See also:
Setting ShipRush Access Rights for Users (for Administrators).
Entering or Modifying User Settings, Time Zone and Billing Address
To enter or modify the user name, time zone, and billing address:
Display the Account Settings page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > User Settings - General Settings).
As needed, enter or modify this information:
Name: The name used in ShipRush (for example, John Smith or ABCDwidgetX Corp).
Time Zone: Your business's time zone, which is set automatically. Adjust the Time Zone only if it is causing an issue.
Reset 'Do not ask again' messages to defaults: Messages displayed when you execute certain ShipRush commands may be hidden. To no longer hide those messages, click the link.
Billing address: Click Edit to enter or modify the billing address and phone number
Sharing Your ShipRush Data
Note: Users who are joined to your ShipRush account can see Orders, Shipping accounts, and e-commerce stores and connections. Printer settings are not shared.
To share your ShipRush data:
Display the Account Settings page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > User Settings).
Under Sharing data, in the Invite someone to share your ShipRush data field, enter the person's email address, and then click Invite. The Add New User dialog is displayed.
In both password fields, enter a New Account Password for the user.
Click Create New User. The Sharing data grid is displayed, showing the information for the new user.
When the user logs-in, if the user already has a Descartes ShipRush Web account, Descartes ShipRush Web prompts the user to accept or decline the invitation.Initially, the person's User Role is Read Only. To select a different User Role, click edit, and then select a User Role. The edit option is unavailable if the user's current User Role is USER DISABLED. Click enable for the user to display the edit option. See Setting ShipRush Access Rights for Users for descriptions of the User Roles.
These options are available:
Initially, the person's User Role is Read only. To select a different User Role, click edit, and then select a User Role.
To disable or enable the person's access to your ShipRush data, click disable or enable.
To permanently remove the person's access to your ShipRush data, click remove.
Please note:
The Administrator can change the new user's permissions after the invitation has been sent. See Setting ShipRush Access Rights for Users.
Users who share ShipRush Web data may be located in different time zones. As a result, the dates for orders and shipments may vary between those users. For example, an Order placed on Tuesday 10:00 PM Pacific time will appear as a Tuesday Order for users in California, but as a Wednesday Order for users in New York.
If a consistent view of data is needed, then the users who share data should be set to the same time zone.
Modifying General Settings
The General Settings page can be used to set options for Rate Shopping, printing orders and labels, numbering of new orders, showing tags as folders, and Descartes ShipRush's newer, "modern" interface. Do the following:
Display the General Settings page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > User Settings > General Settings).
These options are available:
Rate Shopping: Remove duplicates: If selected, ShipRush will not display repeated rates.
How many orders to show on one page: Enter a number to specify the total number of orders to be listed on each page.
Print labels in the grid order (slower): If selected, labels are printed in the Order they are listed in the grid (printing is slower).
New order number prefix: Enter the characters that Descartes ShipRush Web should prefix to Order numbers.
New order number counter: Enter the preferred number that Descartes ShipRush Web should use to start counting Orders.
Show Tags as Folders: If selected, the main menu shows the folders named for the Tags that you created. Click a Tag folder name to display the Orders that include the corresponding Tag.
Modern interface: If selected, ShipRush switches to the newest user interface upon launching the program. See Enabling the Modern Interface for more information.
Changing Your Password and Email Address, and Setting Up Two-Step Authentication for ShipRush Web Access
To change your ShipRush password and/or email address, or set up two-step login verification:
Display the Settings - Change email or password page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > Change Password).
Enter your Current Password.
To change your password, enter your new password into both New Password fields.
If needed, enter your New Email address.
To set up two-step authentication for logging-in to your ShipRush account, click Set up 2-Step verification with Google Authenticator. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Click Save Changes.
Setting Up or Disabling Account Email Notifications
Descartes ShipRush Web can send an email notification when a billing event or an account event occurs. Event examples include a subscription renewal, a postage purchase, or another service purchased within Descartes ShipRush Web. Existing email notifications can be disabled. Additional email addresses can be added to the notification (for example, to accounting department personnel).
Tip: Invoices can also be downloaded if email is not used. Go to Billing - Payments > Generating a Report on All Billing Activity for details.
To set up/disable email notifications for billing and account information:
Display the Account Email Notifications page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > User Settings > Email Notifications).
These options are available:
Receive billing notification emails: If selected, ShipRush sends billing notifications to you via email
Additional emails for billing notifications: ShipRush can send the same billing notifications to other people; enter their email addresses (separated by a semicolon)
Receive account notification emails: If selected, ShipRush sends account related notifications to you
Additional emails for account notifications: ShipRush can send the same account notifications to other people; enter their email addresses (separated by a semicolon)
Developer Tokens
The eCommerce User Tokens page can be used to display the user token or apply to the eCommerce or Shipping developer program (if you are an approved developer).
Display the eCommerce User Tokens page (SETTINGS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS > Developer Tokens).
These options are available:
Value: To display the entire token, click Show Token Value
eCommerce Developer Tokens: Click the link to display the eCommerce Developer Program Application
Shipping Developer Tokens: Click the link to display the Shipping Developer Program Application