLoopHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the collection's items. </summary>

<value>The reference loop handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.ItemTypeNameHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the collection's items. </summary>

<value>The type name handling.</value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonContainerAttribute"/>
class with the specified container Id.

<param name="id">The container Id.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert">

<summary>Provides methods for converting between .NET types and JSON types. </summary>


<code title="Serializing and Deserializing JSON with JsonConvert" lang="cs" region="SerializeObject" source="..\Src\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests\Documentation\SerializationTests.cs"/>



-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings">

Gets or sets a function that creates default
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
.Default settings are automatically used by serialization methods on
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert"/>
<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.ToObject``1"/>
<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.FromObject(System.Object)"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken"/>
.To serialize without using any default settings create a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Create"/>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.True">

Represents JavaScript's boolean value
as a string. This field is read-only.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.False">

Represents JavaScript's boolean value
as a string. This field is read-only.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.Null">

Represents JavaScript's
as a string. This field is read-only.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.Undefined">

Represents JavaScript's
as a string. This field is read-only.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.PositiveInfinity">

<summary>Represents JavaScript's positive infinity as a string. This field is read-only. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.NegativeInfinity">

<summary>Represents JavaScript's negative infinity as a string. This field is read-only. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.NaN">

Represents JavaScript's
as a string. This field is read-only.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.DateTime)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.DateTime,Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling,Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
to its JSON string representation using the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling"/>

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

<param name="format">The format the date will be converted to.</param>

<param name="timeZoneHandling">The time zone handling when the date is converted to a string.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.DateTimeOffset)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.DateTimeOffset,Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
to its JSON string representation using the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling"/>

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

<param name="format">The format the date will be converted to.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Boolean)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Char)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Char"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Char"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Enum)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Enum"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Enum"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Int32)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Int16)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Int16"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Int16"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.UInt16)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.UInt16"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.UInt16"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.UInt32)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Int64)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Int64"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Int64"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.UInt64)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.UInt64"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.UInt64"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Single)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Single"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Single"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Double)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Byte)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.SByte)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.SByte"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.SByte"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Decimal)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.SByte"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Guid)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Guid"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Guid"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.TimeSpan)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Uri)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Uri"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Uri"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.String)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.String,System.Char)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

<param name="delimiter">The string delimiter character.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.String,System.Char,Newtonsoft.Json.StringEscapeHandling)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

<param name="delimiter">The string delimiter character.</param>

<param name="stringEscapeHandling">The string escape handling.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(System.Object)">

Converts the
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to its JSON string representation.

<param name="value">The value to convert.</param>

A JSON string representation of the
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object)">

<summary>Serializes the specified object to a JSON string. </summary>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting)">

<summary>Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting. </summary>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object. </returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter[])">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<param name="converters">A collection of converters used while serializing.</param>

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter[])">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

<param name="converters">A collection of converters used while serializing.</param>

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to serialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object. </returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,System.Type,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to serialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

-<param name="type">
The type of the value being serialized.This parameter is used when
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling"/>
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.Auto"/>
to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.Specifying the type is optional.

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object. </returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to serialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object. </returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(System.Object,System.Type,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The object to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to serialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

-<param name="type">
The type of the value being serialized.This parameter is used when
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling"/>
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.Auto"/>
to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.Specifying the type is optional.

<returns>A JSON string representation of the object. </returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.String)">

<summary>Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object. </summary>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.String,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to deserialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.String,System.Type)">

<summary>Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. </summary>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

-<param name="type">
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of object being deserialized.

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject``1(System.String)">

<summary>Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the object to deserialize to.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType``1(System.String,``0)">

<summary>Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specifiedtraditionally and must be inferred from the anonymous type passedas a parameter. </typeparam>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<param name="anonymousTypeObject">The anonymous type object.</param>

<returns>The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType``1(System.String,``0,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<typeparam name="T">The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specifiedtraditionally and must be inferred from the anonymous type passedas a parameter. </typeparam>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<param name="anonymousTypeObject">The anonymous type object.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to deserialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject``1(System.String,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter[])">

Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the object to deserialize to.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<param name="converters">Converters to use while deserializing.</param>

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject``1(System.String,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the object to deserialize to.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The object to deserialize.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to deserialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.String,System.Type,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter[])">

Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<param name="type">The type of the object to deserialize.</param>

<param name="converters">Converters to use while deserializing.</param>

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.String,System.Type,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The JSON to deserialize.</param>

<param name="type">The type of the object to deserialize to.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to deserialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.

<returns>The deserialized object from the JSON string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.PopulateObject(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Populates the object with values from the JSON string. </summary>

<param name="value">The JSON to populate values from.</param>

<param name="target">The target object to populate values onto.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.PopulateObject(System.String,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Populates the object with values from the JSON string using
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

<param name="value">The JSON to populate values from.</param>

<param name="target">The target object to populate values onto.</param>

-<param name="settings">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
used to deserialize the object.If this is
, default serialization settings will be used.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(System.Xml.XmlNode)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
to a JSON string.

<param name="node">The node to serialize.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(System.Xml.XmlNode,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
to a JSON string using formatting.

<param name="node">The node to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(System.Xml.XmlNode,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting,System.Boolean)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if
<paramref name="omitRootObject"/>

<param name="node">The node to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

<param name="omitRootObject">Omits writing the root object.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(System.String)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
from a JSON string.

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(System.String,System.String)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by
<paramref name="deserializeRootElementName"/>

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

<param name="deserializeRootElementName">The name of the root element to append when deserializing.</param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>
from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by
<paramref name="deserializeRootElementName"/>
and writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections.

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

<param name="deserializeRootElementName">The name of the root element to append when deserializing.</param>

<param name="writeArrayAttribute">A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. </param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(System.Xml.Linq.XObject)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
to a JSON string.

<param name="node">The node to convert to JSON.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(System.Xml.Linq.XObject,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
to a JSON string using formatting.

<param name="node">The node to convert to JSON.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(System.Xml.Linq.XObject,Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting,System.Boolean)">

Serializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if
<paramref name="omitRootObject"/>

<param name="node">The node to serialize.</param>

<param name="formatting">Indicates how the output should be formatted.</param>

<param name="omitRootObject">Omits writing the root object.</param>

A JSON string of the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(System.String)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
from a JSON string.

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(System.String,System.String)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by
<paramref name="deserializeRootElementName"/>

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

<param name="deserializeRootElementName">The name of the root element to append when deserializing.</param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">

Deserializes the
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>
from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by
<paramref name="deserializeRootElementName"/>
and writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections.

<param name="value">The JSON string.</param>

<param name="deserializeRootElementName">The name of the root element to append when deserializing.</param>

<param name="writeArrayAttribute">A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute.This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. </param>

The deserialized
<see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XNode"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter">

<summary>Converts an object to and from JSON. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.WriteJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Writes the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="writer">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
to write to.

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.ReadJson(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type,System.Object,Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer)">

<summary>Reads the JSON representation of the object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
to read from.

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>

<param name="existingValue">The existing value of object being read.</param>

<param name="serializer">The calling serializer.</param>

<returns>The object value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.CanConvert(System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. </summary>

<param name="objectType">Type of the object.</param>


if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.CanRead">

Gets a value indicating whether this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can read JSON.


if this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can read JSON; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter.CanWrite">

Gets a value indicating whether this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON.


if this
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
can write JSON; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
to use the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
when serializing the member or class.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute.ConverterType">

Gets the
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute.ConverterParameters">

The parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
described by
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute.ConverterType"/>
, the default constructor is used.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute"/>

-<param name="converterType">
Type of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute.#ctor(System.Type,System.Object[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute"/>

-<param name="converterType">
Type of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>

-<param name="converterParameters">
Parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
. Can be


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterCollection">

Represents a collection of
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonDictionaryAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
how to serialize the collection.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonDictionaryAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonDictionaryAttribute"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonDictionaryAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonDictionaryAttribute"/>
class with the specified container Id.

<param name="id">The container Id.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException">

<summary>The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException"/>
classwith a specified error message.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException"/>
classwith a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>

-<param name="innerException">
The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonException"/>

-<param name="info">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/>
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.

-<param name="context">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.

-<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
<paramref name="info"/>
parameter is

-<exception cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException">
The class name is
<see cref="P:System.Exception.HResult"/>
is zero (0).


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionDataAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
to deserialize properties with no matching class member into the specified collectionand write values during serialization.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionDataAttribute.WriteData">

<summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to write extension data when serializing the object. </summary>


to write extension data when serializing the object; otherwise,
. The default is


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionDataAttribute.ReadData">

<summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to read extension data when deserializing the object. </summary>


to read extension data when deserializing the object; otherwise,
. The default is


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionDataAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonExtensionDataAttribute"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnoreAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
how to serialize the object.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute.MemberSerialization">

<summary>Gets or sets the member serialization. </summary>

<value>The member serialization.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute.ItemRequired">

<summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required. </summary>

<value>A value indicating whether the object's properties are required. </value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute.#ctor(Newtonsoft.Json.MemberSerialization)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute"/>
class with the specified member serialization.

<param name="memberSerialization">The member serialization.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObjectAttribute"/>
class with the specified container Id.

<param name="id">The container Id.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
to always serialize the member with the specified name.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemConverterType">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
used when serializing the property's collection items.

The collection's items
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemConverterParameters">

The parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
described by
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemConverterType"/>
, the default constructor is used.When non-
, there must be a constructor defined in the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
that exactly matches the number,order, and type of these parameters.


<code>[JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] </code>



-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.NamingStrategyType">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>

<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.NamingStrategyParameters">

The parameter list to use when constructing the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>
described by
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.NamingStrategyType"/>
, the default constructor is used.When non-
, there must be a constructor defined in the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.NamingStrategy"/>
that exactly matches the number,order, and type of these parameters.


<code>[JsonProperty(NamingStrategyType = typeof(MyNamingStrategy), NamingStrategyParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] </code>



-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.NullValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the null value handling used when serializing this property. </summary>

<value>The null value handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.DefaultValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the default value handling used when serializing this property. </summary>

<value>The default value handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ReferenceLoopHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing this property. </summary>

<value>The reference loop handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ObjectCreationHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the object creation handling used when deserializing this property. </summary>

<value>The object creation handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.TypeNameHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing this property. </summary>

<value>The type name handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.IsReference">

<summary>Gets or sets whether this property's value is serialized as a reference. </summary>

<value>Whether this property's value is serialized as a reference.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.Order">

<summary>Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member. </summary>

<value>The numeric order of serialization.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.Required">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required. </summary>

<value>A value indicating whether this property is required. </value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.PropertyName">

<summary>Gets or sets the name of the property. </summary>

<value>The name of the property.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemReferenceLoopHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items. </summary>

<value>The collection's items reference loop handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemTypeNameHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items. </summary>

<value>The collection's items type name handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.ItemIsReference">

<summary>Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference. </summary>

<value>Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.</value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonPropertyAttribute"/>
class with the specified name.

<param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader">

<summary>Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

<summary>Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source. </summary>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns
if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SkipAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

<summary>Asynchronously skips the children of the current token. </summary>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/>
that represents the asynchronous operation.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsBooleanAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsBytesAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[]. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDateTimeAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDateTimeOffsetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDecimalAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDoubleAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsInt32Async(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsStringAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.String"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.</remarks>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State">

<summary>Specifies the state of the reader. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Start">

<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
read method has not been called.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Complete">

<summary>The end of the file has been reached successfully. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Property">

<summary>Reader is at a property. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.ObjectStart">

<summary>Reader is at the start of an object. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Object">

<summary>Reader is in an object. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.ArrayStart">

<summary>Reader is at the start of an array. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Array">

<summary>Reader is in an array. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Closed">

<see cref="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Close"/>
method has been called.


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.PostValue">

<summary>Reader has just read a value. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.ConstructorStart">

<summary>Reader is at the start of a constructor. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Constructor">

<summary>Reader is in a constructor. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Error">

<summary>An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing. </summary>


-<member name="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Finished">

<summary>The end of the file has been reached successfully. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.CurrentState">

<summary>Gets the current reader state. </summary>

<value>The current reader state.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.CloseInput">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the source should be closed when this reader is closed. </summary>


to close the source when this reader is closed; otherwise
. The default is


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SupportMultipleContent">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content canbe read from a continuous stream without erroring. </summary>


to support reading multiple pieces of JSON content; otherwise
.The default is


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.QuoteChar">

<summary>Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.DateTimeZoneHandling">

Gets or sets how
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
time zones are handled when reading JSON.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.DateParseHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.FloatParseHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.DateFormatString">

<summary>Gets or sets how custom date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.MaxDepth">

Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.TokenType">

<summary>Gets the type of the current JSON token. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Value">

<summary>Gets the text value of the current JSON token. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ValueType">

<summary>Gets the .NET type for the current JSON token. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Depth">

<summary>Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document. </summary>

<value>The depth of the current token in the JSON document.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Path">

<summary>Gets the path of the current JSON token. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Culture">

Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to
<see cref="P:System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Read">

<summary>Reads the next JSON token from the source. </summary>


if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsInt32">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsString">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.String"/>

<see cref="T:System.String"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsBytes">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>

<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[] or
if the next JSON token is null. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDouble">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsBoolean">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDecimal">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDateTime">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAsDateTimeOffset">

Reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>

<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
. This method will return
at the end of an array.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Skip">

<summary>Skips the children of the current token. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SetToken(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken)">

<summary>Sets the current token. </summary>

<param name="newToken">The new token.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SetToken(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the current token and value. </summary>

<param name="newToken">The new token.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SetToken(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonToken,System.Object,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Sets the current token and value. </summary>

<param name="newToken">The new token.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>

<param name="updateIndex">A flag indicating whether the position index inside an array should be updated.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.SetStateBasedOnCurrent">

<summary>Sets the state based on current token type. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. </summary>

-<param name="disposing">

to release both managed and unmanaged resources;
to release only unmanaged resources.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.Close">

Changes the reader's state to
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.State.Closed"/>
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.CloseInput"/>
is set to
, the source is also closed.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException">

<summary>The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.LineNumber">

<summary>Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred. </summary>

<value>The line number indicating where the error occurred.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.LinePosition">

<summary>Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred. </summary>

<value>The line position indicating where the error occurred.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.Path">

<summary>Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred. </summary>

<value>The path to the JSON where the error occurred.</value>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>
classwith a specified error message.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>
classwith a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>

-<param name="innerException">
The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>

-<param name="info">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/>
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.

-<param name="context">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.

-<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
<paramref name="info"/>
parameter is

-<exception cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException">
The class name is
<see cref="P:System.Exception.HResult"/>
is zero (0).


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Exception)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>
classwith a specified error message, JSON path, line number, line position, and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>

<param name="path">The path to the JSON where the error occurred.</param>

<param name="lineNumber">The line number indicating where the error occurred.</param>

<param name="linePosition">The line position indicating where the error occurred.</param>

-<param name="innerException">
The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonRequiredAttribute">

Instructs the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
to always serialize the member, and to require that the member has a value.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException">

<summary>The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException"/>
classwith a specified error message.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException"/>
classwith a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

<param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param>

-<param name="innerException">
The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException"/>

-<param name="info">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/>
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.

-<param name="context">
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.

-<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
<paramref name="info"/>
parameter is

-<exception cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException">
The class name is
<see cref="P:System.Exception.HResult"/>
is zero (0).


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer">

Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format.The
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON.


-<member name="E:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Error">

Occurs when the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
errors during serialization and deserialization.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.ReferenceResolver">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.IReferenceResolver"/>
used by the serializer when resolving references.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Binder">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializationBinder"/>
used by the serializer when resolving type names.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializationBinder">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ISerializationBinder"/>
used by the serializer when resolving type names.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TraceWriter">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ITraceWriter"/>
used by the serializer when writing trace messages.

<value>The trace writer.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.EqualityComparer">

<summary>Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references. </summary>

<value>The equality comparer.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer. </summary>


<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling"/>
should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.Incoming types should be validated with a custom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializationBinder"/>
when deserializing with a value other than
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.None"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameAssemblyFormat">

<summary>Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. </summary>

<value>The type name assembly format.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. </summary>

<value>The type name assembly format.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.PreserveReferencesHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.ReferenceLoopHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.MissingMemberHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.NullValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DefaultValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how default values are handled during serialization and deserialization. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.ObjectCreationHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The object creation handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.ConstructorHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The constructor handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.MetadataPropertyHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The metadata properties handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Converters">

Gets a collection
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
that will be used during serialization.

<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
that will be used during serialization.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.ContractResolver">

<summary>Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer whenserializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Context">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.

<value>The context.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Formatting">

<summary>Indicates how JSON text output is formatted. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DateFormatHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how dates are written to JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DateTimeZoneHandling">

Gets or sets how
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
time zones are handled during serialization and deserialization.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DateParseHandling">

Gets or sets how date formatted strings, e.g.
, are parsed when reading JSON.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.FloatParseHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.FloatFormatHandling">

Gets or sets how special floating point numbers, e.g.
<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity"/>
,are written as JSON text.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.StringEscapeHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DateFormatString">

Gets or sets how
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
values are formatted when writing JSON text,and the expected date format when reading JSON text.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Culture">

Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to
<see cref="P:System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.MaxDepth">

Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.CheckAdditionalContent">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object. </summary>


if there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Create">

Creates a new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will not use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>

A new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will not use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Create(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Creates a new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
instance using the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will not use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>

-<param name="settings">
The settings to be applied to the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>

A new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
instance using the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will not use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.CreateDefault">

Creates a new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>

A new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings)">

Creates a new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
instance using the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>
as well as the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>

-<param name="settings">
The settings to be applied to the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>

A new
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
instance using the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>
will use default settingsfrom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DefaultSettings"/>
as well as the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Populate(System.IO.TextReader,System.Object)">

<summary>Populates the JSON values onto the target object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/>
that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.

<param name="target">The target object to populate values onto.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Populate(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Object)">

<summary>Populates the JSON values onto the target object. </summary>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
that contains the JSON structure to reader values from.

<param name="target">The target object to populate values onto.</param>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader)">

Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
that contains the JSON structure to deserialize.

<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
being deserialized.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(System.IO.TextReader,System.Type)">

Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
<see cref="T:System.IO.StringReader"/>
into an instance of the specified type.

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/>
containing the object.

-<param name="objectType">
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of object being deserialized.

The instance of
<paramref name="objectType"/>
being deserialized.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize``1(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader)">

Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
into an instance of the specified type.

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
containing the object.

<typeparam name="T">The type of the object to deserialize.</typeparam>

The instance of
<typeparamref name="T"/>
being deserialized.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader,System.Type)">

Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
into an instance of the specified type.

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader"/>
containing the object.

-<param name="objectType">
<see cref="T:System.Type"/>
of object being deserialized.

The instance of
<paramref name="objectType"/>
being deserialized.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Object)">

Serializes the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
and writes the JSON structureusing the specified
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>

-<param name="textWriter">
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>
used to write the JSON structure.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to serialize.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object,System.Type)">

Serializes the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
and writes the JSON structureusing the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>

-<param name="jsonWriter">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
used to write the JSON structure.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to serialize.

-<param name="objectType">
The type of the value being serialized.This parameter is used when
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling"/>
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.Auto"/>
to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.Specifying the type is optional.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(System.IO.TextWriter,System.Object,System.Type)">

Serializes the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
and writes the JSON structureusing the specified
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>

-<param name="textWriter">
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextWriter"/>
used to write the JSON structure.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to serialize.

-<param name="objectType">
The type of the value being serialized.This parameter is used when
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling"/>
is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match.Specifying the type is optional.


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter,System.Object)">

Serializes the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
and writes the JSON structureusing the specified
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>

-<param name="jsonWriter">
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter"/>
used to write the JSON structure.

-<param name="value">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to serialize.


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings">

Specifies the settings on a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) are handled. </summary>

<value>Reference loop handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.MissingMemberHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization. </summary>

<value>Missing member handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ObjectCreationHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The object creation handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.NullValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization. </summary>

<value>Null value handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.DefaultValueHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how default values are handled during serialization and deserialization. </summary>

<value>The default value handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Converters">

Gets or sets a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter"/>
collection that will be used during serialization.

<value>The converters.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer. </summary>

<value>The preserve references handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer. </summary>


<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameHandling"/>
should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.Incoming types should be validated with a custom
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.SerializationBinder"/>
when deserializing with a value other than
<see cref="F:Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.None"/>

<value>The type name handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.MetadataPropertyHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The metadata properties handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameAssemblyFormat">

<summary>Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. </summary>

<value>The type name assembly format.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. </summary>

<value>The type name assembly format.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ConstructorHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization. </summary>

<value>The constructor handling.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ContractResolver">

<summary>Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer whenserializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa. </summary>

<value>The contract resolver.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.EqualityComparer">

<summary>Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references. </summary>

<value>The equality comparer.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ReferenceResolver">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.IReferenceResolver"/>
used by the serializer when resolving references.

