How do we update shipping information on an Invoice?
NetSuite does not allow Invoices to be updated with shipping information. The only way to write shipping information back to NetSuite is to ship from Sales Orders and Fulfillments.
How do we find 'debug' logging?
To address concerns with the NetSuite connection, ShipRush Support may request that you provide debug logging (NetSuite Web Service Logs) to help resolve the issue. To retrieve that information:
Navigate to Setup > Integration > Web Services Usage Logs.
If instructed, use the Record Type or Action to narrow down what is needed by log support.
Follow the links for both Request and Response for the appropriate log(s). Copy the contents into a text file.
Email that file to Support.
Why is Custom Address Setting/Country importing incorrectly?
This issue may be caused by a Custom Address Setting in NetSuite.
To see the issue, go to Customization > Forms > Address Forms. The Custom Address Form Record may show all of the countries that have Country Field Show = F.
Currently, the checkbox is grayed out and is not editable. As a workaround, NetSuite suggests the following:
Edit the Custom Address Form.
Open the Browser's console (press F12 on your keyboard).
Paste the following:
nlapiSetLineItemValue('mainflds','mainfldsscreen',1,'T')Save the Custom Address Form.
Future orders should now flow-in with the correct Country value.
Can an Invoice be marked as 'shipped' or 'fulfilled'?
No. This is a restriction by NetSuite. Only Sales Orders or Fulfillments can be marked as shipped/fulfilled, which is fully supported by Descartes ShipRush.