
SQL Webstore - How it gets Data

The data should come through when the database is searched (or when you use a barcode to scan an Order Number--which triggers a search by the order number scanned) as long as:

  • The Toolbox is running and installed and

  • Your SQL Queries in the SQL Webstore Settings are properly configured

Note: When searching for an order number from an SQL Webstore, the webstore itself must be selected; otherwise, no results will be returned. For example, if you are in the "Ready to Ship" folder, and search for order # 1000 (which resides on your SQL server but has not been imported into Descartes ShipRush yet), it will not show up. However, when you (1) click on SQL Web Store under Ready to Ship and (2) then search for 1000, it will bring you right into the order.

The text in the Search edit above is fed into the %SEARCHPARAM% merge code in your query. If the LIKE operator is used in the query, then partial lookups can be done:


Select the item on the list, and Descartes ShipRush should open with the data populated.

If the Desktop Toolbox is in the system tray, scanning the bar code twice will take you all the way to the shipping form without needing to touch the keyboard.

The F10 key is the same as pressing the Ship button. Simply scanning the bar code and pressing F10 can process the shipment.

Descartes ShipRush does not need to have the focus to use a bar code scanner. It does not matter where the cursor is. When a bar code is scanned, Descartes ShipRush will automatically engage.

Next: Example of getting data from the Northwind database.

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