<value>The reference resolver.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.ReferenceResolverProvider">

Gets or sets a function that creates the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.IReferenceResolver"/>
used by the serializer when resolving references.

A function that creates the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.IReferenceResolver"/>
used by the serializer when resolving references.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.TraceWriter">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ITraceWriter"/>
used by the serializer when writing trace messages.

<value>The trace writer.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Binder">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.SerializationBinder"/>
used by the serializer when resolving type names.

<value>The binder.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.SerializationBinder">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ISerializationBinder"/>
used by the serializer when resolving type names.

<value>The binder.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Error">

<summary>Gets or sets the error handler called during serialization and deserialization. </summary>

<value>The error handler called during serialization and deserialization.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Context">

Gets or sets the
<see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods.

<value>The context.</value>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.DateFormatString">

Gets or sets how
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
values are formatted when writing JSON text,and the expected date format when reading JSON text.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.MaxDepth">

Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Formatting">

<summary>Indicates how JSON text output is formatted. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how dates are written to JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling">

Gets or sets how
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
time zones are handled during serialization and deserialization.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.DateParseHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.FloatFormatHandling">

Gets or sets how special floating point numbers, e.g.
<see cref="F:System.Double.NaN"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity"/>
<see cref="F:System.Double.NegativeInfinity"/>
,are written as JSON.


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.FloatParseHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.StringEscapeHandling">

<summary>Gets or sets how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. </summary>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.Culture">

Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to
<see cref="P:System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture"/>


-<member name="P:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.CheckAdditionalContent">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object. </summary>


if there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings"/>


-<member name="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader">

<summary>Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to JSON text data. </summary>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

<summary>Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source. </summary>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns
if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsBooleanAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsBytesAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>
[]. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsDateTimeAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsDateTimeOffsetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.DateTimeOffset"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsDecimalAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Decimal"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsDoubleAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Double"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsInt32Async(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.Nullable`1"/>
<see cref="T:System.Int32"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsStringAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">

Asynchronously reads the next JSON token from the source as a
<see cref="T:System.String"/>

-<param name="cancellationToken">
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
<see cref="P:System.Threading.CancellationToken.None"/>

<see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1"/>
that represents the asynchronous read. The
<see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>
property returns the
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
. This result will be
at the end of an array.

<remarks>Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.</remarks>


-<member name="M:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.#ctor(System.IO.TextReader)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader"/>
class with the specified
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/>

-<param name="reader">
<see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader"/>
containing the JSON data to read.


Gets or sets the reader's character buffer pool.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying

if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
[] or
if the next JSON token is null. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Changes the reader's state to
is set to
, the underlying
is also closed.

Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information.

can be provided; otherwise,

Gets the current line number.

The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example,

Gets the current line position.

The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example,

Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.

Asynchronously flushes whatever is in the buffer to the destination and also flushes the destination.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the JSON value delimiter.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the specified end token.

The end token to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously closes this writer.If
is set to
, the destination is also closed.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the end of the current JSON object or array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes indent characters.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes an indent space.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a null value.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the beginning of a JSON array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the beginning of a JSON object.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

The name of the constructor.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes an undefined value.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the given white space.

The string of white space characters.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
[] value.
[] value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes a comment
containing the specified text.
Text to place inside the comment.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the end of an array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the end of a constructor.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes the end of a JSON object.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Asynchronously writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
Derived classes must override this method to get asynchronous behaviour. Otherwise it willexecute synchronously, returning an already-completed task.

Gets or sets the writer's character array pool.

Gets or sets how many
s to write for each level in the hierarchy when
is set to

Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values.

Gets or sets which character to use for indenting when
is set to

Gets or sets a value indicating whether object names will be surrounded with quotes.

Initializes a new instance of the
class using the specified
to write to.

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying
and also flushes the underlying

Closes this writer.If
is set to
, the underlying
is also closed.If
is set to
, the JSON is auto-completed.

Writes the beginning of a JSON object.

Writes the beginning of a JSON array.

Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

The name of the constructor.

Writes the specified end token.

The end token to write.

Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.

The name of the property.

Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.

The name of the property.

A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.

Writes indent characters.

Writes the JSON value delimiter.

Writes an indent space.

Writes a
value.An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
value to write.

Writes a null value.

Writes an undefined value.

Writes raw JSON.

The raw JSON to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
[] value.
[] value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a comment
containing the specified text.
Text to place inside the comment.

Writes the given white space.

The string of white space characters.

Specifies the type of JSON token.

This is returned by the
if a read method has not been called.

An object start token.

An array start token.

A constructor start token.

An object property name.

A comment.


An integer.

A float.

A string.

A boolean.

A null token.

An undefined token.

An object end token.

An array end token.

A constructor end token.

A Date.

Byte data.

Represents a reader that provides
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Sets an event handler for receiving schema validation errors.

Gets the text value of the current JSON token.

Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document.

The depth of the current token in the JSON document.

Gets the path of the current JSON token.

Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string.

Gets the type of the current JSON token.

Gets the .NET type for the current JSON token.

Initializes a new instance of the
class thatvalidates the content returned from the given
to read from while validating.

Gets or sets the schema.

The schema.

Gets the
used to construct this
specified in the constructor.

Changes the reader's state to
is set to
, the underlying
is also closed.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
[] or
if the next JSON token is null.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a
. This method will return
at the end of an array.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying
as a

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying

if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.

Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.

Asynchronously closes this writer.If
is set to
, the destination is also closed.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously flushes whatever is in the buffer to the destination and also flushes the destination.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the specified end token.

The end token to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes indent characters.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the JSON value delimiter.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes an indent space.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the end of the current JSON object or array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the end of an array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the end of a constructor.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the end of a JSON object.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a null value.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the beginning of a JSON array.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a comment
containing the specified text.
Text to place inside the comment.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

The name of the constructor.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the beginning of a JSON object.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the current
to read the token from.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the current
to read the token from.
A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the
token and its value.
to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the
token and its value.
to write.
The value to write.A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the
property name for
can be passed to the method for tokens that don't have a value, e.g.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
[] value.
[] value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes a
value to write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes an undefined value.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously writes the given white space.

The string of white space characters.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Asynchronously ets the state of the
being written.
The value being written.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous operation.
The default behaviour is to execute synchronously, returning an already-completed task. Derivedclasses can override this behaviour for true asychronousity.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the destination should be closed when this writer is closed.

to close the destination when this writer is closed; otherwise
. The default is

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the JSON should be auto-completed when this writer is closed.

to auto-complete the JSON when this writer is closed; otherwise
. The default is

Gets the top.

The top.

Gets the state of the writer.

Gets the path of the writer.

Gets or sets a value indicating how JSON text output should be formatted.

Gets or sets how dates are written to JSON text.

Gets or sets how
time zones are handled when writing JSON text.

Gets or sets how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.

Gets or sets how special floating point numbers, e.g.
,are written to JSON text.

Gets or sets how
values are formatted when writing JSON text.

Gets or sets the culture used when writing JSON. Defaults to

Initializes a new instance of the

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the destination and also flushes the destination.

Closes this writer.If
is set to
, the destination is also closed.If
is set to
, the JSON is auto-completed.

Writes the beginning of a JSON object.

Writes the end of a JSON object.

Writes the beginning of a JSON array.

Writes the end of an array.

Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

The name of the constructor.

Writes the end constructor.

Writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

Writes the property name of a name/value pair of a JSON object.

The name of the property.

A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name.

Writes the end of the current JSON object or array.

Writes the current
token and its children.
to read the token from.

Writes the current
to read the token from.
A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written.

Writes the
token and its value.
to write.
The value to write.A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the
property name for
can be passed to the method for tokens that don't have a value, e.g.

Writes the
to write.

Writes the specified end token.

The end token to write.

Writes indent characters.

Writes the JSON value delimiter.

Writes an indent space.

Writes a null value.

Writes an undefined value.

Writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.

The raw JSON to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
[] value.
[] value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value.An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
value to write.

Writes a comment
containing the specified text.
Text to place inside the comment.

Writes the given white space.

The string of white space characters.

Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.

to release both managed and unmanaged resources;
to release only unmanaged resources.

Sets the state of the
being written.
The value being written.

The exception thrown when an error occurs while writing JSON text.

Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.

The path to the JSON where the error occurred.

Initializes a new instance of the

Initializes a new instance of the
classwith a specified error message.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.

Initializes a new instance of the
classwith a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.

The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.

Initializes a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
parameter is
The class name is
is zero (0).

Initializes a new instance of the
classwith a specified error message, JSON path and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.

The path to the JSON where the error occurred.

The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.

Specifies how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.

Ignore comments.

Load comments as a
with type

Specifies how line information is handled when loading JSON.

Ignore line information.

Load line information.

Contains the LINQ to JSON extension methods.

Returns a collection of tokens that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.

The type of the objects in source, constrained to
that contains the source collection.
that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the ancestors of every token in the source collection.

The type of the objects in source, constrained to
that contains the source collection.
that contains every token in the source collection, the ancestors of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of tokens that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.

The type of the objects in source, constrained to
that contains the source collection.
that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.

The type of the objects in source, constrained to
that contains the source collection.
that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of child properties of every object in the source collection.

that contains the source collection.
that contains the properties of every object in the source collection.

Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.

that contains the source collection.
The token key.

that contains the values of every token in the source collection with the given key.

Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection.

that contains the source collection.
that contains the values of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection with the given key.

The type to convert the values to.

that contains the source collection.
The token key.

that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection with the given key.

Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection.

The type to convert the values to.

that contains the source collection.
that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.

Converts the value.

The type to convert the value to.

cast as a
A converted value.

Converts the value.

The source collection type.

The type to convert the value to.

cast as a
A converted value.

Returns a collection of child tokens of every array in the source collection.

The source collection type.

that contains the source collection.
that contains the values of every token in the source collection.

Returns a collection of converted child tokens of every array in the source collection.

that contains the source collection.
The type to convert the values to.

The source collection type.

that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection.

Returns the input typed as
that contains the source collection.
The input typed as

Returns the input typed as
The source collection type.

that contains the source collection.
The input typed as

Represents a collection of
The type of token.

Gets the
with the specified key.

Represents a JSON array.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
representing the asynchronous load. The
property contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
representing the asynchronous load. The
property contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Gets the container's children tokens.

The container's children tokens.

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Initializes a new instance of the

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified content.
The contents of the array.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified content.
The contents of the array.

Loads an
from a
that will be read for the content of the
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Loads an
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

Creates a
from an object.
The object that will be used to create
with the values of the specified object.

Creates a
from an object.
The object that will be used to create
that will be used to read the object.
with the values of the specified object.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.

Gets the
with the specified key.
with the specified key.

Gets or sets the
at the specified index.

Determines the index of a specific item in the
The object to locate in the
The index of
if found in the list; otherwise, -1.

Inserts an item to the
at the specified index.
The zero-based index at which
should be inserted.
The object to insert into the

is not a valid index in the

Removes the
item at the specified index.
The zero-based index of the item to remove.

is not a valid index in the

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

that can be used to iterate through the collection.

Adds an item to the
The object to add to the

Removes all items from the

Determines whether the
contains a specific value.
The object to locate in the

is found in the
; otherwise,

Copies the elements of the
to an array, starting at a particular array index.
The array.

Index of the array.

Gets a value indicating whether the
is read-only.

if the
is read-only; otherwise,

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the
The object to remove from the

was successfully removed from the
; otherwise,
. This method also returns
is not found in the original

Represents a JSON constructor.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous load. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous load. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Gets the container's children tokens.

The container's children tokens.

Gets or sets the name of this constructor.

The constructor name.

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Initializes a new instance of the

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified name and content.
The constructor name.

The contents of the constructor.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified name and content.
The constructor name.

The contents of the constructor.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified name.
The constructor name.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.

Gets the
with the specified key.
with the specified key.

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Represents a token that can contain other tokens.

Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes.

Occurs before an item is added to the collection.

Occurs when the items list of the collection has changed, or the collection is reset.

Gets the container's children tokens.

The container's children tokens.

Raises the
instance containing the event data.

Raises the
instance containing the event data.

Raises the
instance containing the event data.

Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.

if this token has child values; otherwise,

Get the first child token of this token.

containing the first child token of the

Get the last child token of this token.

containing the last child token of the

Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.

containing the child tokens of this
, in document order.

Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.

The type to convert the values to.

containing the child values of this
, in document order.

Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order.

containing the descendant tokens of the

Returns a collection of the tokens that contain this token, and all descendant tokens of this token, in document order.

containing this token, and all the descendant tokens of the

Adds the specified content as children of this
The content to be added.

Adds the specified content as the first children of this
The content to be added.

Creates a
that can be used to add tokens to the
that is ready to have content written to it.

Replaces the child nodes of this token with the specified content.

The content.

Removes the child nodes from this token.

Merge the specified content into this
The content to be merged.

Merge the specified content into this
The content to be merged.

used to merge the content.

Gets the count of child JSON tokens.

The count of child JSON tokens.

Represents a collection of
The type of token.

An empty collection of

Initializes a new instance of the
The enumerable.

Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.

that can be used to iterate through the collection.

Gets the
with the specified key.

Determines whether the specified
is equal to this instance.
to compare with this instance.

if the specified
is equal to this instance; otherwise,

Determines whether the specified
is equal to this instance.
to compare with this instance.

if the specified
is equal to this instance; otherwise,

Returns a hash code for this instance.

A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

Represents a JSON object.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous load. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous load. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Gets the container's children tokens.

The container's children tokens.

Occurs when a property value changes.

Occurs when a property value is changing.

Initializes a new instance of the

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified content.
The contents of the object.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the specified content.
The contents of the object.

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Gets an
of this object's properties.
of this object's properties.

Gets a
the specified name.
The property name.

with the specified name or

Gets a
of this object's property values.
of this object's property values.

Gets the
with the specified key.
with the specified key.

Gets or sets the
with the specified property name.

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

is not valid JSON.

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

is not valid JSON.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

is not valid JSON.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

is not valid JSON.

Creates a
from an object.
The object that will be used to create
with the values of the specified object.

Creates a
from an object.
The object that will be used to create
that will be used to read the object.
with the values of the specified object.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.

Gets the
with the specified property name.
Name of the property.

with the specified property name.

Gets the
with the specified property name.The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found thenthe
will be used to match a property.
Name of the property.

One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.

with the specified property name.

Tries to get the
with the specified property name.The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found thenthe
will be used to match a property.
Name of the property.

The value.

One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared.

if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise,

Adds the specified property name.

Name of the property.

The value.

Removes the property with the specified name.

Name of the property.

if item was successfully removed; otherwise,

Tries to get the
with the specified property name.
Name of the property.

The value.

if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise,

Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.

that can be used to iterate through the collection.

Raises the
event with the provided arguments.
Name of the property.

Raises the
event with the provided arguments.
Name of the property.

Returns the
responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
The expression tree representation of the runtime value.

to bind this object.

Represents a JSON property.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
representing the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Asynchronously loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
representing the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Gets the container's children tokens.

The container's children tokens.

Gets the property name.

The property name.

Gets or sets the property value.

The property value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Initializes a new instance of the
The property name.

The property content.

Initializes a new instance of the
The property name.

The property content.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Loads a
from a
that will be read for the content of the
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the JSON that was read from the specified

Represents a raw JSON string.

Asynchronously creates an instance of
with the content of the reader's current token.
The reader.

The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
representing the asynchronous creation. The
property returns an instance of
with the content of the reader's current token.

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Initializes a new instance of the
The raw json.

Creates an instance of
with the content of the reader's current token.
The reader.

An instance of
with the content of the reader's current token.

Specifies the settings used when merging JSON.

Gets or sets the method used when merging JSON arrays.

The method used when merging JSON arrays.

Gets or sets how null value properties are merged.

How null value properties are merged.

Represents a view of a

Initializes a new instance of the
The name.

When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value.

if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise,
The component to test for reset capability.

When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component.

The value of a property for a given component.

The component with the property for which to retrieve the value.

When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value.

The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value.

When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value.

The component with the property value that is to be set.

The new value.

When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted.

if the property should be persisted; otherwise,
The component with the property to be examined for persistence.

When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to.

that represents the type of component this property is bound to.When the
methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type.

When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only.

if the property is read-only; otherwise,

When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property.

that represents the type of the property.

Gets the hash code for the name of the member.

The hash code for the name of the member.

Represents an abstract JSON token.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Asynchronously creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that containsthe token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Asynchronously creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that containsthe token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Asynchronously creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Asynchronously creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests. The default value is
that represents the asynchronous creation. The
property returns a
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Gets a comparer that can compare two tokens for value equality.

that can compare two nodes for value equality.

Gets or sets the parent.

The parent.

Gets the root
of this
The root
of this

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.

if this token has child values; otherwise,

Compares the values of two tokens, including the values of all descendant tokens.

The first
to compare.
The second
to compare.

if the tokens are equal; otherwise

Gets the next sibling token of this node.

that contains the next sibling token.

Gets the previous sibling token of this node.

that contains the previous sibling token.

Gets the path of the JSON token.

Adds the specified content immediately after this token.

A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added after this token.

Adds the specified content immediately before this token.

A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added before this token.

Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.

A collection of the ancestor tokens of this token.

Returns a collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.

A collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token.

Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order.

A collection of the sibling tokens after this tokens, in document order.

Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.

A collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order.

Gets the
with the specified key.
with the specified key.

Gets the
with the specified key converted to the specified type.
The type to convert the token to.

The token key.

The converted token value.

Get the first child token of this token.

containing the first child token of the

Get the last child token of this token.

containing the last child token of the

Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order.

containing the child tokens of this
, in document order.

Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order, filtered by the specified type.

The type to filter the child tokens on.

containing the child tokens of this
, in document order.

Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order.

The type to convert the values to.

containing the child values of this
, in document order.

Removes this token from its parent.

Replaces this token with the specified token.

The value.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.

Returns the indented JSON for this token.

The indented JSON for this token.

Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.

Indicates how the output should be formatted.

A collection of
s which will be used when writing the token.
The JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an explicit conversion from
The value.

The result of the conversion.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
[] to
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Performs an implicit conversion from
The value to create a
initialized with the specified value.

Creates a
for this token.
that can be used to read this token and its descendants.

Creates a
from an object.
The object that will be used to create
with the value of the specified object.

Creates a
from an object using the specified
The object that will be used to create
that will be used when reading the object.
with the value of the specified object.

Creates an instance of the specified .NET type from the
The object type that the token will be deserialized to.

The new object created from the JSON value.

Creates an instance of the specified .NET type from the
The object type that the token will be deserialized to.

The new object created from the JSON value.

Creates an instance of the specified .NET type from the
using the specified
The object type that the token will be deserialized to.

that will be used when creating the object.
The new object created from the JSON value.

Creates an instance of the specified .NET type from the
using the specified
The object type that the token will be deserialized to.

that will be used when creating the object.
The new object created from the JSON value.

Creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON.
that contains JSON.
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
populated from the string that contains JSON.

Creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
used to load the JSON.If this is
, default load settings will be used.
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Creates a
from a
positioned at the token to read into this
that contains the token and its descendant tokensthat were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determinedby the token type of the first token encountered in the reader.

Selects a
using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
that contains a JPath expression.
, or

Selects a
using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path.
that contains a JPath expression.
A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.


Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.

that contains a JPath expression.
that contains the selected elements.

Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression.

that contains a JPath expression.
A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression.

that contains the selected elements.

Returns the
responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
The expression tree representation of the runtime value.

to bind this object.

Returns the
responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
The expression tree representation of the runtime value.

to bind this object.

Creates a new instance of the
. All child tokens are recursively cloned.
A new instance of the

Adds an object to the annotation list of this
The annotation to add.

Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this
The type of the annotation to retrieve.

The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or
if no annotation is of the specified type.

Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this
of the annotation to retrieve.
The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or
if no annotation is of the specified type.

Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this
The type of the annotations to retrieve.

that contains the annotations for this

Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this
of the annotations to retrieve.
that contains the annotations that match the specified type for this

Removes the annotations of the specified type from this
The type of annotations to remove.

Removes the annotations of the specified type from this
of annotations to remove.

Compares tokens to determine whether they are equal.

Determines whether the specified objects are equal.

The first object of type
to compare.
The second object of type
to compare.

if the specified objects are equal; otherwise,

Returns a hash code for the specified object.

for which a hash code is to be returned.
A hash code for the specified object.

The type of
is a reference type and

Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data.

Gets the
at the reader's current position.

Initializes a new instance of the
The token to read from.

Reads the next JSON token from the underlying

if the next token was read successfully;
if there are no more tokens to read.

Gets the path of the current JSON token.

Specifies the type of token.

No token type has been set.

A JSON object.

A JSON array.

A JSON constructor.

A JSON object property.

A comment.

An integer value.

A float value.

A string value.

A boolean value.

A null value.

An undefined value.

A date value.

A raw JSON value.

A collection of bytes value.

A Guid value.

A Uri value.

A TimeSpan value.

Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.

Gets the
at the writer's current position.

Gets the token being written.

