These shortcut keys or "hot keys" enable you to work faster and more easily in Descartes ShipRush Web.
Hides popup |
Escape |
Estimates the shipping cost (the Rate button) |
F2 |
Lists all Services and executes Rate Shop |
F4 |
Adds package - the Shipment becomes a Multi Parcel Shipment (MPS) |
F7 |
Repeats/clones the current package MPS |
Ctrl + F7 |
Validates the ship to address |
F8 |
Places the cursor into the Shipment Search field |
F9 |
Ships! (prints the label) |
F10 |
- Certain shortcut keys can be "pressed" using a bar code scanner for hands-free operation.
- These shortcuts are often the most useful: F2 to Rate; F4 to Rate Shop; F10 to Ship.