The Mark Up Rates page can be used to mark-up the total Shipment cost by a percentage or fixed amount, or set the minimum Shipment cost. The mark-up values set on the Mark Up Rates page are for display purposes in Descartes ShipRush Web. If mark-up rates are set, Descartes ShipRush Web applies them and determines the Shipment total, which is part of the total Shipping cost posted to the e-commerce system or other system.
To set mark-up rates:
Display the Mark Up Rates page (SETTINGS > select a Carrier or web store > Mark Up Rates).
These fields can be used for most Carriers to mark-up the total Shipment cost or set the Shipment cost to a minimum amount:
Add Percent: Enter a percentage amount to add a percentage mark-up against the total cost of the Shipment
Fixed Markup: Enter a fixed amount to add a flat dollar amount to the total cost of the Shipment
Handling Fee: Enter a fixed amount to add to the Shipment cost in addition to the Fixed Markup amount; (Fixed Markup and Handling Fee are provided separately for users who want to use and track both items)
Min Shipping Charges: Enter a fixed amount to specify the shipping cost, if the shipping charge is less than that amount
If a Fixed Markup is set, it is applied to the entire Shipment, including Multi-Parcel Shipments. Fixed Markup is not applied to each box or piece. Add Percent may be a better option for Shipments with multiple boxes or pieces, because markup will increase as the Shipment total increases.