The token being written.

Initializes a new instance of the
class writing to the given
The container being written to.

Initializes a new instance of the

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying

Closes this writer.If
is set to
, the JSON is auto-completed.
has no additional effect, since the underlying
is a type that cannot be closed.

Writes the beginning of a JSON object.

Writes the beginning of a JSON array.

Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

The name of the constructor.

Writes the end.

The token.

Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.

The name of the property.

Writes a
value.An error will be raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
value to write.

Writes a null value.

Writes an undefined value.

Writes raw JSON.

The raw JSON to write.

Writes a comment
containing the specified text.
Text to place inside the comment.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
[] value.
[] value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Writes a
value to write.

Represents a value in JSON (string, integer, date, etc).

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
The token to monitor for cancellation requests.

A collection of
which will be used when writing the token.
that represents the asynchronous write operation.

Initializes a new instance of the
class from another
object to copy from.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Initializes a new instance of the
class with the given value.
The value.

Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens.

if this token has child values; otherwise,

Creates a
comment with the given value.
The value.

comment with the given value.

Creates a
string with the given value.
The value.

string with the given value.

Creates a
null value.
null value.

Creates a
undefined value.
undefined value.

Gets the node type for this
The type.

Gets or sets the underlying token value.

The underlying token value.

Writes this token to a
into which this method will write.
A collection of
s which will be used when writing the token.

Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.

if the current object is equal to the
parameter; otherwise,
An object to compare with this object.

Determines whether the specified
is equal to the current
to compare with the current

if the specified
is equal to the current
; otherwise,

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.

A hash code for the current

Returns a
that represents this instance.
that represents this instance.

Returns a
that represents this instance.
The format.

that represents this instance.

Returns a
that represents this instance.
The format provider.

that represents this instance.

Returns a
that represents this instance.
The format.

The format provider.

that represents this instance.

Returns the
responsible for binding operations performed on this object.
The expression tree representation of the runtime value.

to bind this object.

Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.

An object to compare with this instance.

A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings:ValueMeaningLess than zeroThis instance is less than
.ZeroThis instance is equal to
.Greater than zeroThis instance is greater than

is not of the same type as this instance.

Specifies the settings used when loading JSON.

Initializes a new instance of the

Gets or sets how JSON comments are handled when loading JSON.

The JSON comment handling.

Gets or sets how JSON line info is handled when loading JSON.

The JSON line info handling.

Specifies how JSON arrays are merged together.

Concatenate arrays.

Union arrays, skipping items that already exist.

Replace all array items.

Merge array items together, matched by index.

Specifies how null value properties are merged.

The content's null value properties will be ignored during merging.

The content's null value properties will be merged.

Specifies the member serialization options for the

All public members are serialized by default. Members can be excluded using
.This is the default member serialization mode.

Only members marked with
are serialized.This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with

All public and private fields are serialized. Members can be excluded using
.This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with
and setting IgnoreSerializableAttribute on

Specifies metadata property handling options for the

Read metadata properties located at the start of a JSON object.

Read metadata properties located anywhere in a JSON object. Note that this setting will impact performance.

Do not try to read metadata properties.

Specifies missing member handling options for the

Ignore a missing member and do not attempt to deserialize it.

Throw a
when a missing member is encountered during deserialization.

Specifies null value handling options for the

Include null values when serializing and deserializing objects.

Ignore null values when serializing and deserializing objects.

Specifies how object creation is handled by the

Reuse existing objects, create new objects when needed.

Only reuse existing objects.

Always create new objects.

Specifies reference handling options for the
.Note that references cannot be preserved when a value is set via a non-default constructor such as types that implement

Do not preserve references when serializing types.

Preserve references when serializing into a JSON object structure.

Preserve references when serializing into a JSON array structure.

Preserve references when serializing.

Specifies reference loop handling options for the

Throw a
when a loop is encountered.

Ignore loop references and do not serialize.

Serialize loop references.

Indicating whether a property is required.

The property is not required. The default state.

The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value.

The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value.

The property is not required but it cannot be a null value.

Contains the JSON schema extension methods.

JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Determines whether the
is valid.
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.
The source
to test.
The schema to test with.

if the specified
is valid; otherwise,

Determines whether the
is valid.
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.
The source
to test.
The schema to test with.

When this method returns, contains any error messages generated while validating.

if the specified
is valid; otherwise,

Validates the specified
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.
The source
to test.
The schema to test with.

Validates the specified
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.
The source
to test.
The schema to test with.

The validation event handler.

An in-memory representation of a JSON Schema.

JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Gets or sets the id.

Gets or sets the title.

Gets or sets whether the object is required.

Gets or sets whether the object is read-only.

Gets or sets whether the object is visible to users.

Gets or sets whether the object is transient.

Gets or sets the description of the object.

Gets or sets the types of values allowed by the object.

The type.

Gets or sets the pattern.

The pattern.

Gets or sets the minimum length.

The minimum length.

Gets or sets the maximum length.

The maximum length.

Gets or sets a number that the value should be divisible by.

A number that the value should be divisible by.

Gets or sets the minimum.

The minimum.

Gets or sets the maximum.

The maximum.

Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the
attribute (
A flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the
attribute (

Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the
attribute (
A flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the
attribute (

Gets or sets the minimum number of items.

The minimum number of items.

Gets or sets the maximum number of items.

The maximum number of items.

Gets or sets the
of items.
of items.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether items in an array are validated using the
instance at their array position from

if items are validated using their array position; otherwise,

Gets or sets the
of additional items.
of additional items.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional items are allowed.

if additional items are allowed; otherwise,

Gets or sets whether the array items must be unique.

Gets or sets the
of properties.
of properties.

Gets or sets the
of additional properties.
of additional properties.

Gets or sets the pattern properties.

The pattern properties.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional properties are allowed.

if additional properties are allowed; otherwise,

Gets or sets the required property if this property is present.

The required property if this property is present.

Gets or sets the a collection of valid enum values allowed.

A collection of valid enum values allowed.

Gets or sets disallowed types.

The disallowed types.

Gets or sets the default value.

The default value.

Gets or sets the collection of
that this schema extends.
The collection of
that this schema extends.

Gets or sets the format.

The format.

Initializes a new instance of the

Reads a
from the specified
containing the JSON Schema to read.
object representing the JSON Schema.

Reads a
from the specified
containing the JSON Schema to read.
to use when resolving schema references.
object representing the JSON Schema.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON Schema.
that contains JSON Schema.
populated from the string that contains JSON Schema.

Load a
from a string that contains JSON Schema using the specified
that contains JSON Schema.
The resolver.

populated from the string that contains JSON Schema.

Writes this schema to a
into which this method will write.

Writes this schema to a
using the specified
into which this method will write.
The resolver used.

Returns a
that represents the current
that represents the current

Returns detailed information about the schema exception.

JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred.

The line number indicating where the error occurred.

Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred.

The line position indicating where the error occurred.

Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred.

The path to the JSON where the error occurred.

Initializes a new instance of the

Initializes a new instance of the
classwith a specified error message.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.

Initializes a new instance of the
classwith a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
The error message that explains the reason for the exception.

The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or
if no inner exception is specified.

Initializes a new instance of the
that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
parameter is
The class name is
is zero (0).

Generates a
from a specified
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Gets or sets how undefined schemas are handled by the serializer.

Gets or sets the contract resolver.

The contract resolver.

Generate a
from the specified type.
The type to generate a
generated from the specified type.

Generate a
from the specified type.
The type to generate a
used to resolve schema references.
generated from the specified type.

Generate a
from the specified type.
The type to generate a
Specify whether the generated root
will be nullable.
generated from the specified type.

Generate a
from the specified type.
The type to generate a
used to resolve schema references.
Specify whether the generated root
will be nullable.
generated from the specified type.

from an id.
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Gets or sets the loaded schemas.

The loaded schemas.

Initializes a new instance of the

Gets a
for the specified reference.
The id.

for the specified reference.

The value types allowed by the
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

No type specified.

String type.

Float type.

Integer type.

Boolean type.

Object type.

Array type.

Null type.

Any type.

Specifies undefined schema Id handling options for the
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Do not infer a schema Id.

Use the .NET type name as the schema Id.

Use the assembly qualified .NET type name as the schema Id.

Returns detailed information related to the
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Gets the
associated with the validation error.
The JsonSchemaException associated with the validation error.

Gets the path of the JSON location where the validation error occurred.

The path of the JSON location where the validation error occurred.

Gets the text description corresponding to the validation error.

The text description.

Represents the callback method that will handle JSON schema validation events and the
JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See
for more details.

Allows users to control class loading and mandate what class to load.

When implemented, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.

Specifies the
name of the serialized object.
Specifies the
name of the serialized object
The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.

When implemented, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.

The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.

Specifies the
name of the serialized object.
Specifies the
name of the serialized object.

A snake case naming strategy.

Initializes a new instance of the
A flag indicating whether dictionary keys should be processed.

A flag indicating whether explicitly specified property names should be processed,e.g. a property name customized with a

Initializes a new instance of the
A flag indicating whether dictionary keys should be processed.

A flag indicating whether explicitly specified property names should be processed,e.g. a property name customized with a
A flag indicating whether extension data names should be processed.

Initializes a new instance of the

Resolves the specified property name.

The property name to resolve.

The resolved property name.

A camel case naming strategy.

Initializes a new instance of the
A flag indicating whether dictionary keys should be processed.

A flag indicating whether explicitly specified property names should be processed,e.g. a property name customized with a

Initializes a new instance of the
A flag indicating whether dictionary keys should be processed.

A flag indicating whether explicitly specified property names should be processed,e.g. a property name customized with a
A flag indicating whether extension data names should be processed.

Initializes a new instance of the

Resolves the specified property name.

The property name to resolve.

The resolved property name.

Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names.

Initializes a new instance of the

Resolves the contract for a given type.

The type to resolve a contract for.

The contract for a given type.

Used by
to resolve a
for a given

Gets a value indicating whether members are being get and set using dynamic code generation.This value is determined by the runtime permissions available.

if using dynamic code generation; otherwise,

Gets or sets the default members search flags.

The default members search flags.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether compiler generated members should be serialized.

if serialized compiler generated members; otherwise,

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the
interface when serializing and deserializing types.

if the
interface will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise,

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the
attribute when serializing and deserializing types.

if the
attribute will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise,

Gets or sets the naming strategy used to resolve how property names and dictionary keys are serialized.

The naming strategy used to resolve how property names and dictionary keys are serialized.

Initializes a new instance of the

Resolves the contract for a given type.

The type to resolve a contract for.

The contract for a given type.

Gets the serializable members for the type.

The type to get serializable members for.

The serializable members for the type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates the constructor parameters.

The constructor to create properties for.

The type's member properties.

Properties for the given

Creates a
for the given
The matching member property.

The constructor parameter.

A created
for the given

Resolves the default
for the contract.
Type of the object.

The contract's default

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates a
for the given type.
Type of the object.

for the given type.

Determines which contract type is created for the given type.

Type of the object.

for the given type.

Creates properties for the given
The type to create properties for.
The member serialization mode for the type.

Properties for the given

Creates the
used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.
The member.

used by the serializer to get and set values from a member.

Creates a
for the given
The member's parent
The member to create a
A created
for the given

Resolves the name of the property.

Name of the property.

Resolved name of the property.

Resolves the name of the extension data. By default no changes are made to extension data names.

Name of the extension data.

Resolved name of the extension data.

Resolves the key of the dictionary. By default
is used to resolve dictionary keys.
Key of the dictionary.

Resolved key of the dictionary.

Gets the resolved name of the property.

Name of the property.

Name of the property.

The default naming strategy. Property names and dictionary keys are unchanged.

Resolves the specified property name.

The property name to resolve.

The resolved property name.

The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names.

Initializes a new instance of the

When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.

Specifies the
name of the serialized object.
Specifies the
name of the serialized object.
The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.

When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type.

The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of.

Specifies the
name of the serialized object.
Specifies the
name of the serialized object.

Represents a trace writer that writes to the application's

Gets the
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.For example a filter level of
will exclude
messages and include
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.

Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.

at which to write this trace.
The trace message.

The trace exception. This parameter is optional.

Get and set values for a
using dynamic methods.

Initializes a new instance of the
The member info.

Sets the value.

The target to set the value on.

The value to set on the target.

Gets the value.

The target to get the value from.

The value.

Provides information surrounding an error.

Gets the error.

The error.

Gets the original object that caused the error.

The original object that caused the error.

Gets the member that caused the error.

The member that caused the error.

Gets the path of the JSON location where the error occurred.

The path of the JSON location where the error occurred.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
is handled.

if handled; otherwise,

Provides data for the Error event.

Gets the current object the error event is being raised against.

The current object the error event is being raised against.

Gets the error context.

The error context.

Initializes a new instance of the
The current object.

The error context.

Get and set values for a
using dynamic methods.

Initializes a new instance of the
The member info.

Sets the value.

The target to set the value on.

The value to set on the target.

Gets the value.

The target to get the value from.

The value.

Provides methods to get attributes.

Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.

, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
A collection of
s, or an empty collection.

Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.

The type of the attributes.

, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
A collection of
s, or an empty collection.

Used by
to resolve a
for a given

Resolves the contract for a given type.

The type to resolve a contract for.

The contract for a given type.

A base class for resolving how property names and dictionary keys are serialized.

A flag indicating whether dictionary keys should be processed.Defaults to

A flag indicating whether extension data names should be processed.Defaults to

A flag indicating whether explicitly specified property names,e.g. a property name customized with a
, should be processed.Defaults to

Gets the serialized name for a given property name.

The initial property name.

A flag indicating whether the property has had a name explicitly specified.

The serialized property name.

Gets the serialized name for a given extension data name.

The initial extension data name.

The serialized extension data name.

Gets the serialized key for a given dictionary key.

The initial dictionary key.

The serialized dictionary key.

Resolves the specified property name.

The property name to resolve.

The resolved property name.

Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the

Resolves a reference to its object.

The serialization context.

The reference to resolve.

The object that was resolved from the reference.

Gets the reference for the specified object.

The serialization context.

The object to get a reference for.

The reference to the object.

Determines whether the specified object is referenced.

The serialization context.

The object to test for a reference.

if the specified object is referenced; otherwise,

Adds a reference to the specified object.

The serialization context.

The reference.

The object to reference.

Represents a trace writer.

Gets the
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.For example a filter level of
will exclude
messages and include
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.

Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.

at which to write this trace.
The trace message.

The trace exception. This parameter is optional.

Provides methods to get and set values.

Sets the value.

The target to set the value on.

The value to set on the target.

Gets the value.

The target to get the value from.

The value.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets the
of the collection items.
of the collection items.

Gets a value indicating whether the collection type is a multidimensional array.

if the collection type is a multidimensional array; otherwise,

Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override
The function used to create the object.

Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the collection values.

if the creator has a parameter with the collection values; otherwise,

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets or sets the default collection items
The converter.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection items preserve object references.

if collection items preserve object references; otherwise,

Gets or sets the collection item reference loop handling.

The reference loop handling.

Gets or sets the collection item type name handling.

The type name handling.

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

serialization callback events.
The object that raised the callback event.

The streaming context.

serialization error callback events.
The object that raised the callback event.

The streaming context.

The error context.

Sets extension data for an object during deserialization.

The object to set extension data on.

The extension data key.

The extension data value.

Gets extension data for an object during serialization.

The object to set extension data on.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets the underlying type for the contract.

The underlying type for the contract.

Gets or sets the type created during deserialization.

The type created during deserialization.

Gets or sets whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.

Whether this type contract is serialized as a reference.

Gets or sets the default
for this contract.
The converter.

Gets or sets all methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.

The methods called immediately after deserialization of the object.

Gets or sets all methods called during deserialization of the object.

The methods called during deserialization of the object.

Gets or sets all methods called after serialization of the object graph.

The methods called after serialization of the object graph.

Gets or sets all methods called before serialization of the object.

The methods called before serialization of the object.

Gets or sets all method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.

The methods called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object.

Gets or sets the default creator method used to create the object.

The default creator method used to create the object.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default creator is non-public.

if the default object creator is non-public; otherwise,

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets or sets the dictionary key resolver.

The dictionary key resolver.

Gets the
of the dictionary keys.
of the dictionary keys.

Gets the
of the dictionary values.
of the dictionary values.

Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override
The function used to create the object.

Gets a value indicating whether the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values.

if the creator has a parameter with the dictionary values; otherwise,

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets the object's properties.

The object's properties.

Gets or sets the property name resolver.

The property name resolver.

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets or sets the
object constructor.
object constructor.

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Gets or sets the object member serialization.

The member object serialization.

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required.

A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.

Gets the object's properties.

The object's properties.

Gets a collection of
instances that define the parameters used with

Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override
This function is called with a collection of arguments which are defined by the collection.
The function used to create the object.

Gets or sets the extension data setter.

Gets or sets the extension data getter.

Gets or sets the extension data value type.

Gets or sets the extension data name resolver.

The extension data name resolver.

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Contract details for a
used by the

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Maps a JSON property to a .NET member or constructor parameter.

Gets or sets the name of the property.

The name of the property.

Gets or sets the type that declared this property.

The type that declared this property.

Gets or sets the order of serialization of a member.

The numeric order of serialization.

Gets or sets the name of the underlying member or parameter.

The name of the underlying member or parameter.

Gets the
that will get and set the
during serialization.
that will get and set the
during serialization.

Gets or sets the
for this property.
for this property.

Gets or sets the type of the property.

The type of the property.

Gets or sets the
for the property.If set this converter takes precedence over the contract converter for the property type.
The converter.

Gets or sets the member converter.

The member converter.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
is ignored.

if ignored; otherwise,

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
is readable.

if readable; otherwise,

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
is writable.

if writable; otherwise,

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
has a member attribute.

if has a member attribute; otherwise,

Gets the default value.

The default value.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this
is required.
A value indicating whether this
is required.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property preserves object references.

if this instance is reference; otherwise,

Gets or sets the property null value handling.

The null value handling.

Gets or sets the property default value handling.

The default value handling.

Gets or sets the property reference loop handling.

The reference loop handling.

Gets or sets the property object creation handling.

The object creation handling.

Gets or sets or sets the type name handling.

The type name handling.

Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.

A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.

Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.

A predicate used to determine whether the property should be deserialized.

Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.

A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized.

Gets or sets an action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.

An action used to set whether the property has been deserialized.

Returns a
that represents this instance.
that represents this instance.

Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items.

The collection's items converter.

Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.

Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference.

Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items.

The collection's items type name handling.

Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items.

The collection's items reference loop handling.

A collection of

Initializes a new instance of the
The type.

When implemented in a derived class, extracts the key from the specified element.

The element from which to extract the key.

The key for the specified element.

Adds a
The property to add to the collection.

Gets the closest matching
object.First attempts to get an exact case match of
and thena case insensitive match.
Name of the property.

A matching property if found.

Gets a property by property name.

The name of the property to get.

Type property name string comparison.

A matching property if found.

Contract details for a
used by the

Initializes a new instance of the
The underlying type for the contract.

Lookup and create an instance of the
type described by the argument.
type to create.
Optional arguments to pass to an initializing constructor of the JsonConverter.If
, the default constructor is used.

Represents a trace writer that writes to memory. When the trace message limit isreached then old trace messages will be removed as new messages are added.

Gets the
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.For example a filter level of
will exclude
messages and include
that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer.

Initializes a new instance of the

Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception.

at which to write this trace.
The trace message.

The trace exception. This parameter is optional.

Returns an enumeration of the most recent trace messages.

An enumeration of the most recent trace messages.

Returns a
of the most recent trace messages.
of the most recent trace messages.

Represents a method that constructs an object.

The object type to create.

When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object.

Provides methods to get attributes from a

Initializes a new instance of the
The instance to get attributes for. This parameter should be a

Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.

, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
A collection of
s, or an empty collection.

Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes.

The type of the attributes.

, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute.
A collection of
s, or an empty collection.

Get and set values for a
using reflection.

Initializes a new instance of the
The member info.

Sets the value.

The target to set the value on.

The value to set on the target.

Gets the value.

The target to get the value from.

The value.

Indicates the method that will be used during deserialization for locating and loading assemblies.

In simple mode, the assembly used during deserialization need not match exactly the assembly used during serialization. Specifically, the version numbers need not match as the
method of the
class is used to load the assembly.

In full mode, the assembly used during deserialization must match exactly the assembly used during serialization. The
method of the
class is used to load the assembly.

Specifies how strings are escaped when writing JSON text.

Only control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.

All non-ASCII and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.

HTML (<, >, &, ', ") and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped.

Specifies type name handling options for the

should be used with caution when your application deserializes JSON from an external source.Incoming types should be validated with a custom
when deserializing with a value other than

Do not include the .NET type name when serializing types.

Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON object structure.

Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON array structure.

Always include the .NET type name when serializing.

Include the .NET type name when the type of the object being serialized is not the same as its declared type.Note that this doesn't include the root serialized object by default. To include the root object's type name in JSONyou must specify a root type object with

Determines whether the collection is
or empty.
The collection.

if the collection is
or empty; otherwise,

Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic
The list to add to.

