How do I disconnect Descartes ShipRush Web from Xero?
In Settings or Web Store view, delete the Web Store.
How and when does data sync from Xero to Descartes ShipRush Web?
Data syncs automatically every ten to twenty minutes. You can also trigger a sync by going in to the Web Store folder and pressing Refresh.
Note: Tracking numbers are sent back to Xero quickly (usually within seconds), if configured.
Can I bulk (or batch) ship against my Xero Invoices?
Yes. All bulk features can be used. See Bulk Shipping and Applying Presets to Mulitple Shipments.
What advanced Descartes ShipRush Web features should I know about to use with Xero?
The countless features in Descartes ShipRush Web are available, such as Automation Rules, Presets, Shipment Defaults, and much others.