
eBay Reference and Q&As

eBay Quick Reference

Note: Descartes ShipRush Web works with all US and global eBay seller accounts.


Result or Parameters

Payment Status retrieved

Only paid transactions are retrieved.

Buyer's requested shipping Carrier and Service

The shipping Carrier and Service are retrieved only if matches are found in Descartes ShipRush Web.

Package Weight and Dimensions

This information is retrieved if it is included in the eBay listing and setup in the eBay calculator.

Refer to the eBay system and documentation for instructions on setting up the shipping calculator.

Are past eBay Orders retrieved for a new installation of Descartes ShipRush Web?

Yes. The most recent two days of Orders are retrieved.

Note: In, a full refresh can be executed from the Edit Web Store screen, retrieving Orders from the last seven days.

Can a new installation of Descartes ShipRush Web determine whether "past" Orders have already been shipped?


Is eBay updated with Shipment information?

Yes. The Tracking Number is posted on eBay, which can be viewed by the buyer and seller.

eBay Guaranteed Delivery (eGD)

Click here for information on eBay's estimated delivery dates.

Why Aren't All My Orders eGD?

Even though a SKU may be set in eBay, on the seller side as eGD, not all sales will be eGD. For example, if the eGD delivery commitment is three days, but shipping time for a given Order is four days, the buyer will not see eGD offered, and the Order will be an eGD order.

Orders only appear as eGD if the buyer purchased the item when eBay presented it as eGD. eBay uses a number of rules to decide when an item should be offered to a given buyer as eGD.

eBay Global Shipping Program (GSP)

The eBay Global Shipping Program (GSP) streamlines the shipment of goods from sellers to international buyers. Instead of shipping directly to the buyer, you (the seller) ship the goods to an eBay distribution facility which then forwards the Shipment to the customer. You do not have to fill-out export documents or provide additional information for customs; eBay does all this for you. This service requires GSP activation for your account. Please refer to eBay support for details on signing-up for eBay GSP.

How Descartes ShipRush Web Work with GSP

Descartes ShipRush Web is fully compatible with the GSP service, but IT must be connected to eBay via Once confirmed that you are connected to eBay via, no other work is needed on your side.

Descartes ShipRush Web pulls the eligible, international Order normally, and then sets the "To" address to the eBay distribution facility. Simply use the printed label with your package. The package is sent to the eBay facility, and the facility forwards it to your customer.

General eBay Questions

How is the Ship To Address determined?

The Ship To address for eBay sales is determined during the eBay check-out process.

Every transaction (e.g. every eBay sale) has a Ship To address. If the purchase is made using PayPal, the Ship To address in the buyer's PayPal profile is used as the Ship To address. If a different method of payment is used, the Ship To address typically comes from the buyer's eBay profile.

Where is the Tracking Number on eBay?

The Tracking Number is automatically saved on eBay each time you ship. By default, the Tracking Number is saved in the sale "transaction," which can be viewed by the buyer or seller.

Buyer's View of the Tracking Number

The buyer does the following to view the Tracking Number:

  1. Select MyeBay -> Won list.

  2. Select the item.

  3. Click the Total Price. This displays the View Order Details page. The buyer's view of the Tracking Number is highlighted in the graphic below.

Tip: Alternatively, the buyer locates the item in the Won list, and then clicks the title. On the View Item page the buyer clicks View Order Details.

Seller's View of the Tracking Number

The seller does the following:

  1. Open the item transaction in MyeBay.

  2. Select View Order Details.

  3. Click the Shipped link to display the Tracking Number. (To track the Shipment, click the Tracking Number.)

Descartes ShipRush Web Access to an eBay Account

During the installation of Descartes ShipRush Web, the user is prompted for an eBay userid and password. The eBay password is not stored in Descartes ShipRush Web, nor is it sent to Z-Firm or the shipping Carrier. At no time does the eBay password touch any Descartes ShipRush software (the user is prompted for this information in a web browser). Instead, the user sees an eBay web page, which prompts the user to allow ShipRush to access the eBay information.

If the user clicks the Allow button, Descartes ShipRush Web is issued an access token, enabling access to the user's eBay account.

This token can, in theory, be used to list items and perform various functions via the eBay API. Descartes ShipRush Web only queries for sold items, and updates the shipped status of sold items. Descartes ShipRush Web never, under any circumstances, does anything else within an eBay account.

If the user wants to see the applications that have access to their eBay account, access tokens can be listed and revoked in MyeBay. Log in to MyeBay and go to My Account > Preferences. Scroll to Third Party Authorizations, and then click Show. All access tokens are now listed. A Revoke option is available.

Does Descartes ShipRush see buyer selections or item options, such as size and color?

Yes. For example:

The option selected by the buyer flows to the Order.

Descartes ShipRush Web Requests eBay Userid/Password Again following Long Period

If Descartes ShipRush Web requests your eBay User ID/Password after many weeks or months of use, then your access token is expired or revoked. Simply re-enter your eBay Userid and Password. A new token will be issued to Descartes ShipRush Web.

Note: Descartes ShipRush Web never stores your eBay Password.

Guarding against Unauthorized eBay Account Access

Change your eBay password frequently (at least monthly). Use long (at least 12 characters) and strong passwords that include letters and numbers.

What are the eBay-specific merge codes for emails and packing lists?

  • Shipment Defaults: Setting reference lines: %eBayTransactionId%

  • Email & Packing List Templates: @Model.ToEBayTransactionId(@Order.ExternalID)

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