The collection of elements to add.

Converts the value to the specified type. If the value is unable to be converted, thevalue is checked whether it assignable to the specified type.

The value to convert.

The culture to use when converting.

The type to convert or cast the value to.

The converted type. If conversion was unsuccessful, the initial valueis returned if assignable to the target type.

Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls aspecific method on Dynamic that returns a result

Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls aspecific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments forthe result.

Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls aspecific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments forthe result.

Returns a Restrictions object which includes our current restrictions mergedwith a restriction limiting our type

Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an

Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type.

The enum type to get names and values for.

Gets the type of the typed collection's items.

The type.

The type of the typed collection's items.

Gets the member's underlying type.

The member.

The underlying type of the member.

Determines whether the member is an indexed property.

The member.

if the member is an indexed property; otherwise,

Determines whether the property is an indexed property.

The property.

if the property is an indexed property; otherwise,

Gets the member's value on the object.

The member.

The target object.

The member's value on the object.

Sets the member's value on the target object.

The member.

The target.

The value.

Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be read.

The MemberInfo to determine whether can be read.
if set to
then allow the member to be gotten non-publicly.

if the specified MemberInfo can be read; otherwise,

Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be set.

The MemberInfo to determine whether can be set.

if set to
then allow the member to be set non-publicly.
if set to
then allow the member to be set if read-only.

if the specified MemberInfo can be set; otherwise,

Builds a string. Unlike
this class lets you reuse its internal buffer.

Determines whether the string is all white space. Empty string will return
The string to test whether it is all white space.

if the string is all white space; otherwise,

Specifies the state of the

An exception has been thrown, which has left the
in an invalid state.You may call the
method to put the
in the
state.Any other
method calls result in an
being thrown.

method has been called.

An object is being written.

An array is being written.

A constructor is being written.

A property is being written.

write method has not been called.



<?xml version="1.0"?>






-<member name="T:Ninject.ActivationException">

<summary>Indicates that an error occured during activation of an instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ActivationException.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.ActivationException"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ActivationException.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.ActivationException"/>

<param name="message">The exception message.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ActivationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.ActivationException"/>

<param name="message">The exception message.</param>

<param name="innerException">The inner exception.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.IActivationBlock">

<summary>A block used for deterministic disposal of activated instances. When the block isdisposed, all instances activated via it will be deactivated. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot">

<summary>Provides a path to resolve instances. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IFluentSyntax">

A hack to hide methods defined on
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
for IntelliSenseon fluent interfaces. Credit to Daniel Cazzulino.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IFluentSyntax.GetType">

<summary>Gets the type of this instance. </summary>

<returns>The type of this instance.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IFluentSyntax.GetHashCode">

<summary>Returns a hash code for this instance. </summary>

<returns>A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. </returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IFluentSyntax.ToString">

Returns a
<see cref="T:System.String"/>
that represents this instance.

<see cref="T:System.String"/>
that represents this instance.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IFluentSyntax.Equals(System.Object)">

Determines whether the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
is equal to this instance.

-<param name="other">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to compare with this instance.


if the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
is equal to this instance; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

-<param name="ignoreImplicitBindings">
if set to
implicit bindings are ignored.


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot.Resolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Resolves instances for the specified request. The instances are not actually resolveduntil a consumer iterates over the enumerator. </summary>

<param name="request">The request to resolve.</param>

<returns>An enumerator of instances that match the request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot.CreateRequest(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Parameters.IParameter},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Creates a request for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that is being requested.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the bindings to determine if they match the request.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the resolution.</param>

-<param name="isOptional">

if the request is optional; otherwise,

-<param name="isUnique">

if the request should return a unique result; otherwise,

<returns>The created request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot.Release(System.Object)">

<summary>Deactivates and releases the specified instance if it is currently managed by Ninject. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to release.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance was found and released; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.INotifyWhenDisposed">

<summary>An object that fires an event when it is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.IDisposableObject">

<summary>An object that can report whether or not it is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.IDisposableObject.IsDisposed">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="E:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.INotifyWhenDisposed.Disposed">

<summary>Occurs when the object is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache">

<summary>Stores the objects that were activated </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Components.INinjectComponent">

<summary>A component that contributes to the internals of Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Components.INinjectComponent.Settings">

<summary>Gets or sets the settings. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache.Clear">

<summary>Clears the cache. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache.AddActivatedInstance(System.Object)">

<summary>Adds an activated instance. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to be added.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache.AddDeactivatedInstance(System.Object)">

<summary>Adds an deactivated instance. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to be added.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache.IsActivated(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified instance is activated. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance.</param>


if the specified instance is activated; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache.IsDeactivated(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified instance is deactivated. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance.</param>


if the specified instance is deactivated; otherwise,


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache">

<summary>Tracks instances for re-use in certain scopes. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IPruneable">

<summary>An object that is prunealble. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.IPruneable.Prune">

<summary>Removes instances from the cache which should no longer be re-used. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.Remember(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Stores the specified instance in the cache. </summary>

<param name="context">The context to store.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.TryGet(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Tries to retrieve an instance to re-use in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context that is being activated.</param>

The instance for re-use, or
<see langword="null"/>
if none has been stored.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.Release(System.Object)">

<summary>Deactivates and releases the specified instance from the cache. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to release.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance was found and released; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.Clear(System.Object)">

<summary>Immediately deactivates and removes all instances in the cache that are owned bythe specified scope. </summary>

<param name="scope">The scope whose instances should be deactivated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.Clear">

<summary>Immediately deactivates and removes all instances in the cache, regardless of scope. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache.Count">

<summary>Gets the number of entries currently stored in the cache. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICachePruner">

Prunes instances from an
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache"/>
based on environmental information.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICachePruner.Start(Ninject.Activation.Caching.IPruneable)">

<summary>Starts pruning the specified cache based on the rules of the pruner. </summary>

<param name="cache">The cache that will be pruned.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICachePruner.Stop">

<summary>Stops pruning. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.IContext">

<summary>Contains information about the activation of a single instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IContext.GetProvider">

<summary>Gets the provider that should be used to create the instance for this context. </summary>

<returns>The provider that should be used.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IContext.GetScope">

<summary>Gets the scope for the context that "owns" the instance activated therein. </summary>

<returns>The object that acts as the scope.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Resolve">

<summary>Resolves this instance for this context. </summary>

<returns>The resolved instance.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel that is driving the activation. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Request">

<summary>Gets the request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Binding">

<summary>Gets the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Plan">

<summary>Gets or sets the activation plan. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters that were passed to manipulate the activation process. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.GenericArguments">

<summary>Gets the generic arguments for the request, if any. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IContext.HasInferredGenericArguments">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the request involves inferred generic arguments. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference">

<summary>Holds an instance during activation or after it has been cached. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference.Is``1">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether the instance is of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type in question.</typeparam>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance is of the specified type, otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference.As``1">

<summary>Returns the instance as the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The requested type.</typeparam>

<returns>The instance.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference.IfInstanceIs``1(System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Executes the specified action if the instance if of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type in question.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action to execute.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference.Instance">

<summary>Gets or sets the instance. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline">

<summary>Drives the activation (injection, etc.) of an instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Activates the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Deactivates the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline.Strategies">

<summary>Gets the strategies that contribute to the activation and deactivation processes. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.IProvider">

<summary>Creates instances of services. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IProvider.Create(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Creates an instance within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The created instance.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IProvider.Type">

<summary>Gets the type (or prototype) of instances the provider creates. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.IProvider`1">

<summary>Provides instances ot the type T </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type provides by this implementation.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.IRequest">

<summary>Describes the request for a service resolution. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Matches(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified binding satisfies the constraint defined on this request. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding.</param>


if the binding satisfies the constraint; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.GetScope">

<summary>Gets the scope if one was specified in the request. </summary>

<returns>The object that acts as the scope.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.CreateChild(System.Type,Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Creates a child request. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that is being requested.</param>

<param name="parentContext">The context in which the request was made.</param>

<param name="target">The target that will receive the injection.</param>

<returns>The child request.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Service">

<summary>Gets the service that was requested. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.ParentRequest">

<summary>Gets the parent request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.ParentContext">

<summary>Gets the parent context. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Target">

<summary>Gets the target that will receive the injection, if any. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Constraint">

<summary>Gets the constraint that will be applied to filter the bindings used for the request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters that affect the resolution. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.ActiveBindings">

<summary>Gets the stack of bindings which have been activated by either this request or its ancestors. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.Depth">

<summary>Gets the recursive depth at which this request occurs. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.IsOptional">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request is optional. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.IsUnique">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request should return a unique result. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.IRequest.ForceUnique">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request should force to return a unique value even if the request is optional.If this value is set true the request will throw an ActivationException if there are multiple satisfying bingings ratherthan returning null for the request is optional. For none optional requests this parameter does not change anything. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Provider`1">

<summary>A simple abstract provider for instances of a specific type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of instances the provider creates.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Provider`1.Create(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Creates an instance within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The created instance.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Provider`1.CreateInstance(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Creates an instance within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The created instance.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Provider`1.Type">

<summary>Gets the type (or prototype) of instances the provider creates. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.CallbackProvider`1">

<summary>A provider that delegates to a callback method to create instances. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of instances the provider creates.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.CallbackProvider`1.#ctor(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the CallbackProvider<T> class. </summary>

<param name="method">The callback method that will be called to create instances.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.CallbackProvider`1.CreateInstance(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Invokes the callback method to create an instance. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The created instance.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Providers.CallbackProvider`1.Method">

<summary>Gets the callback method used by the provider. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.ConstantProvider`1">

<summary>A provider that always returns the same constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value that is returned.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.ConstantProvider`1.#ctor(`0)">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the ConstantProvider<T> class. </summary>

<param name="value">The value that the provider should return.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.ConstantProvider`1.CreateInstance(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Creates an instance within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The constant value this provider returns.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Providers.ConstantProvider`1.Value">

<summary>Gets the value that the provider will return. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider">

The standard provider for types, which activates instances via a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.#ctor(System.Type,Ninject.Planning.IPlanner,Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IConstructorScorer)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider"/>

<param name="type">The type (or prototype) of instances the provider creates.</param>

<param name="planner">The planner component.</param>

<param name="constructorScorer">The constructor scorer component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.Create(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Creates an instance within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The created instance.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.GetValue(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Gets the value to inject into the specified target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>The value to inject into the specified target.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.GetImplementationType(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets the implementation type that the provider will activate an instance offor the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The implementation type that will be activated.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.GetCreationCallback(System.Type)">

Gets a callback that creates an instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider"/>
for the specified type.

<param name="prototype">The prototype the provider instance will create.</param>

<returns>The created callback.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.GetCreationCallback(System.Type,System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)">

Gets a callback that creates an instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider"/>
for the specified type and constructor.

<param name="prototype">The prototype the provider instance will create.</param>

<param name="constructor">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The created callback.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.Type">

<summary>Gets the type (or prototype) of instances the provider creates. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.Planner">

<summary>Gets or sets the planner component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Providers.StandardProvider.ConstructorScorer">

<summary>Gets or sets the selector component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.IActivationStrategy">

Contributes to a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline"/>
, and is called during the activationand deactivation of an instance.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.IActivationStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the activation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.IActivationStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the deactivation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.ConstraintAttribute">

<summary>Defines a constraint on the decorated member. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ConstraintAttribute.Matches(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified binding metadata matches the constraint. </summary>

<param name="metadata">The metadata in question.</param>


if the metadata matches; otherwise


-<member name="T:Ninject.InjectAttribute">

<summary>Indicates that the decorated member should be injected. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.NamedAttribute">

<summary>Indicates that the decorated member should only be injected using binding(s) registeredwith the specified name. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.NamedAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.NamedAttribute"/>

<param name="name">The name of the binding(s) to use.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.NamedAttribute.Matches(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified binding metadata matches the constraint. </summary>

<param name="metadata">The metadata in question.</param>


if the metadata matches; otherwise


-<member name="P:Ninject.NamedAttribute.Name">

<summary>Gets the binding name. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.OptionalAttribute">

<summary>Indicates that the decorated member represents an optional dependency. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer">

<summary>An internal container that manages and resolves components that contribute to Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.Add``2">

<summary>Registers a component in the container. </summary>

<typeparam name="TComponent">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The component's implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.RemoveAll``1">

<summary>Removes all registrations for the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.RemoveAll(System.Type)">

<summary>Removes all registrations for the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component's type.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.Remove``2">

<summary>Removes the specified registration. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.Get``1">

<summary>Gets one instance of the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<returns>The instance of the component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.GetAll``1">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<returns>A series of instances of the specified component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.Get(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets one instance of the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component type.</param>

<returns>The instance of the component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.GetAll(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component type.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the specified component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.AddTransient``2">

<summary>Registers a transient component in the container. </summary>

<typeparam name="TComponent">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The component's implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer.Kernel">

<summary>Gets or sets the kernel that owns the component container. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Components.NinjectComponent">

<summary>A component that contributes to the internals of Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.DisposableObject">

<summary>An object that notifies when it is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.DisposableObject.Dispose">

<summary>Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.DisposableObject.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.DisposableObject.Finalize">

<summary>Releases resources before the object is reclaimed by garbage collection. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Disposal.DisposableObject.IsDisposed">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Components.NinjectComponent.Settings">

<summary>Gets or sets the settings. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.IInitializable">

<summary>A service that requires initialization after it is activated. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IInitializable.Initialize">

<summary>Initializes the instance. Called during activation. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.IKernel">

A super-factory that can create objects of all kinds, following hints provided by
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding"/>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot">

<summary>Provides a path to register bindings. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Bind``1">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Bind``2">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Bind``3">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Bind``4">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Bind(System.Type[])">

<summary>Declares a binding from the service to itself. </summary>

<param name="services">The services to bind.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Unbind``1">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to unbind.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Unbind(System.Type)">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service to unbind.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Rebind``1">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified service, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Rebind``2">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Rebind``3">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Rebind``4">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.Rebind(System.Type[])">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<param name="services">The services to re-bind.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.AddBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Registers the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to add.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingRoot.RemoveBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Unregisters the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to remove.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.GetModules">

<summary>Gets the modules that have been loaded into the kernel. </summary>

<returns>A series of loaded modules.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.HasModule(System.String)">

<summary>Determines whether a module with the specified name has been loaded in the kernel. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the module.</param>


if the specified module has been loaded; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule})">

<summary>Loads the module(s) into the kernel. </summary>

<param name="m">The modules to load.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads modules from the files that match the specified pattern(s). </summary>

<param name="filePatterns">The file patterns (i.e. "*.dll", "modules/*.rb") to match.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Reflection.Assembly})">

<summary>Loads modules defined in the specified assemblies. </summary>

<param name="assemblies">The assemblies to search.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.Unload(System.String)">

<summary>Unloads the plugin with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The plugin's name.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.Inject(System.Object,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Injects the specified existing instance, without managing its lifecycle. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to inject.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.GetBindings(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets the bindings registered for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>A series of bindings that are registered for the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IKernel.BeginBlock">

<summary>Begins a new activation block, which can be used to deterministically dispose resolved instances. </summary>

<returns>The new activation block.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.IKernel.Settings">

<summary>Gets the kernel settings. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.IKernel.Components">

<summary>Gets the component container, which holds components that contribute to Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.IHaveBindingConfiguration">

Indicates the object has a reference to a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding"/>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.IHaveBindingConfiguration.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>Gets the binding. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.IHaveKernel">

Indicates that the object has a reference to an
<see cref="T:Ninject.IKernel"/>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.IHaveKernel.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter">

<summary>Provides meaningful exception messages. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.ModulesWithNullOrEmptyNamesAreNotSupported">

<summary>Generates a message saying that modules without names are not supported. </summary>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.TargetDoesNotHaveADefaultValue(Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that modules without names are not supported. </summary>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.ModuleWithSameNameIsAlreadyLoaded(Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule,Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that a module with the same name is already loaded. </summary>

<param name="newModule">The new module.</param>

<param name="existingModule">The existing module.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.NoModuleLoadedWithTheSpecifiedName(System.String)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that no module has been loaded with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The module name.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.CouldNotUniquelyResolveBinding(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.String[])">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the binding could not be uniquely resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

<param name="formattedMatchingBindings">The matching bindings, already formatted as strings</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.CouldNotResolveBinding(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the binding could not be resolved on the specified request. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.CyclicalDependenciesDetected(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the specified context has cyclic dependencies. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.InvalidAttributeTypeUsedInBindingCondition(System.String,System.String,System.Type)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that an invalid attribute type is used in the binding condition. </summary>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>

<param name="methodName">Name of the method.</param>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.NoConstructorsAvailable(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that no constructors are available on the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.NoConstructorsAvailableForComponent(System.Type,System.Type)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that no constructors are available for the given component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component.</param>

<param name="implementation">The implementation.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.NoSuchComponentRegistered(System.Type)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the specified component is not registered. </summary>

<param name="component">The component.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.CouldNotResolvePropertyForValueInjection(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.String)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the specified property could not be resolved on the specified request. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

<param name="propertyName">The property name.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.ProviderReturnedNull(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the provider on the specified context returned null. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.ConstructorsAmbiguous(Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Linq.IGrouping{System.Int32,Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective})">

<summary>Generates a message saying that the constructor is ambiguous. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="bestDirectives">The best constructor directives.</param>

<returns>The exception message.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.FormatConstructor(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,System.IO.StringWriter)">

<summary>Formats the constructor. </summary>

<param name="constructor">The constructor.</param>

<param name="sw">The string writer.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.ExceptionFormatter.FormatAttribute(System.IO.StringWriter,System.Attribute)">

<summary>Formats the attribute. </summary>

<param name="sw">The string writer.</param>

<param name="attribute">The attribute.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensions">

<summary>Provides extension methods for string formatting </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensions.FormatActivationPath(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Formats the activation path into a meaningful string representation. </summary>

<param name="request">The request to be formatted.</param>

<returns>The activation path formatted as string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensions.Format(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding,Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Formats the given binding into a meaningful string representation. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to be formatted.</param>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The binding formatted as string</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensions.Format(System.Type)">

<summary>Formats the specified type into a meaningful string representation.. </summary>

<param name="type">The type to be formatted.</param>

<returns>The type formatted as string.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForIEnumerableOfT">

<summary>Provides extension methods for see cref="IEnumerable{T}"/> </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForIEnumerableOfT.Map``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Executes the given action for each of the elements in the enumerable. </summary>

<typeparam name="T"/>

<param name="series">The series.</param>

<param name="action">The action.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForIEnumerableOfT.ToEnumerable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">

<summary>Converts the given enumerable type to prevent changed on the type behind. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the enumerable.</typeparam>

<param name="series">The series.</param>

<returns>The input type as real enumerable not castable to the original type.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForType">

<summary>Extension methods for type </summary>



-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForType.GetAllBaseTypes(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets an enumerable containing the given type and all its base types </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>An enumerable containing the given type and all its base types</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2">

<summary>A data structure that contains multiple values for a each key. </summary>

<typeparam name="K">The type of key.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="V">The type of value.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Add(`0,`1)">

<summary>Adds the specified value for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Remove(`0,`1)">

<summary>Removes the specified value for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>


if such a value existed and was removed; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.RemoveAll(`0)">

<summary>Removes all values for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>


if any such values existed; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Clear">

<summary>Removes all values. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.ContainsKey(`0)">

<summary>Determines whether the multimap contains any values for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>


if the multimap has one or more values for the specified key; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.ContainsValue(`0,`1)">

<summary>Determines whether the multimap contains the specified value for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>

<param name="value">The value.</param>


if the multimap contains such a value; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.GetEnumerator">

<summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through a the multimap. </summary>

<see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/>
object that can be used to iterate through the multimap.


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Item(`0)">

<summary>Gets the collection of values stored under the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The key.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Keys">

<summary>Gets the collection of keys. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap`2.Values">

<summary>Gets the collection of collections of values. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference">

<summary>Weak reference that can be used in collections. It is equal to theobject it references and has the same hash code. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference.#ctor(System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference"/>

<param name="target">The target.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference.#ctor(System.Object,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference"/>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

-<param name="trackResurrection">
if set to
[track resurrection].


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference.Equals(System.Object)">

Determines whether the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
is equal to this instance.

-<param name="obj">
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
to compare with this instance.


if the specified
<see cref="T:System.Object"/>
is equal to this instance; otherwise,

-<exception cref="T:System.NullReferenceException">
<paramref name="obj"/>
parameter is null.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference.GetHashCode">

<summary>Returns a hash code for this instance. </summary>

<returns>A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. </returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks">

<summary>Scope callbacks for standard scopes. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Transient">

<summary>Gets the callback for transient scope. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Singleton">

<summary>Gets the callback for singleton scope. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Infrastructure.StandardScopeCallbacks.Thread">

<summary>Gets the callback for thread scope. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.INinjectSettings">

<summary>Contains configuration options for Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.INinjectSettings.Get``1(System.String,``0)">

<summary>Gets the value for the specified key. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value to return.</typeparam>

<param name="key">The setting's key.</param>

<param name="defaultValue">The value to return if no setting is available.</param>

<returns>The value, or the default value if none was found.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.INinjectSettings.Set(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The setting's key.</param>

<param name="value">The setting's value.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.InjectAttribute">

<summary>Gets the attribute that indicates that a member should be injected. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.CachePruningInterval">

<summary>Gets the interval at which the cache should be pruned. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.DefaultScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets the default scope callback. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.LoadExtensions">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the kernel should automatically load extensions at startup. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.ExtensionSearchPatterns">

<summary>Gets the paths that should be searched for extensions. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.UseReflectionBasedInjection">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should use reflection-based injection instead ofthe (usually faster) lightweight code generation system. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.InjectNonPublic">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should inject non public members. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.InjectParentPrivateProperties">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should inject private properties of base classes. </summary>

<remarks>Activating this setting has an impact on the performance. It is recomended notto use this feature and use constructor injection instead. </remarks>


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.ActivationCacheDisabled">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the activation cache is disabled.If the activation cache is disabled less memory is used. But in some casesinstances are activated or deactivated multiple times. e.g. in the following scenario:Bind{A}().ToSelf();Bind{IA}().ToMethod(ctx => kernel.Get{IA}(); </summary>


if activation cache is disabled; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Ninject.INinjectSettings.AllowNullInjection">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether Null is a valid value for injection.By defuault this is disabled and whenever a provider returns null an exception is thrown. </summary>


if null is allowed as injected value otherwise false.


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.ConstructorInjector">

<summary>A delegate that can inject values into a constructor. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory">

<summary>Creates injectors from members. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="constructor">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified property. </summary>

<param name="property">The property.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.MethodInjector">

<summary>A delegate that can inject values into a method. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.PropertyInjector">

<summary>A delegate that can inject values into a property. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.IStartable">

<summary>A service that is started when activated, and stopped when deactivated. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IStartable.Start">

<summary>Starts this instance. Called during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.IStartable.Stop">

<summary>Stops this instance. Called during deactivation. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule">

A pluggable unit that can be loaded into an
<see cref="T:Ninject.IKernel"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule.OnLoad(Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Called when the module is loaded into a kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel that is loading the module.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule.OnUnload(Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Called when the module is unloaded from a kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel that is unloading the module.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule.OnVerifyRequiredModules">

<summary>Called after loading the modules. A module can verify here if all other required modules are loaded. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule.Name">

<summary>Gets the module's name. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule">

<summary>A loadable unit that defines bindings for your application. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot">

<summary>Provides a path to register bindings. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Bind``1">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Bind``2">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Bind``3">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Bind``4">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service to bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Bind(System.Type[])">

<summary>Declares a binding for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="services">The services to bind.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Unbind``1">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to unbind.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Unbind(System.Type)">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service to unbind.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Rebind``1">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified service, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Rebind``2">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Rebind``3">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Rebind``4">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified services, and declares a new one. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service to re-bind.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.Rebind(System.Type[])">

<summary>Removes any existing bindings for the specified service, and declares a new one. </summary>

<param name="services">The services to re-bind.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.AddBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Registers the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to add.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.RemoveBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Unregisters the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to remove.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Syntax.BindingRoot.KernelInstance">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>

<value>The kernel.</value>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.OnLoad(Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Called when the module is loaded into a kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel that is loading the module.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.OnUnload(Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Called when the module is unloaded from a kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel that is unloading the module.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.OnVerifyRequiredModules">

<summary>Called after loading the modules. A module can verify here if all other required modules are loaded. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Load">

<summary>Loads the module into the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Unload">

<summary>Unloads the module from the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.VerifyRequiredModulesAreLoaded">

<summary>Called after loading the modules. A module can verify here if all other required modules are loaded. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Unbind(System.Type)">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service to unbind.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.AddBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Registers the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to add.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.RemoveBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Unregisters the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to remove.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel that the module is loaded into. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Name">

<summary>Gets the module's name. Only a single module with a given name can be loaded at one time. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.Bindings">

<summary>Gets the bindings that were registered by the module. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule.KernelInstance">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>

<value>The kernel.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a constructor argument. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter">

<summary>Modifies an activation process in some way. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.IParameter">

<summary>Modifies an activation process in some way. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.IParameter.GetValue(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Gets the value for the parameter within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>The value for the parameter.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.IParameter.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the parameter. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.IParameter.ShouldInherit">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.#ctor(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter"/>

<param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>

<param name="value">The value of the parameter.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object},System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter"/>

<param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object},System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter"/>

<param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.GetValue(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Gets the value for the parameter within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>The value for the parameter.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.Equals(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the object equals the specified object. </summary>

<param name="obj">An object to compare with this object.</param>


if the objects are equal; otherwise



-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.GetHashCode">

<summary>Serves as a hash function for a particular type. </summary>

<returns>A hash code for the object.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.Equals(Ninject.Parameters.IParameter)">

<summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. </summary>

<param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>


if the objects are equal; otherwise



-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the parameter. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.ShouldInherit">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.Parameter.ValueCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.IConstructorArgument">

<summary>Defines the interface for constructor arguments. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.IConstructorArgument.AppliesToTarget(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Determines if the parameter applies to the given target. </summary>

<remarks>Only one parameter may return true. </remarks>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Tre if the parameter applies in the specified context to the specified target.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object},System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>

-<param name="shouldInherit">
if set to
[should inherit].


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object},System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>

-<param name="shouldInherit">
if set to
[should inherit].


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument.AppliesToTarget(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Determines if the parameter applies to the given target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Tre if the parameter applies in the specified context to the specified target. </returns>

<remarks>Only one parameter may return true. </remarks>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.IPropertyValue">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a property. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a property. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue"/>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue"/>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.PropertyValue"/>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback to invoke to get the value that should be injected.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a constructor argument. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object},System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="valueCallback">The callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.AppliesToTarget(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Determines if the parameter applies to the given target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>True if the parameter applies in the specified context to the specified target. </returns>

<remarks>Only one parameter may return true. </remarks>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.GetValue(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Gets the value for the parameter within the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>The value for the parameter.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.Equals(Ninject.Parameters.IParameter)">

<summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. </summary>

<param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>


if the objects are equal; otherwise



-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.Equals(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the object equals the specified object. </summary>

<param name="obj">An object to compare with this object.</param>


if the objects are equal; otherwise



-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.GetHashCode">

<summary>Serves as a hash function for a particular type. </summary>

<returns>A hash code for the object.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the parameter. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.ShouldInherit">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Parameters.TypeMatchingConstructorArgument.ValueCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that will be triggered to get the parameter's value. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.WeakConstructorArgument">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a constructor argument. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Parameters.WeakConstructorArgument.weakReference">

<summary>A weak reference to the constructor argument value. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.WeakConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.WeakConstructorArgument.#ctor(System.String,System.Object,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.ConstructorArgument"/>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>

<param name="shouldInherit">Whether the parameter should be inherited into child requests.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.WeakConstructorArgument.AppliesToTarget(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Determines if the parameter applies to the given target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Tre if the parameter applies in the specified context to the specified target. </returns>

<remarks>Only one parameter may return true. </remarks>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Parameters.WeakPropertyValue">

<summary>Overrides the injected value of a property.Keeps a weak reference to the value. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Parameters.WeakPropertyValue.#ctor(System.String,System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Parameters.WeakPropertyValue"/>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value to inject into the property.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding">

<summary>Contains information about a service registration. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding">

<summary>Contains information about a service registration. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration">

<summary>The configuration of a binding. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.GetProvider(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the provider for the binding. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The provider to use.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.GetScope(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the scope for the binding, if any. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

The object that will act as the scope, or
<see langword="null"/>
if the service is transient.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.Matches(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request satisfies the condition defined on the binding,if one was defined. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request satisfies the condition; otherwise


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.Metadata">

<summary>Gets the binding's metadata. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.Target">

<summary>Gets or sets the type of target for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.IsImplicit">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the binding was implicitly registered. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.IsConditional">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the binding has a condition associated with it. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.Condition">

<summary>Gets or sets the condition defined for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.ProviderCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the provider that should be used by the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.ScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the object that will act as the binding's scope. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters defined for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.ActivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called after instances are activated via the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration.DeactivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called before instances are deactivated via the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>Gets the binding configuration. </summary>

<value>The binding configuration.</value>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding.Service">

<summary>Gets the service type that is controlled by the binding. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.#ctor(System.Type)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding"/>

<param name="service">The service that is controlled by the binding.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.#ctor(System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding"/>

<param name="service">The service that is controlled by the binding.</param>

<param name="configuration">The binding configuration.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.GetProvider(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the provider for the binding. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The provider to use.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.GetScope(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the scope for the binding, if any. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

The object that will act as the scope, or
<see langword="null"/>
if the service is transient.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Matches(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request satisfies the condition defined on the binding,if one was defined. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request satisfies the condition; otherwise


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>Gets or sets the binding configuration. </summary>

<value>The binding configuration.</value>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Service">

<summary>Gets the service type that is controlled by the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Metadata">

<summary>Gets the binding's metadata. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Target">

<summary>Gets or sets the type of target for the binding. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.IsImplicit">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the binding was implicitly registered. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.IsConditional">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the binding has a condition associated with it. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Condition">

<summary>Gets or sets the condition defined for the binding. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.ProviderCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the provider that should be used by the binding. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.ScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the object that will act as the binding's scope. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters defined for the binding. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.ActivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called after instances are activated via the binding. </summary>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Binding.DeactivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called before instances are deactivated via the binding. </summary>



-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.BindingConfiguration"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,Ninject.IKernel,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder"/>

<param name="bindingConfiguration">The binding to build.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalTo``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalTo``1(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the returned syntax.</typeparam>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalToConfiguration``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ToProviderInternal``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ToProviderInternal``1(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the returned fleunt syntax</typeparam>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.InternalToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.AddConstructorArguments(System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression,System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression)">

<summary>Adds the constructor arguments for the specified constructor expression. </summary>

<param name="ctorExpression">The ctor expression.</param>

<param name="constructorArgumentSyntaxParameterExpression">The constructor argument syntax parameter expression.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.AddConstructorArgument(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression,System.String,System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression)">

<summary>Adds a constructor argument for the specified argument expression. </summary>

<param name="argument">The argument.</param>

<param name="argumentName">Name of the argument.</param>

<param name="constructorArgumentSyntaxParameterExpression">The constructor argument syntax parameter expression.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>Gets the binding being built. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ServiceNames">

<summary>Gets the names of the services. </summary>

<value>The names of the services.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ConstructorArgumentSyntax">

<summary>Passed to ToConstructor to specify that a constructor value is Injected. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax">

<summary>Passed to ToConstructor to specify that a constructor value is Injected. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax.Inject``1">

<summary>Specifies that the argument is injected. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the parameter</typeparam>

<returns>Not used. This interface has no implementation.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax.Context">

<summary>Gets the context. </summary>

<value>The context.</value>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ConstructorArgumentSyntax.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ConstructorArgumentSyntax"/>

<param name="context">The context.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ConstructorArgumentSyntax.Inject``1">

<summary>Specifies that the argument is injected. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The type of the parameter</typeparam>

<returns>Not used. This interface has no implementation.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.ConstructorArgumentSyntax.Context">

<summary>Gets the context. </summary>

<value>The context.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.BindingConfiguration"/>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service type.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4">

<summary>Used to define the target of a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T4">The fourth service type to be bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingSyntax">

<summary>Used to define a basic binding syntax builder. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`4.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,Ninject.IKernel,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4"/>

<param name="bindingConfigurationConfiguration">The binding to build.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`4.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.BindingConfiguration"/>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service type.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3">

<summary>Used to define the target of a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T3">The third service type to be bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`3.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,Ninject.IKernel,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3"/>

<param name="bindingConfigurationConfiguration">The binding to build.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`3.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder.BindingConfiguration"/>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2">

<summary>Used to define the target of a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The first service type to be bound.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="T2">The second service type to be bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`2.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,Ninject.IKernel,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2"/>

<param name="bindingConfigurationConfiguration">The binding to build.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToProvider``2">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`2.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.Binding"/>

<typeparam name="T1">The service type.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to define the target of a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T1">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToSelf">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be self-bound. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToMethod(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingToSyntax`1.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding,Ninject.IKernel,System.String)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1"/>

<param name="binding">The binding to build.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the services.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToSelf">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be self-bound. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.To``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.To(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified implementation type. </summary>

<param name="implementation">The implementation type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToConstructor``1(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression{System.Func{Ninject.Syntax.IConstructorArgumentSyntax,``0}})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the speecified constructor. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="newExpression">The expression that specifies the constructor.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToProvider``1">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TProvider">The type of provider to activate.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToProvider(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to an instance of the specified provider type.The instance will be activated via the kernel when an instance of the service is activated. </summary>

<param name="providerType">The type of provider to activate.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToProvider``1(Ninject.Activation.IProvider{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified provider. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="provider">The provider.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToMethod(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToMethod``1(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified callback method. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.ToConstant``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the service should be bound to the specified constant value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The constant value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingBuilder`1.Binding">

<summary>Gets the binding being built. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>The configuration of a binding. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.GetProvider(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the provider for the binding. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<returns>The provider to use.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.GetScope(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the scope for the binding, if any. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

The object that will act as the scope, or
<see langword="null"/>
if the service is transient.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.Matches(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request satisfies the conditions defined on this binding. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request satisfies the conditions; otherwise


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.Metadata">

<summary>Gets the binding's metadata. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.IsImplicit">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the binding was implicitly registered. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.IsConditional">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the binding has a condition associated with it. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.Target">

<summary>Gets or sets the type of target for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.Condition">

<summary>Gets or sets the condition defined for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.ProviderCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the provider that should be used by the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.ScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the callback that returns the object that will act as the binding's scope. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters defined for the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.ActivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called after instances are activated via the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfiguration.DeactivationActions">

<summary>Gets the actions that should be called before instances are deactivated via the binding. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1">

Provides a root for the fluent syntax associated with an
<see cref="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.BindingConfiguration"/>

<typeparam name="T">The implementation type of the built binding.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfigurationSyntax`1">

<summary>The syntax to define bindings. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the service.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to set the condition, scope, name, or add additional information or actions to a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to define the conditions under which a binding should be used. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.When(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.Boolean})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for requests that support the specified condition. </summary>

<param name="condition">The condition.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedInto``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.Types that derive from the specified type are considered as valid targets. </summary>

<typeparam name="TParent">The type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedInto(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.Types that derive from the specified type are considered as valid targets. </summary>

<param name="parent">The type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedInto(System.Type[])">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified types.Types that derive from one of the specified types are considered as valid targets.Should match at lease one of the targets. </summary>

<param name="parents">The types to match.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match exactly the specified type. Types that derive from the specified typewill not be considered as valid target. </summary>

<typeparam name="TParent">The type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match exactly the specified type. Types that derive from the specified typewill not be considered as valid target. </summary>

<param name="parent">The type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto(System.Type[])">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match one of the specified types exactly. Types that derive from one of the specified typeswill not be considered as valid target.Should match at least one of the specified targets </summary>

<param name="parents">The types.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenClassHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the class being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenMemberHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the member being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenTargetHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the target being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenClassHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the class being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenMemberHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the member being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenTargetHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the target being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenParentNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the service is being requestedby a service bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenAnyAnchestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenAnyAncestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenNoAncestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when no ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenAnyAncestorMatches(System.Predicate{Ninject.Activation.IContext})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor matches the specified predicate. </summary>

<param name="predicate">The predicate to match.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWhenSyntax`1.WhenNoAncestorMatches(System.Predicate{Ninject.Activation.IContext})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when no ancestor matches the specified predicate. </summary>

<param name="predicate">The predicate to match.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to define the scope in which instances activated via a binding should be re-used. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInSyntax`1.InSingletonScope">

<summary>Indicates that only a single instance of the binding should be created, and thenshould be re-used for all subsequent requests. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInSyntax`1.InTransientScope">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should not be re-used, nor havetheir lifecycle managed by Ninject. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInSyntax`1.InThreadScope">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used within the same thread. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInSyntax`1.InScope(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used as long as the objectreturned by the provided callback remains alive (that is, has not been garbage collected). </summary>

<param name="scope">The callback that returns the scope.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingNamedSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to define the name of a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingNamedSyntax`1.Named(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be registered with the specified name. Names are notnecessarily unique; multiple bindings for a given service may be registered with the same name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to give the binding.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to add additional information to a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">Specifies the argument type to override.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithParameter(Ninject.Parameters.IParameter)">

<summary>Adds a custom parameter to the binding. </summary>

<param name="parameter">The parameter.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithSyntax`1.WithMetadata(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value of a piece of metadata on the binding. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="value">The metadata value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to add additional actions to be performed during activation or deactivation of instances via a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnActivation(System.Action{`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnActivation``1(System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnActivation(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnActivation``1(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnDeactivation(System.Action{`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnDeactivation``1(System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnDeactivation(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingOnSyntax`1.OnDeactivation``1(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingInNamedWithOrOnSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to set the scope, name, or add additional information or actions to a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to set the name, or add additional information or actions to a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Syntax.IBindingWithOrOnSyntax`1">

<summary>Used to add additional information or actions to a binding. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service being bound.</typeparam>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.serviceNames">

<summary>The names of the services added to the exceptions. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.#ctor(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,System.String,Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the BindingBuilder<T> class. </summary>

<param name="bindingConfiguration">The binding configuration to build.</param>

<param name="serviceNames">The names of the configured services.</param>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.When(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.Boolean})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for requests that support the specified condition. </summary>

<param name="condition">The condition.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedInto``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.Types that derive from the specified type are considered as valid targets. </summary>

<typeparam name="TParent">The type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedInto(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.Types that derive from the specified type are considered as valid targets. </summary>

<param name="parent">The type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedInto(System.Type[])">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.Types that derive from the specified type are considered as valid targets. </summary>

<param name="parents">The type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match exactly the specified type. Types that derive from the specified typewill not be considered as valid target. </summary>

<typeparam name="TParent">The type.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match exactly the specified type. Types that derive from the specified typewill not be considered as valid target. </summary>

<param name="parent">The type.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenInjectedExactlyInto(System.Type[])">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only for injections on the specified type.The type must match exactly the specified type. Types that derive from the specified typewill not be considered as valid target.Should match at least one of the specified targets </summary>

<param name="parents">The types.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenClassHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the class being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenMemberHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the member being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenTargetHas``1">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the target being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TAttribute">The type of attribute.</typeparam>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenClassHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the class being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenMemberHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the member being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenTargetHas(System.Type)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the target being injected hasan attribute of the specified type. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenParentNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when the service is being requestedby a service bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenAnyAnchestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenAnyAncestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenNoAncestorNamed(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when no ancestor is bound with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to expect.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenAnyAncestorMatches(System.Predicate{Ninject.Activation.IContext})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when any ancestor matches the specified predicate. </summary>

<param name="predicate">The predicate to match.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WhenNoAncestorMatches(System.Predicate{Ninject.Activation.IContext})">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be used only when no ancestor matches the specified predicate. </summary>

<param name="predicate">The predicate to match.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.Named(System.String)">

<summary>Indicates that the binding should be registered with the specified name. Names are notnecessarily unique; multiple bindings for a given service may be registered with the same name. </summary>

<param name="name">The name to give the binding.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.InSingletonScope">

<summary>Indicates that only a single instance of the binding should be created, and thenshould be re-used for all subsequent requests. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.InTransientScope">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should not be re-used, nor havetheir lifecycle managed by Ninject. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.InThreadScope">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used within the same thread. </summary>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.InScope(System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that instances activated via the binding should be re-used as long as the objectreturned by the provided callback remains alive (that is, has not been garbage collected). </summary>

<param name="scope">The callback that returns the scope.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument``1(``0)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">Specifies the argument type to override.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithConstructorArgument(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified constructor argument should be overridden with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="type">The type of the argument to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the argument.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="value">The value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithPropertyValue(System.String,System.Func{Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Object})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified property should be injected with the specified value. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the property to override.</param>

<param name="callback">The callback to invoke to get the value for the property.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithParameter(Ninject.Parameters.IParameter)">

<summary>Adds a custom parameter to the binding. </summary>

<param name="parameter">The parameter.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.WithMetadata(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value of a piece of metadata on the binding. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="value">The metadata value.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnActivation(System.Action{`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnActivation``1(System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnActivation(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnActivation``1(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are activated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnDeactivation(System.Action{`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnDeactivation``1(System.Action{``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnDeactivation(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,`0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.OnDeactivation``1(System.Action{Ninject.Activation.IContext,``0})">

<summary>Indicates that the specified callback should be invoked when instances are deactivated. </summary>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The type of the implementation.</typeparam>

<param name="action">The action callback.</param>

<returns>The fluent syntax.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.BindingConfiguration">

<summary>Gets the binding being built. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingConfigurationBuilder`1.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata">

<summary>Additional information available about a binding, which can be used in constraintsto select bindings to use in activation. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata">

<summary>Additional information available about a binding, which can be used in constraintsto select bindings to use in activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata.Has(System.String)">

<summary>Determines whether a piece of metadata with the specified key has been defined. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>


if such a piece of metadata exists; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata.Get``1(System.String)">

<summary>Gets the value of metadata defined with the specified key, cast to the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value to expect.</typeparam>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<returns>The metadata value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata.Get``1(System.String,``0)">

<summary>Gets the value of metadata defined with the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="defaultValue">The value to return if the binding has no metadata set with the specified key.</param>

<returns>The metadata value, or the default value if none was set.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata.Set(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value of a piece of metadata. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="value">The metadata value.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata.Name">

<summary>Gets or sets the binding's name. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata.Has(System.String)">

<summary>Determines whether a piece of metadata with the specified key has been defined. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>


if such a piece of metadata exists; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata.Get``1(System.String)">

<summary>Gets the value of metadata defined with the specified key, cast to the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value to expect.</typeparam>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<returns>The metadata value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata.Get``1(System.String,``0)">

<summary>Gets the value of metadata defined with the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="defaultValue">The value to return if the binding has no metadata set with the specified key.</param>

<returns>The metadata value, or the default value if none was set.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata.Set(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value of a piece of metadata. </summary>

<param name="key">The metadata key.</param>

<param name="value">The metadata value.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingMetadata.Name">

<summary>Gets or sets the binding's name. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget">

<summary>Describes the target of a binding. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget.Self">

<summary>Indicates that the binding is from a type to itself. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget.Type">

<summary>Indicates that the binding is from one type to another. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget.Provider">

<summary>Indicates that the binding is from a type to a provider. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget.Method">

<summary>Indicates that the binding is from a type to a callback method. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.BindingTarget.Constant">

<summary>Indicates that the binding is from a type to a constant value. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.IBindingResolver">

<summary>Contains logic about which bindings to use for a given service request. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.IBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},System.Type)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified service. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.IMissingBindingResolver">

<summary>Contains logic about which bindings to use for a given service requestwhen other attempts have failed. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.IMissingBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified request. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="request">The request in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective">

<summary> </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IMethodInjectionDirectiveBase`1">

<summary> </summary>

<typeparam name="TInjector"/>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IDirective">

A piece of information used in an
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.IPlan"/>
. (Just a marker.)


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IMethodInjectionDirectiveBase`1.Injector">

<summary>Gets or sets the injector that will be triggered. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IMethodInjectionDirectiveBase`1.Targets">

<summary>Gets or sets the targets for the directive. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective.Constructor">

<summary>The base .ctor definition. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.IPlan">

<summary>Describes the means by which a type should be activated. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.IPlan.Add(Ninject.Planning.Directives.IDirective)">

<summary>Adds the specified directive to the plan. </summary>

<param name="directive">The directive.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.IPlan.Has``1">

<summary>Determines whether the plan contains one or more directives of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>


if the plan has one or more directives of the type; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.IPlan.GetOne``1">

<summary>Gets the first directive of the specified type from the plan. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>

The first directive, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no matching directives exist.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.IPlan.GetAll``1">

<summary>Gets all directives of the specified type that exist in the plan. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>

<returns>A series of directives of the specified type.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.IPlan.Type">

<summary>Gets the type that the plan describes. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.IPlanner">

<summary>Generates plans for how to activate instances. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.IPlanner.GetPlan(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets or creates an activation plan for the specified type. </summary>

<param name="type">The type for which a plan should be created.</param>

<returns>The type's activation plan.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.IPlanner.Strategies">

<summary>Gets the strategies that contribute to the planning process. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.IPlanningStrategy">

Contributes to the generation of a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.IPlan"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.IPlanningStrategy.Execute(Ninject.Planning.IPlan)">

<summary>Contributes to the specified plan. </summary>

<param name="plan">The plan that is being generated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget">

<summary>Represents a site on a type where a value will be injected. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.ResolveWithin(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Resolves a value for the target within the specified parent context. </summary>

<param name="parent">The parent context.</param>

<returns>The resolved value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.IsDefined(System.Type,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Determines if an attribute is defined on the target </summary>

<param name="attributeType">Type of attribute</param>

<param name="inherit">Check base types</param>



-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.IsDefinedOnParent(System.Type,System.Type)">

<summary>Determines if an attribute is defined on the target's parent </summary>

<param name="attributeType">Type of attribute</param>

<param name="parent">Parent type to check</param>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.Type">

<summary>Gets the type of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.Member">

<summary>Gets the member that contains the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.Constraint">

<summary>Gets the constraint defined on the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.IsOptional">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the target represents an optional dependency. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.HasDefaultValue">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the target has a default value. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget.DefaultValue">

<summary>Gets the default value for the target. </summary>

<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If the item does not have a default value.</exception>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IConstructorScorer">

<summary>Generates scores for constructors, to determine which is the best one to call during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IConstructorScorer.Score(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective)">

<summary>Gets the score for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="context">The injection context.</param>

<param name="directive">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The constructor's score.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IInjectionHeuristic">

<summary>Determines whether members should be injected during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IInjectionHeuristic.ShouldInject(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified member should be injected. </summary>

<param name="member">The member in question.</param>


if the member should be injected; otherwise


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.SpecificConstructorSelector">

<summary>Constructor selector that selects the constructor matching the one passed to the constructor. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.SpecificConstructorSelector.#ctor(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.SpecificConstructorSelector"/>

<param name="constructorInfo">The constructor info of the constructor that shall be selected.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.SpecificConstructorSelector.Score(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective)">

<summary>Gets the score for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="context">The injection context.</param>

<param name="directive">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The constructor's score.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.ISelector">

<summary>Selects members for injection. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.ISelector.SelectConstructorsForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects the constructor to call on the specified type, by using the constructor scorer. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

The selected constructor, or
<see langword="null"/>
if none were available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.ISelector.SelectPropertiesForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects properties that should be injected. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>A series of the selected properties.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.ISelector.SelectMethodsForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects methods that should be injected. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>A series of the selected methods.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Selection.ISelector.ConstructorScorer">

<summary>Gets or sets the constructor scorer. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Selection.ISelector.InjectionHeuristics">

<summary>Gets the heuristics used to determine which members should be injected. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions">

<summary>Extensions that enhance resolution of services. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGetAndThrowOnInvalidBinding``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGetAndThrowOnInvalidBinding``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGetAndThrowOnInvalidBinding``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified service. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all instances of the specified service using bindings registered with the specified name. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all instances of the specified service by using the bindings that match the specified constraint. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the bindings.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.Get(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.TryGet(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Tries to get an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

An instance of the service, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no implementation was available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified service. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all instances of the specified service using bindings registered with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.GetAll(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets all instances of the specified service by using the bindings that match the specified constraint. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the bindings.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Evaluates if an instance of the specified service can be resolved. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Evaluates if an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name can be resolved. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve``1(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Evaluates if an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint can be resolved. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The service to resolve.</typeparam>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.String,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="name">The name of the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ResolutionExtensions.CanResolve(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot,System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Gets an instance of the specified service by using the first binding that matches the specified constraint. </summary>

<param name="root">The resolution root.</param>

<param name="service">The service to resolve.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the binding.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>

<returns>An instance of the service.</returns>





<?xml version="1.0"?>






-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache">

<summary>Stores the objects that were activated </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.activatedObjects">

<summary>The objects that were activated as reference equal weak references. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.deactivatedObjects">

<summary>The objects that were activated as reference equal weak references. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICachePruner)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache"/>

<param name="cachePruner">The cache pruner.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.Clear">

<summary>Clears the cache. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.AddActivatedInstance(System.Object)">

<summary>Adds an activated instance. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to be added.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.AddDeactivatedInstance(System.Object)">

<summary>Adds an deactivated instance. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to be added.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.IsActivated(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified instance is activated. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance.</param>


if the specified instance is activated; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.IsDeactivated(System.Object)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified instance is deactivated. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance.</param>


if the specified instance is deactivated; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.Prune">

<summary>Prunes this instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.RemoveDeadObjects(System.Collections.Generic.HashSet{System.Object})">

<summary>Removes all dead objects. </summary>

<param name="objects">The objects collection to be freed of dead objects.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.ActivatedObjectCount">

<summary>Gets the activated object count. </summary>

<value>The activated object count.</value>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.ActivationCache.DeactivatedObjectCount">

<summary>Gets the deactivated object count. </summary>

<value>The deactivated object count.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache">

<summary>Tracks instances for re-use in certain scopes. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.entries">

<summary>Contains all cached instances.This is a dictionary of scopes to a multimap for bindings to cache entries. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.IPipeline,Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICachePruner)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache"/>

<param name="pipeline">The pipeline component.</param>

<param name="cachePruner">The cache pruner component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>

<param name="disposing"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Remember(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Stores the specified context in the cache. </summary>

<param name="context">The context to store.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.TryGet(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Tries to retrieve an instance to re-use in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context that is being activated.</param>

The instance for re-use, or
<see langword="null"/>
if none has been stored.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Release(System.Object)">

<summary>Deactivates and releases the specified instance from the cache. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to release.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance was found and released; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Prune">

<summary>Removes instances from the cache which should no longer be re-used. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Clear(System.Object)">

<summary>Immediately deactivates and removes all instances in the cache that are owned bythe specified scope. </summary>

<param name="scope">The scope whose instances should be deactivated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Clear">

<summary>Immediately deactivates and removes all instances in the cache, regardless of scope. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.GetAllBindingEntries(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingConfiguration,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry}}})">

<summary>Gets all entries for a binding withing the selected scope. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The bindings.</param>

<returns>All bindings of a binding.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.GetAllCacheEntries">

<summary>Gets all cache entries. </summary>

<returns>Returns all cache entries.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Forget(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry})">

<summary>Forgets the specified cache entries. </summary>

<param name="cacheEntries">The cache entries.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Forget(Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry)">

<summary>Forgets the specified entry. </summary>

<param name="entry">The entry.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Pipeline">

<summary>Gets the pipeline component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.Count">

<summary>Gets the number of entries currently stored in the cache. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry">

<summary>An entry in the cache. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry"/>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry.Context">

<summary>Gets the context of the instance. </summary>

<value>The context.</value>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Caching.Cache.CacheEntry.Reference">

<summary>Gets the instance reference. </summary>

<value>The instance reference.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensionsEx">

<summary>Provides extension methods for string formatting </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensionsEx.Format(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Formats the specified request into a meaningful string representation. </summary>

<param name="request">The request to be formatted.</param>

<returns>The request formatted as string.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Introspection.FormatExtensionsEx.Format(Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Formats the specified target into a meaningful string representation.. </summary>

<param name="target">The target to be formatted.</param>

<returns>The target formatted as string.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo">

<summary>Extensions for MemberInfo </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo.HasAttribute``1(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified member has attribute. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute.</typeparam>

<param name="member">The member.</param>


if the specified member has attribute; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo.HasAttribute(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified member has attribute. </summary>

<param name="member">The member.</param>

<param name="type">The type of the attribute.</param>


if the specified member has attribute; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo.GetPropertyFromDeclaredType(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,System.Reflection.BindingFlags)">

<summary>Gets the property info from its declared tpe. </summary>

<param name="memberInfo">The member info.</param>

<param name="propertyDefinition">The property definition.</param>

<param name="flags">The flags.</param>

<returns>The property info from the declared type of the property.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo.IsPrivate(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified property info is private. </summary>

<param name="propertyInfo">The property info.</param>


if the specified property info is private; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForMemberInfo.GetCustomAttributesExtended(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,System.Type,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Gets the custom attributes.This version is able to get custom attributes for properties from base types even if the property is none public. </summary>

<param name="member">The member.</param>

<param name="attributeType">Type of the attribute.</param>

-<param name="inherited">
if set to



-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.WeakReferenceEqualityComparer">

<summary>Compares ReferenceEqualWeakReferences to objects </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.WeakReferenceEqualityComparer.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">

<summary>Returns if the specifed objects are equal. </summary>

<param name="x">The first object.</param>

<param name="y">The second object.</param>

<returns>True if the objects are equal; otherwise false</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.WeakReferenceEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(System.Object)">

<summary>Returns the hash code of the specified object. </summary>

<param name="obj">The object for which the hash code is calculated.</param>

<returns>The hash code of the specified object.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy">

<summary>Adds all activated instances to the activation cache. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.activationCache">

<summary>The activation cache. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy"/>

<param name="activationCache">The activation cache.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.Dispose">

<summary>Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the activation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the deactivation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationCacheStrategy.Settings">

<summary>Gets or sets the settings. </summary>

<value>The ninject settings.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.GlobalKernelRegistration">

<summary>Allows to register kernel globally to perform some tasks on all kernels.The registration is done by loading the GlobalKernelRegistrationModule to the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.GlobalKernelRegistration.MapKernels(System.Action{Ninject.IKernel})">

<summary>Performs an action on all registered kernels. </summary>

<param name="action">The action.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.GlobalKernelRegistrationModule`1">

<summary>Registers the kernel into which the module is loaded on the GlobalKernelRegistry using thetype specified by TGlobalKernelRegistry. </summary>

<typeparam name="TGlobalKernelRegistry">The type that is used to register the kernel.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.GlobalKernelRegistrationModule`1.Load">

<summary>Loads the module into the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.GlobalKernelRegistrationModule`1.Unload">

<summary>Unloads the module from the kernel. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.BaseWeakReference">

<summary>Inheritable weak reference base class for Silverlight </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.BaseWeakReference.#ctor(System.Object)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference"/>

<param name="target">The target.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.BaseWeakReference.#ctor(System.Object,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.ReferenceEqualWeakReference"/>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

-<param name="trackResurrection">
if set to
[track resurrection].


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.BaseWeakReference.IsAlive">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether this instance is alive. </summary>


if this instance is alive; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.BaseWeakReference.Target">

<summary>Gets or sets the target of this weak reference. </summary>

<value>The target of this weak reference.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.AssemblyNameRetriever">

<summary>Retrieves assembly names from file names using a temporary app domain. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.IAssemblyNameRetriever">

<summary>Retrieves assembly names from file names using a temporary app domain. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.IAssemblyNameRetriever.GetAssemblyNames(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.Predicate{System.Reflection.Assembly})">

<summary>Gets all assembly names of the assemblies in the given files that match the filter. </summary>

<param name="filenames">The filenames.</param>

<param name="filter">The filter.</param>

<returns>All assembly names of the assemblies in the given files that match the filter.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.AssemblyNameRetriever.GetAssemblyNames(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.Predicate{System.Reflection.Assembly})">

<summary>Gets all assembly names of the assemblies in the given files that match the filter. </summary>

<param name="filenames">The filenames.</param>

<param name="filter">The filter.</param>

<returns>All assembly names of the assemblies in the given files that match the filter.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.AssemblyNameRetriever.CreateTemporaryAppDomain">

<summary>Creates a temporary app domain. </summary>

<returns>The created app domain.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.AssemblyNameRetriever.AssemblyChecker">

<summary>This class is loaded into the temporary appdomain to load and check if the assemblies match the filter. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.AssemblyNameRetriever.AssemblyChecker.GetAssemblyNames(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String},System.Predicate{System.Reflection.Assembly})">

<summary>Gets the assembly names of the assemblies matching the filter. </summary>

<param name="filenames">The filenames.</param>

<param name="filter">The filter.</param>

<returns>All assembly names of the assemblies matching the filter.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.DefaultValueBindingResolver">

<summary> </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.DefaultValueBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified service. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="request">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner">

Uses a
<see cref="T:System.Threading.Timer"/>
and some
<see cref="T:System.WeakReference"/>
magic to pollthe garbage collector to see if it has run.


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.indicator">

<summary>indicator for if GC has been run. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.caches">

<summary>The caches that are being pruned. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.timer">

<summary>The timer used to trigger the cache pruning </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.Start(Ninject.Activation.Caching.IPruneable)">

<summary>Starts pruning the specified pruneable based on the rules of the pruner. </summary>

<param name="pruneable">The pruneable that will be pruned.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Caching.GarbageCollectionCachePruner.Stop">

<summary>Stops pruning. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Context">

<summary>Contains information about the activation of a single instance. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Context.#ctor(Ninject.IKernel,Ninject.Activation.IRequest,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding,Ninject.Activation.Caching.ICache,Ninject.Planning.IPlanner,Ninject.Activation.IPipeline)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Context"/>

<param name="kernel">The kernel managing the resolution.</param>

<param name="request">The context's request.</param>

<param name="binding">The context's binding.</param>

<param name="cache">The cache component.</param>

<param name="planner">The planner component.</param>

<param name="pipeline">The pipeline component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Context.GetScope">

<summary>Gets the scope for the context that "owns" the instance activated therein. </summary>

<returns>The object that acts as the scope.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Context.GetProvider">

<summary>Gets the provider that should be used to create the instance for this context. </summary>

<returns>The provider that should be used.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Context.Resolve">

<summary>Resolves the instance associated with this hook. </summary>

<returns>The resolved instance.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel that is driving the activation. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Request">

<summary>Gets the request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Binding">

<summary>Gets the binding. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Plan">

<summary>Gets or sets the activation plan. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters that were passed to manipulate the activation process. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.GenericArguments">

<summary>Gets the generic arguments for the request, if any. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.HasInferredGenericArguments">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the request involves inferred generic arguments. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Cache">

<summary>Gets or sets the cache component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Planner">

<summary>Gets or sets the planner component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Context.Pipeline">

<summary>Gets or sets the pipeline component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Request">

<summary>Describes the request for a service resolution. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.#ctor(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Parameters.IParameter},System.Func{System.Object},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Request"/>

<param name="service">The service that was requested.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint that will be applied to filter the bindings used for the request.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters that affect the resolution.</param>

<param name="scopeCallback">The scope callback, if an external scope was specified.</param>

-<param name="isOptional">

if the request is optional; otherwise,

-<param name="isUnique">

if the request should return a unique result; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.#ctor(Ninject.Activation.IContext,System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Func{System.Object})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Request"/>

<param name="parentContext">The parent context.</param>

<param name="service">The service that was requested.</param>

<param name="target">The target that will receive the injection.</param>

<param name="scopeCallback">The scope callback, if an external scope was specified.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.Matches(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified binding satisfies the constraints defined on this request. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding.</param>


if the binding satisfies the constraints; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.GetScope">

<summary>Gets the scope if one was specified in the request. </summary>

<returns>The object that acts as the scope.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.CreateChild(System.Type,Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Creates a child request. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that is being requested.</param>

<param name="parentContext">The context in which the request was made.</param>

<param name="target">The target that will receive the injection.</param>

<returns>The child request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Request.ToString">

<summary>Formats this object into a meaningful string representation. </summary>

<returns>The request formatted as string.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.Service">

<summary>Gets the service that was requested. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.ParentRequest">

<summary>Gets the parent request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.ParentContext">

<summary>Gets the parent context. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.Target">

<summary>Gets the target that will receive the injection, if any. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.Constraint">

<summary>Gets the constraint that will be applied to filter the bindings used for the request. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.Parameters">

<summary>Gets the parameters that affect the resolution. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.ActiveBindings">

<summary>Gets the stack of bindings which have been activated by either this request or its ancestors. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.Depth">

<summary>Gets the recursive depth at which this request occurs. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.IsOptional">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request is optional. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.IsUnique">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request is for a single service. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.ForceUnique">

<summary>Gets or sets value indicating whether the request should force to return a unique value even if the request is optional.If this value is set true the request will throw an ActivationException if there are multiple satisfying bingings ratherthan returning null for the request is optional. For none optional requests this parameter does not change anything. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Request.ScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets the callback that resolves the scope for the request, if an external scope was provided. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline">

<summary>Drives the activation (injection, etc.) of an instance. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline.activationCache">

<summary>The activation cache. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Activation.Strategies.IActivationStrategy},Ninject.Activation.Caching.IActivationCache)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline"/>

<param name="strategies">The strategies to execute during activation and deactivation.</param>

<param name="activationCache">The activation cache.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Activates the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Deactivates the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">The instance reference.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Pipeline.Strategies">

<summary>Gets the strategies that contribute to the activation and deactivation processes. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationStrategy">

Contributes to a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.IPipeline"/>
, and is called during the activationand deactivation of an instance.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the activation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.ActivationStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Contributes to the deactivation of the instance in the specified context. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.BindingActionStrategy">

<summary>Executes actions defined on the binding during activation and deactivation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.BindingActionStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Calls the activation actions defined on the binding. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.BindingActionStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Calls the deactivation actions defined on the binding. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.InitializableStrategy">

During activation, initializes instances that implement
<see cref="T:Ninject.IInitializable"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.InitializableStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Initializes the specified instance. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.StartableStrategy">

Starts instances that implement
<see cref="T:Ninject.IStartable"/>
during activation,and stops them during deactivation.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.StartableStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Starts the specified instance. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.StartableStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Stops the specified instance. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.DisposableStrategy">

During deactivation, disposes instances that implement
<see cref="T:System.IDisposable"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.DisposableStrategy.Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

<summary>Disposes the specified instance. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being deactivated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.MethodInjectionStrategy">

<summary>Injects methods on an instance during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.MethodInjectionStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

Injects values into the properties as described by
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirective"/>
scontained in the plan.

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy">

<summary>Injects properties on an instance during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy.#ctor(Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy"/>

<param name="injectorFactory">The injector factory component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy.Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference)">

Injects values into the properties as described by
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective"/>
scontained in the plan.

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy.AssignProperyOverrides(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference,System.Collections.Generic.IList{Ninject.Parameters.IPropertyValue})">

<summary>Applies user supplied override values to instance properties. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="reference">A reference to the instance being activated.</param>

<param name="propertyValues">The parameter override value accessors.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy.GetValue(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Parameters.IPropertyValue})">

<summary>Gets the value to inject into the specified target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<param name="allPropertyValues">all property values of the current request.</param>

<returns>The value to inject into the specified target.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Strategies.PropertyInjectionStrategy.InjectorFactory">

<summary>Gets the injector factory component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Infrastructure.Future`1">

<summary>Represents a future value. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Future`1.#ctor(System.Func{`0})">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the Future<T> class. </summary>

<param name="callback">The callback that will be triggered to read the value.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Infrastructure.Future`1.op_Implicit(Ninject.Infrastructure.Future{`0})~`0">

<summary>Gets the value from the future. </summary>

<param name="future">The future.</param>

<returns>The future value.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Future`1.Value">

<summary>Gets the value, resolving it if necessary. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Infrastructure.Future`1.Callback">

<summary>Gets the callback that will be called to resolve the value. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.ReflectionInjectorFactory">

<summary>Creates injectors from members via reflective invocation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.ReflectionInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="constructor">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.ReflectionInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified property. </summary>

<param name="property">The property.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.ReflectionInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Injection.DynamicMethodInjectorFactory">

Creates injectors for members via
<see cref="T:System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.DynamicMethodInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="constructor">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.DynamicMethodInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified property. </summary>

<param name="property">The property.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Injection.DynamicMethodInjectorFactory.Create(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">

<summary>Gets or creates an injector for the specified method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The created injector.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin">

<summary>Loads modules from compiled assemblies. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.IModuleLoaderPlugin">

<summary>Loads modules at runtime by searching external files. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.IModuleLoaderPlugin.LoadModules(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads modules from the specified files. </summary>

<param name="filenames">The names of the files to load modules from.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.IModuleLoaderPlugin.SupportedExtensions">

<summary>Gets the file extensions that the plugin understands how to load. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.assemblyNameRetriever">

<summary>The assembly name retriever. </summary>


-<member name="F:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.Extensions">

<summary>The file extensions that are supported. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.#ctor(Ninject.IKernel,Ninject.Modules.IAssemblyNameRetriever)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin"/>

<param name="kernel">The kernel into which modules will be loaded.</param>

<param name="assemblyNameRetriever">The assembly name retriever.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.LoadModules(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads modules from the specified files. </summary>

<param name="filenames">The names of the files to load modules from.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.Kernel">

<summary>Gets the kernel into which modules will be loaded. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.CompiledModuleLoaderPlugin.SupportedExtensions">

<summary>Gets the file extensions that the plugin understands how to load. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.OpenGenericBindingResolver">

<summary>Resolves bindings for open generic types. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.OpenGenericBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},System.Type)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified service. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.SelfBindingResolver">

<summary> </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.SelfBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified service. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="request">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.SelfBindingResolver.TypeIsSelfBindable(System.Type)">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is self-bindable. </summary>

<param name="service">The service.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the type is self-bindable; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.StandardBindingResolver">

<summary>Resolves bindings that have been registered directly for the service. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Bindings.Resolvers.StandardBindingResolver.Resolve(Ninject.Infrastructure.Multimap{System.Type,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding},System.Type)">

<summary>Returns any bindings from the specified collection that match the specified service. </summary>

<param name="bindings">The multimap of all registered bindings.</param>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>The series of matching bindings.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.ConstructorInjectionDirective">

<summary>Describes the injection of a constructor. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirectiveBase`2">

<summary>Describes the injection of a method or constructor. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirectiveBase`2.#ctor(`0,`1)">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the MethodInjectionDirectiveBase<TMethod, TInjector> class. </summary>

<param name="method">The method this directive represents.</param>

<param name="injector">The injector that will be triggered.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirectiveBase`2.CreateTargetsFromParameters(`0)">

<summary>Creates targets for the parameters of the method. </summary>

<param name="method">The method.</param>

<returns>The targets for the method's parameters.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirectiveBase`2.Injector">

<summary>Gets or sets the injector that will be triggered. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirectiveBase`2.Targets">

<summary>Gets or sets the targets for the directive. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.ConstructorInjectionDirective.#ctor(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo,Ninject.Injection.ConstructorInjector)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.ConstructorInjectionDirective"/>

<param name="constructor">The constructor described by the directive.</param>

<param name="injector">The injector that will be triggered.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.ConstructorInjectionDirective.Constructor">

<summary>The base .ctor definition. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirective">

<summary>Describes the injection of a method. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirective.#ctor(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,Ninject.Injection.MethodInjector)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirective"/>

<param name="method">The method described by the directive.</param>

<param name="injector">The injector that will be triggered.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITargetEx">

<summary>Represents a site on a type where a value will be injected. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.ModuleLoadExtensions">

<summary>Extension methods that enhance module loading. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ModuleLoadExtensions.Load``1(Ninject.IKernel)">

<summary>Creates a new instance of the module and loads it into the kernel. </summary>

<typeparam name="TModule">The type of the module.</typeparam>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ModuleLoadExtensions.Load(Ninject.IKernel,Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

<summary>Loads the module(s) into the kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="modules">The modules to load.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ModuleLoadExtensions.Load(Ninject.IKernel,System.String[])">

<summary>Loads modules from the files that match the specified pattern(s). </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="filePatterns">The file patterns (i.e. "*.dll", "modules/*.rb") to match.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.ModuleLoadExtensions.Load(Ninject.IKernel,System.Reflection.Assembly[])">

<summary>Loads modules defined in the specified assemblies. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="assemblies">The assemblies to search.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.IModuleLoader">

<summary>Finds modules defined in external files. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.IModuleLoader.LoadModules(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads any modules found in the files that match the specified patterns. </summary>

<param name="patterns">The patterns to search.</param>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Modules.ModuleLoader">

<summary>Automatically finds and loads modules from assemblies. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.ModuleLoader.#ctor(Ninject.IKernel)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Modules.ModuleLoader"/>

<param name="kernel">The kernel into which modules will be loaded.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Modules.ModuleLoader.LoadModules(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads any modules found in the files that match the specified patterns. </summary>

<param name="patterns">The patterns to search.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Modules.ModuleLoader.Kernel">

<summary>Gets or sets the kernel into which modules will be loaded. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock">

<summary>A block used for deterministic disposal of activated instances. When the block isdisposed, all instances activated via it will be deactivated. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.#ctor(Ninject.Syntax.IResolutionRoot)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock"/>

<param name="parent">The parent resolution root.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

-<param name="ignoreImplicitBindings">
if set to
implicit bindings are ignored.


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.Resolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Resolves instances for the specified request. The instances are not actually resolveduntil a consumer iterates over the enumerator. </summary>

<param name="request">The request to resolve.</param>

<returns>An enumerator of instances that match the request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.CreateRequest(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Parameters.IParameter},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Creates a request for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that is being requested.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the bindings to determine if they match the request.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the resolution.</param>

-<param name="isOptional">

if the request is optional; otherwise,

-<param name="isUnique">

if the request should return a unique result; otherwise,

<returns>The created request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.Release(System.Object)">

<summary>Deactivates and releases the specified instance if it is currently managed by Ninject. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to release.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance was found and released; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>



-<member name="P:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.Parent">

<summary>Gets or sets the parent resolution root (usually the kernel). </summary>


-<member name="E:Ninject.Activation.Blocks.ActivationBlock.Disposed">

<summary>Occurs when the object is disposed. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.NinjectSettings">

<summary>Contains configuration options for Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.NinjectSettings.#ctor">

<summary>Creates a settings object </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.NinjectSettings.Get``1(System.String,``0)">

<summary>Gets the value for the specified key. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of value to return.</typeparam>

<param name="key">The setting's key.</param>

<param name="defaultValue">The value to return if no setting is available.</param>

<returns>The value, or the default value if none was found.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.NinjectSettings.Set(System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Sets the value for the specified key. </summary>

<param name="key">The setting's key.</param>

<param name="value">The setting's value.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.InjectAttribute">

<summary>Gets or sets the attribute that indicates that a member should be injected. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.CachePruningInterval">

<summary>Gets or sets the interval at which the GC should be polled. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.DefaultScopeCallback">

<summary>Gets or sets the default scope callback. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.LoadExtensions">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the kernel should automatically load extensions at startup. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.ExtensionSearchPatterns">

<summary>Gets or sets the paths that should be searched for extensions. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.UseReflectionBasedInjection">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should use reflection-based injection instead ofthe (usually faster) lightweight code generation system. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.InjectNonPublic">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should inject non public members. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.InjectParentPrivateProperties">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether Ninject should inject private properties of base classes. </summary>

<remarks>Activating this setting has an impact on the performance. It is recomended notto use this feature and use constructor injection instead. </remarks>


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.ActivationCacheDisabled">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether the activation cache is disabled.If the activation cache is disabled less memory is used. But in some casesinstances are activated or deactivated multiple times. e.g. in the following scenario:Bind{A}().ToSelf();Bind{IA}().ToMethod(ctx => kernel.Get{IA}(); </summary>


if activation cache is disabled; otherwise,


-<member name="P:Ninject.NinjectSettings.AllowNullInjection">

<summary>Gets or sets a value indicating whether Null is a valid value for injection.By default this is disabled and whenever a provider returns null an exception is thrown. </summary>


if null is allowed as injected value otherwise false.


-<member name="T:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer">

<summary>An internal container that manages and resolves components that contribute to Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Add``2">

<summary>Registers a component in the container. </summary>

<typeparam name="TComponent">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The component's implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.AddTransient``2">

<summary>Registers a transient component in the container. </summary>

<typeparam name="TComponent">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The component's implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.RemoveAll``1">

<summary>Removes all registrations for the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Remove``2">

<summary>Removes the specified registration. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<typeparam name="TImplementation">The implementation type.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.RemoveAll(System.Type)">

<summary>Removes all registrations for the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component type.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Get``1">

<summary>Gets one instance of the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<returns>The instance of the component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.GetAll``1">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified component. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The component type.</typeparam>

<returns>A series of instances of the specified component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Get(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets one instance of the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component type.</param>

<returns>The instance of the component.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.GetAll(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets all available instances of the specified component. </summary>

<param name="component">The component type.</param>

<returns>A series of instances of the specified component.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Components.ComponentContainer.Kernel">

<summary>Gets or sets the kernel that owns the component container. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy">

<summary>Adds directives to plans indicating which methods should be injected during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy.#ctor(Ninject.Selection.ISelector,Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy"/>

<param name="selector">The selector component.</param>

<param name="injectorFactory">The injector factory component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy.Execute(Ninject.Planning.IPlan)">

Adds a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.MethodInjectionDirective"/>
to the plan for each methodthat should be injected.

<param name="plan">The plan that is being generated.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy.Selector">

<summary>Gets the selector component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.MethodReflectionStrategy.InjectorFactory">

<summary>Gets the injector factory component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy">

<summary>Adds directives to plans indicating which properties should be injected during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy.#ctor(Ninject.Selection.ISelector,Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy"/>

<param name="selector">The selector component.</param>

<param name="injectorFactory">The injector factory component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy.Execute(Ninject.Planning.IPlan)">

Adds a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective"/>
to the plan for each propertythat should be injected.

<param name="plan">The plan that is being generated.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy.Selector">

<summary>Gets the selector component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.PropertyReflectionStrategy.InjectorFactory">

<summary>Gets the injector factory component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1">

<summary>Represents a site on a type where a value can be injected. </summary>

<typeparam name="T">The type of site this represents.</typeparam>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.#ctor(System.Reflection.MemberInfo,`0)">

<summary>Initializes a new instance of the Target<T> class. </summary>

<param name="member">The member that contains the target.</param>

<param name="site">The site represented by the target.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.GetCustomAttributes(System.Type,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Returns an array of custom attributes of a specified type defined on the target. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute to search for.</param>

<param name="inherit">Whether to look up the hierarchy chain for inherited custom attributes.</param>

<returns>An array of custom attributes of the specified type.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.GetCustomAttributes(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Returns an array of custom attributes defined on the target. </summary>

<param name="inherit">Whether to look up the hierarchy chain for inherited custom attributes.</param>

<returns>An array of custom attributes.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.IsDefined(System.Type,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether an attribute of the specified type is defined on the target. </summary>

<param name="attributeType">The type of attribute to search for.</param>

<param name="inherit">Whether to look up the hierarchy chain for inherited custom attributes.</param>


if such an attribute is defined; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.IsDefinedOnParent(System.Type,System.Type)">

<summary>Determines whether the parent has attribute. </summary>

<param name="parent">The parent.</param>

<param name="attributeType">The type of the attribute.</param>


if the specified member has attribute; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.ResolveWithin(Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Resolves a value for the target within the specified parent context. </summary>

<param name="parent">The parent context.</param>

<returns>The resolved value.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.GetValues(System.Type,Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the value(s) that should be injected into the target. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that the target is requesting.</param>

<param name="parent">The parent context in which the target is being injected.</param>

<returns>A series of values that are available for injection.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.GetValue(System.Type,Ninject.Activation.IContext)">

<summary>Gets the value that should be injected into the target. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that the target is requesting.</param>

<param name="parent">The parent context in which the target is being injected.</param>

<returns>The value that is to be injected.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.ReadOptionalFromTarget">

<summary>Reads whether the target represents an optional dependency. </summary>


<see langword="True"/>
if it is optional; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.ReadConstraintFromTarget">

<summary>Reads the resolution constraint from target. </summary>

<returns>The resolution constraint.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.Member">

<summary>Gets the member that contains the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.Site">

<summary>Gets or sets the site (property, parameter, etc.) represented by the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.Type">

<summary>Gets the type of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.Constraint">

<summary>Gets the constraint defined on the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.IsOptional">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the target represents an optional dependency. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.HasDefaultValue">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the target has a default value. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.Target`1.DefaultValue">

<summary>Gets the default value for the target. </summary>

<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If the item does not have a default value.</exception>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardInjectionHeuristic">

<summary>Determines whether members should be injected during activation by checkingif they are decorated with an injection marker attribute. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardInjectionHeuristic.ShouldInject(System.Reflection.MemberInfo)">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified member should be injected. </summary>

<param name="member">The member in question.</param>


if the member should be injected; otherwise


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardConstructorScorer">

<summary>Scores constructors by either looking for the existence of an injection markerattribute, or by counting the number of parameters. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardConstructorScorer.Score(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Directives.IConstructorInjectionDirective)">

<summary>Gets the score for the specified constructor. </summary>

<param name="context">The injection context.</param>

<param name="directive">The constructor.</param>

<returns>The constructor's score.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardConstructorScorer.BindingExists(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Checkes whether a binding exists for a given target. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Whether a binding exists for the target in the given context.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardConstructorScorer.BindingExists(Ninject.IKernel,Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Checkes whether a binding exists for a given target on the specified kernel. </summary>

<param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Whether a binding exists for the target in the given context.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.StandardConstructorScorer.ParameterExists(Ninject.Activation.IContext,Ninject.Planning.Targets.ITarget)">

<summary>Checks whether any parameters exist for the geiven target.. </summary>

<param name="context">The context.</param>

<param name="target">The target.</param>

<returns>Whether a parameter exists for the target in the given context.</returns>


-<member name="T:Ninject.StandardKernel">

<summary>The standard implementation of a kernel. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.KernelBase">

The base implementation of an
<see cref="T:Ninject.IKernel"/>


-<member name="F:Ninject.KernelBase.HandleMissingBindingLockObject">

<summary>Lock used when adding missing bindings. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.#ctor">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.KernelBase"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.#ctor(Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.KernelBase"/>

<param name="modules">The modules to load into the kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.#ctor(Ninject.INinjectSettings,Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.KernelBase"/>

<param name="settings">The configuration to use.</param>

<param name="modules">The modules to load into the kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.#ctor(Ninject.Components.IComponentContainer,Ninject.INinjectSettings,Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.KernelBase"/>

<param name="components">The component container to use.</param>

<param name="settings">The configuration to use.</param>

<param name="modules">The modules to load into the kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Dispose(System.Boolean)">

<summary>Releases resources held by the object. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Unbind(System.Type)">

<summary>Unregisters all bindings for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service to unbind.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.AddBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Registers the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to add.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.RemoveBinding(Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Unregisters the specified binding. </summary>

<param name="binding">The binding to remove.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.HasModule(System.String)">

<summary>Determines whether a module with the specified name has been loaded in the kernel. </summary>

<param name="name">The name of the module.</param>


if the specified module has been loaded; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.GetModules">

<summary>Gets the modules that have been loaded into the kernel. </summary>

<returns>A series of loaded modules.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule})">

<summary>Loads the module(s) into the kernel. </summary>

<param name="m">The modules to load.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.String})">

<summary>Loads modules from the files that match the specified pattern(s). </summary>

<param name="filePatterns">The file patterns (i.e. "*.dll", "modules/*.rb") to match.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Load(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Reflection.Assembly})">

<summary>Loads modules defined in the specified assemblies. </summary>

<param name="assemblies">The assemblies to search.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Unload(System.String)">

<summary>Unloads the plugin with the specified name. </summary>

<param name="name">The plugin's name.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Inject(System.Object,Ninject.Parameters.IParameter[])">

<summary>Injects the specified existing instance, without managing its lifecycle. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to inject.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the request.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Release(System.Object)">

<summary>Deactivates and releases the specified instance if it is currently managed by Ninject. </summary>

<param name="instance">The instance to release.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the instance was found and released; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.CanResolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Determines whether the specified request can be resolved. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

-<param name="ignoreImplicitBindings">
if set to
implicit bindings are ignored.


if the request can be resolved; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.Resolve(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Resolves instances for the specified request. The instances are not actually resolveduntil a consumer iterates over the enumerator. </summary>

<param name="request">The request to resolve.</param>

<returns>An enumerator of instances that match the request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.CreateRequest(System.Type,System.Func{Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBindingMetadata,System.Boolean},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Parameters.IParameter},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Creates a request for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service that is being requested.</param>

<param name="constraint">The constraint to apply to the bindings to determine if they match the request.</param>

<param name="parameters">The parameters to pass to the resolution.</param>

-<param name="isOptional">

if the request is optional; otherwise,

-<param name="isUnique">

if the request should return a unique result; otherwise,

<returns>The created request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.BeginBlock">

<summary>Begins a new activation block, which can be used to deterministically dispose resolved instances. </summary>

<returns>The new activation block.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.GetBindings(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets the bindings registered for the specified service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service in question.</param>

<returns>A series of bindings that are registered for the service.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.GetBindingPrecedenceComparer">

<summary>Returns an IComparer that is used to determine resolution precedence. </summary>

<returns>An IComparer that is used to determine resolution precedence.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.SatifiesRequest(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Returns a predicate that can determine if a given IBinding matches the request. </summary>

<param name="request">The request/</param>

<returns>A predicate that can determine if a given IBinding matches the request.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.AddComponents">

<summary>Adds components to the kernel during startup. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.HandleMissingBinding(System.Type)">

<summary>Attempts to handle a missing binding for a service. </summary>

<param name="service">The service.</param>


if the missing binding can be handled; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.HandleMissingBinding(Ninject.Activation.IRequest)">

<summary>Attempts to handle a missing binding for a request. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>


if the missing binding can be handled; otherwise


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.TypeIsSelfBindable(System.Type)">

<summary>Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is self-bindable. </summary>

<param name="service">The service.</param>


<see langword="True"/>
if the type is self-bindable; otherwise
<see langword="false"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.KernelBase.CreateContext(Ninject.Activation.IRequest,Ninject.Planning.Bindings.IBinding)">

<summary>Creates a context for the specified request and binding. </summary>

<param name="request">The request.</param>

<param name="binding">The binding.</param>

<returns>The created context.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.KernelBase.Settings">

<summary>Gets the kernel settings. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.KernelBase.Components">

<summary>Gets the component container, which holds components that contribute to Ninject. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.StandardKernel.#ctor(Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.StandardKernel"/>

<param name="modules">The modules to load into the kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.StandardKernel.#ctor(Ninject.INinjectSettings,Ninject.Modules.INinjectModule[])">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.StandardKernel"/>

<param name="settings">The configuration to use.</param>

<param name="modules">The modules to load into the kernel.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.StandardKernel.AddComponents">

<summary>Adds components to the kernel during startup. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.StandardKernel.KernelInstance">

<summary>Gets the kernel. </summary>

<value>The kernel.</value>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective">

<summary>Describes the injection of a property. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective.#ctor(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo,Ninject.Injection.PropertyInjector)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective"/>

<param name="member">The member the directive describes.</param>

<param name="injector">The injector that will be triggered.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective.CreateTarget(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

<summary>Creates a target for the property. </summary>

<param name="propertyInfo">The property.</param>

<returns>The target for the property.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective.Injector">

<summary>Gets or sets the injector that will be triggered. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Directives.PropertyInjectionDirective.Target">

<summary>Gets or sets the injection target for the directive. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.PropertyTarget">

Represents an injection target for a
<see cref="T:System.Reflection.PropertyInfo"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.PropertyTarget.#ctor(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.PropertyTarget"/>

<param name="site">The property that this target represents.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.PropertyTarget.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.PropertyTarget.Type">

<summary>Gets the type of the target. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget">

Represents an injection target for a
<see cref="T:System.Reflection.ParameterInfo"/>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget.#ctor(System.Reflection.MethodBase,System.Reflection.ParameterInfo)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget"/>

<param name="method">The method that defines the parameter.</param>

<param name="site">The parameter that this target represents.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget.Name">

<summary>Gets the name of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget.Type">

<summary>Gets the type of the target. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget.HasDefaultValue">

<summary>Gets a value indicating whether the target has a default value. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Targets.ParameterTarget.DefaultValue">

<summary>Gets the default value for the target. </summary>

<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If the item does not have a default value.</exception>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Selection.Selector">

<summary>Selects members for injection. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Selector.#ctor(Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IConstructorScorer,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Selection.Heuristics.IInjectionHeuristic})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Selection.Selector"/>

<param name="constructorScorer">The constructor scorer.</param>

<param name="injectionHeuristics">The injection heuristics.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Selector.SelectConstructorsForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects the constructor to call on the specified type, by using the constructor scorer. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

The selected constructor, or
<see langword="null"/>
if none were available.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Selector.SelectPropertiesForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects properties that should be injected. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>A series of the selected properties.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Selection.Selector.SelectMethodsForInjection(System.Type)">

<summary>Selects methods that should be injected. </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>A series of the selected methods.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Selection.Selector.Flags">

<summary>Gets the default binding flags. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Selection.Selector.ConstructorScorer">

<summary>Gets or sets the constructor scorer. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Selection.Selector.InjectionHeuristics">

<summary>Gets the property injection heuristics. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy">

<summary>Adds a directive to plans indicating which constructor should be injected during activation. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy.#ctor(Ninject.Selection.ISelector,Ninject.Injection.IInjectorFactory)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy"/>

<param name="selector">The selector component.</param>

<param name="injectorFactory">The injector factory component.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy.Execute(Ninject.Planning.IPlan)">

Adds a
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Directives.ConstructorInjectionDirective"/>
to the plan for the constructorthat should be injected.

<param name="plan">The plan that is being generated.</param>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy.Selector">

<summary>Gets the selector component. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Strategies.ConstructorReflectionStrategy.InjectorFactory">

<summary>Gets the injector factory component. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Planner">

<summary>Generates plans for how to activate instances. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Planner.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Ninject.Planning.Strategies.IPlanningStrategy})">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Planner"/>

<param name="strategies">The strategies to execute during planning.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Planner.GetPlan(System.Type)">

<summary>Gets or creates an activation plan for the specified type. </summary>

<param name="type">The type for which a plan should be created.</param>

<returns>The type's activation plan.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Planner.CreateEmptyPlan(System.Type)">

<summary>Creates an empty plan for the specified type. </summary>

<param name="type">The type for which a plan should be created.</param>

<returns>The created plan.</returns>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Planner.CreateNewPlan(System.Type)">

<summary>Creates a new plan for the specified type.This method requires an active reader lock! </summary>

<param name="type">The type.</param>

<returns>The newly created plan.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Planner.Strategies">

<summary>Gets the strategies that contribute to the planning process. </summary>


-<member name="T:Ninject.Planning.Plan">

<summary>Describes the means by which a type should be activated. </summary>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Plan.#ctor(System.Type)">

Initializes a new instance of the
<see cref="T:Ninject.Planning.Plan"/>

<param name="type">The type the plan describes.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Plan.Add(Ninject.Planning.Directives.IDirective)">

<summary>Adds the specified directive to the plan. </summary>

<param name="directive">The directive.</param>


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Plan.Has``1">

<summary>Determines whether the plan contains one or more directives of the specified type. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>


if the plan has one or more directives of the type; otherwise,


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Plan.GetOne``1">

<summary>Gets the first directive of the specified type from the plan. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>

The first directive, or
<see langword="null"/>
if no matching directives exist.


-<member name="M:Ninject.Planning.Plan.GetAll``1">

<summary>Gets all directives of the specified type that exist in the plan. </summary>

<typeparam name="TDirective">The type of directive.</typeparam>

<returns>A series of directives of the specified type.</returns>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Plan.Type">

<summary>Gets the type that the plan describes. </summary>


-<member name="P:Ninject.Planning.Plan.Directives">

<summary>Gets the directives defined in the plan. </summary>





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-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers">

<summary>Provides support for common .NET types that do not have a direct representationin protobuf, using the definitions from bcl.proto </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.GetUninitializedObject(System.Type)">

<summary>Creates a new instance of the specified type, bypassing the constructor. </summary>

<param name="type">The type to create</param>

<returns>The new instance</returns>

<exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">If the platform does not support constructor-skipping</exception>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteTimeSpan(System.TimeSpan,ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter)">

<summary>Writes a TimeSpan to a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.ReadTimeSpan(ProtoBuf.ProtoReader)">

<summary>Parses a TimeSpan from a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.ReadDateTime(ProtoBuf.ProtoReader)">

<summary>Parses a DateTime from a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteDateTime(System.DateTime,ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter)">

<summary>Writes a DateTime to a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.ReadDecimal(ProtoBuf.ProtoReader)">

<summary>Parses a decimal from a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteDecimal(System.Decimal,ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter)">

<summary>Writes a decimal to a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteGuid(System.Guid,ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter)">

<summary>Writes a Guid to a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.ReadGuid(ProtoBuf.ProtoReader)">

<summary>Parses a Guid from a protobuf stream </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.ReadNetObject(System.Object,ProtoBuf.ProtoReader,System.Int32,System.Type,ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)">

<summary>Reads an *implementation specific* bundled .NET object, including (as options) type-metadata, identity/re-use, etc. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.WriteNetObject(System.Object,ProtoBuf.ProtoWriter,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions)">

<summary>Writes an *implementation specific* bundled .NET object, including (as options) type-metadata, identity/re-use, etc. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions">

<summary>Optional behaviours that introduce .NET-specific functionality </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.None">

<summary>No special behaviour </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.AsReference">

<summary>Enables full object-tracking/full-graph support. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.DynamicType">

<summary>Embeds the type information into the stream, allowing usage with types not known in advance. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.UseConstructor">

<summary>If false, the constructor for the type is bypassed during deserialization, meaning any field initializersor other initialization code is skipped. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.BclHelpers.NetObjectOptions.LateSet">

<summary>Should the object index be reserved, rather than creating an object promptly </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.BufferExtension">

Provides a simple buffer-based implementation of an
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">extension</see>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">

<summary>Provides addition capability for supporting unexpected fields duringprotocol-buffer serialization/deserialization. This allows for loss-lessround-trip/merge, even when the data is not fully understood. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtension.BeginAppend">

<summary>Requests a stream into which any unexpected fields can be persisted. </summary>

<returns>A new stream suitable for storing data.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtension.EndAppend(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean)">

<summary>Indicates that all unexpected fields have now been stored. Theimplementing class is responsible for closing the stream. If"commit" is not true the data may be discarded. </summary>

<param name="stream">The stream originally obtained by BeginAppend.</param>

<param name="commit">True if the append operation completed successfully.</param>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtension.BeginQuery">

<summary>Requests a stream of the unexpected fields previously stored. </summary>

<returns>A prepared stream of the unexpected fields.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtension.EndQuery(System.IO.Stream)">

<summary>Indicates that all unexpected fields have now been read. Theimplementing class is responsible for closing the stream. </summary>

<param name="stream">The stream originally obtained by BeginQuery.</param>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtension.GetLength">

<summary>Requests the length of the raw binary stream; this is usedwhen serializing sub-entities to indicate the expected size. </summary>

<returns>The length of the binary stream representing unexpected data.</returns>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeSerializationAttribute">

<summary>Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked before serialization.</summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterSerializationAttribute">

<summary>Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked after serialization.</summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ProtoBeforeDeserializationAttribute">

<summary>Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked before deserialization.</summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ProtoAfterDeserializationAttribute">

<summary>Specifies a method on the root-contract in an hierarchy to be invoked after deserialization.</summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Compiler.CompilerContext.LoadNullRef">

<summary>Pushes a null reference onto the stack. Note that this should onlybe used to return a null (or set a variable to null); for null-testsuse BranchIfTrue / BranchIfFalse. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Compiler.CompilerContext.UsingBlock.#ctor(ProtoBuf.Compiler.CompilerContext,ProtoBuf.Compiler.Local)">

<summary>Creates a new "using" block (equivalent) around a variable;the variable must exist, and note that (unlike in C#) it isthe variables *final* value that gets disposed. If you need*original* disposal, copy your variable first.It is the callers responsibility to ensure that the variable'sscope fully-encapsulates the "using"; if not, the variablemay be re-used (and thus re-assigned) unexpectedly. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.DataFormat">

<summary>Sub-format to use when serializing/deserializing data </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default">

<summary>Uses the default encoding for the data-type. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.DataFormat.ZigZag">

<summary>When applied to signed integer-based data (including Decimal), thisindicates that zigzag variant encoding will be used. This means that valueswith small magnitude (regardless of sign) take a small amountof space to encode. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.DataFormat.TwosComplement">

<summary>When applied to signed integer-based data (including Decimal), thisindicates that two's-complement variant encoding will be used.This means that any -ve number will take 10 bytes (even for 32-bit),so should only be used for compatibility. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.DataFormat.FixedSize">

<summary>When applied to signed integer-based data (including Decimal), thisindicates that a fixed amount of space will be used. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Group">

<summary>When applied to a sub-message, indicates that the value should be treatedas group-delimited. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.Extensible">

<summary>Simple base class for supporting unexpected fields allowingfor loss-less round-tips/merge, even if the data is not understod.The additional fields are (by default) stored in-memory in a buffer. </summary>

<remarks>As an example of an alternative implementation, you mightchoose to use the file system (temporary files) as the back-end, trackingonly the paths [such an object would ideally be IDisposable and usea finalizer to ensure that the files are removed].</remarks>

<seealso cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtensible"/>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.IExtensible">

Indicates that the implementing type has support for protocol-buffer
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">extensions</see>

<remarks>Can be implemented by deriving from Extensible.</remarks>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(System.Boolean)">

Retrieves the
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">extension</see>
object for the currentinstance, optionally creating it if it does not already exist.

<param name="createIfMissing">Should a new extension object becreated if it does not already exist?</param>

<returns>The extension object if it exists (or was created), or nullif the extension object does not exist or is not available.</returns>

argument is false during serialization,and true during deserialization upon encountering unexpected fields.


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(System.Boolean)">

Retrieves the
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">extension</see>
object for the currentinstance, optionally creating it if it does not already exist.

<param name="createIfMissing">Should a new extension object becreated if it does not already exist?</param>

<returns>The extension object if it exists (or was created), or nullif the extension object does not exist or is not available.</returns>

argument is false during serialization,and true during deserialization upon encountering unexpected fields.


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ProtoBuf.IExtension@,System.Boolean)">

Provides a simple, default implementation for
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtension">extension</see>
support,optionally creating it if it does not already exist. Designed to be called byclasses implementing
<see cref="T:ProtoBuf.IExtensible"/>

<param name="createIfMissing">Should a new extension object becreated if it does not already exist?</param>

<param name="extensionObject">The extension field to check (and possibly update).</param>

<returns>The extension object if it exists (or was created), or nullif the extension object does not exist or is not available.</returns>

argument is false during serialization,and true during deserialization upon encountering unexpected fields.


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.AppendValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,``0)">

<summary>Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation;for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simplevalues the new value supercedes the old value. </summary>

<remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value fromthe stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks>

<typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value to append.</typeparam>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="value">The value to append.</param>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.AppendValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,``0)">

<summary>Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation;for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simplevalues the new value supercedes the old value. </summary>

<remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value fromthe stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when encoding the value.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="value">The value to append.</param>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned is the composed value after merging any duplicated content; if thevalue is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<returns>The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned is the composed value after merging any duplicated content; if thevalue is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<returns>The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.TryGetValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,``0@)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content;if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.TryGetValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,``0@)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content;if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.TryGetValue``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,System.Boolean,``0@)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content;if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<param name="allowDefinedTag">Allow tags that are present as part of the definition; for example, to query unknown enum values.</param>

<returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetValues``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Each occurrence of the field is yielded separately, making this usage suitable for "repeated"(list) fields. </summary>

<remarks>The extended data is processed lazily as the enumerator is iterated.</remarks>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<returns>An enumerator that yields each occurrence of the field.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetValues``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Each occurrence of the field is yielded separately, making this usage suitable for "repeated"(list) fields. </summary>

<remarks>The extended data is processed lazily as the enumerator is iterated.</remarks>

<typeparam name="TValue">The data-type of the field.</typeparam>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<returns>An enumerator that yields each occurrence of the field.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.TryGetValue(ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel,System.Type,ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,System.Boolean,System.Object@)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.The value returned (in "value") is the composed value after merging any duplicated content;if the value is "repeated" (a list), then use GetValues instead. </summary>

<param name="type">The data-type of the field.</param>

<param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param>

<param name="value">The effective value of the field, or the default value if not found.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<param name="allowDefinedTag">Allow tags that are present as part of the definition; for example, to query unknown enum values.</param>

<returns>True if data for the field was present, false otherwise.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetValues(ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel,System.Type,ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat)">

<summary>Queries an extensible object for an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Each occurrence of the field is yielded separately, making this usage suitable for "repeated"(list) fields. </summary>

<remarks>The extended data is processed lazily as the enumerator is iterated.</remarks>

<param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param>

<param name="type">The data-type of the field.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to obtain the value from.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when decoding the value.</param>

<returns>An enumerator that yields each occurrence of the field.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Extensible.AppendValue(ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel,ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,System.Object)">

<summary>Appends the value as an additional (unexpected) data-field for the instance.Note that for non-repeated sub-objects, this equates to a merge operation;for repeated sub-objects this adds a new instance to the set; for simplevalues the new value supercedes the old value. </summary>

<remarks>Note that appending a value does not remove the old value fromthe stream; avoid repeatedly appending values for the same field.</remarks>

<param name="model">The model to use for configuration.</param>

<param name="format">The data-format to use when encoding the value.</param>

<param name="instance">The extensible object to append the value to.</param>

<param name="tag">The field identifier; the tag should not be defined as a known data-field for the instance.</param>

<param name="value">The value to append.</param>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ExtensibleUtil">

<summary>This class acts as an internal wrapper allowing us to do a dynamicmethodinfo invoke; an't put into Serializer as don't want on publicAPI; can't put into Serializer<T> since we need to invokeaccross classes, which isn't allowed in Silverlight) </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues``1(ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

<summary>All this does is call GetExtendedValuesTyped with the correct type for "instance";this ensures that we don't get issues with subclasses declaring conflicting types - the caller must respect the fields defined for the type they pass in. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.ExtensibleUtil.GetExtendedValues(ProtoBuf.Meta.TypeModel,System.Type,ProtoBuf.IExtensible,System.Int32,ProtoBuf.DataFormat,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">

<summary>All this does is call GetExtendedValuesTyped with the correct type for "instance";this ensures that we don't get issues with subclasses declaring conflicting types - the caller must respect the fields defined for the type they pass in. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.Helpers">

<summary>Not all frameworks are created equal (fx1.1 vs fx2.0,micro-framework, compact-framework,silverlight, etc). This class simply wraps up a few things that wouldotherwise make the real code unnecessarily messy, providing fallbackimplementations if necessary. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ProtoTypeCode">

<summary>Intended to be a direct map to regular TypeCode, but: - with missing types - existing on WinRT </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields">

<summary>Specifies the method used to infer field tags for members of the typeunder consideration. Tags are deduced using the invariant alphabeticsequence of the members' names; this makes implicit field tags very brittle,and susceptible to changes such as field names (normally an isolatedchange). </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields.None">

<summary>No members are serialized implicitly; all members require a suitableattribute such as [ProtoMember]. This is the recmomended mode formost scenarios. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields.AllPublic">

<summary>Public properties and fields are eligible for implicit serialization;this treats the public API as a contract. Ordering beings from ImplicitFirstTag. </summary>


-<member name="F:ProtoBuf.ImplicitFields.AllFields">

<summary>Public and non-public fields are eligible for implicit serialization;this acts as a state/implementation serializer. Ordering beings from ImplicitFirstTag. </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet">

<summary>Represents the set of serialization callbacks to be used when serializing/deserializing a type. </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet.BeforeSerialize">

<summary>Called before serializing an instance</summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet.BeforeDeserialize">

<summary>Called before deserializing an instance</summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet.AfterSerialize">

<summary>Called after serializing an instance</summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet.AfterDeserialize">

<summary>Called after deserializing an instance</summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.CallbackSet.NonTrivial">

<summary>True if any callback is set, else False </summary>


-<member name="T:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType">

<summary>Represents a type at runtime for use with protobuf, allowing the field mappings (etc) to be defined </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.ToString">

<summary>Get the name of the type being represented </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.AddSubType(System.Int32,System.Type)">

<summary>Adds a known sub-type to the inheritance model </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.AddSubType(System.Int32,System.Type,ProtoBuf.DataFormat)">

<summary>Adds a known sub-type to the inheritance model </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.SetCallbacks(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">

<summary>Assigns the callbacks to use during serialiation/deserialization. </summary>

<param name="beforeSerialize">The method (or null) called before serialization begins.</param>

<param name="afterSerialize">The method (or null) called when serialization is complete.</param>

<param name="beforeDeserialize">The method (or null) called before deserialization begins (or when a new instance is created during deserialization).</param>

<param name="afterDeserialize">The method (or null) called when deserialization is complete.</param>

<returns>The set of callbacks.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.SetCallbacks(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">

<summary>Assigns the callbacks to use during serialiation/deserialization. </summary>

<param name="beforeSerialize">The name of the method (or null) called before serialization begins.</param>

<param name="afterSerialize">The name of the method (or null) called when serialization is complete.</param>

<param name="beforeDeserialize">The name of the method (or null) called before deserialization begins (or when a new instance is created during deserialization).</param>

<param name="afterDeserialize">The name of the method (or null) called when deserialization is complete.</param>

<returns>The set of callbacks.</returns>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.SetFactory(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">

<summary>Designate a factory-method to use to create instances of this type </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.SetFactory(System.String)">

<summary>Designate a factory-method to use to create instances of this type </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.ThrowIfFrozen">

<summary>Throws an exception if the type has been made immutable </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Add(System.Int32,System.String)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.AddField(System.Int32,System.String)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType, returning the ValueMember rather than the fluent API.This is otherwise identical to Add. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Add(System.String)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.SetSurrogate(System.Type)">

<summary>Performs serialization of this type via a surrogate; allother serialization options are ignored and handledby the surrogate's configuration. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Add(System.String[])">

<summary>Adds a set of members (by name) to the MetaType </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Add(System.Int32,System.String,System.Object)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Add(System.Int32,System.String,System.Type,System.Type)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType, including an itemType and defaultType for representing lists </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.AddField(System.Int32,System.String,System.Type,System.Type)">

<summary>Adds a member (by name) to the MetaType, including an itemType and defaultType for representing lists, returning the ValueMember rather than the fluent API.This is otherwise identical to Add. </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.GetFields">

<summary>Returns the ValueMember instances associated with this type </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.GetSubtypes">

<summary>Returns the SubType instances associated with this type </summary>


-<member name="M:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.CompileInPlace">

<summary>Compiles the serializer for this type; this is *not* a fullstandalone compile, but can significantly boost performancewhile allowing additional types to be added. </summary>

<remarks>An in-place compile can access non-public types / members</remarks>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.BaseType">

<summary>Gets the base-type for this type </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.IncludeSerializerMethod">

<summary>When used to compile a model, should public serialization/deserialzation methodsbe included for this type? </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.AsReferenceDefault">

<summary>Should this type be treated as a reference by default? </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.HasCallbacks">

<summary>Indicates whether the current type has defined callbacks </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.HasSubtypes">

<summary>Indicates whether the current type has defined subtypes </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Callbacks">

<summary>Returns the set of callbacks defined for this type </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.MetaType.Name">

<summary>Gets or sets the name of this contract. </summary>


-<member name="P:ProtoBuf.Meta.Meta