
Presets for Shipping Options and Common Packaging Sizes

Presets can be created for commonly used shipping configurations. In the Preset, you can select a Service, payment option, package size, packaging type, signature confirmation, and C.O.D., among many other options. Each Preset can be applied to one or more Shipments, saving you considerable time creating Shipments.

Creating or Modifying a Preset

To create or modify a Preset:

  1. Display a Shipment page. (Click Back until the SHIPMENTS menu is displayed on the left. Under SHIPMENTS, click a menu item.)

  2. Click Presets (top of screen). Existing Presets, if any, are listed in the Preset dropdown. To create a new Preset, click the plus-sign (+) (Add Preset). To modify a Preset, click the pencil icon for the Preset.

    The Preset page is displayed.

    Many of the fields and options in the Preset form are explained below. Not all of them are mandatory.

  3. Preset Name: Enter a meaningful name for the Preset

  4. Folder: To store the Preset in an existing folder, select the folder on the Folder dropdown. To create a folder for storing Presets, click Presets. Click the folder icon, enter a Folder Name, and then click Save.

  5. Auto Ship: If selected, when the Preset is applied to Shipments, those Shipments will be processed and shipped automatically. See Applying a Preset to Shipments. On the Presets dropdown, the Truck icon indicates that Auto Ship is selected for the Preset.

  6. Get weight from scale: If selected, the package is to be weighed manually.

  7. Favorite: If selected, the Preset is identified as a Favorite. Enter a Shortcut name for the Preset. Assign a color to this Favorite Preset. The control for this Preset will be on the Shipments screen (in the Favorites bar at far right) and identified by its Shortcut name and color.

  8. From: Select an item on the From dropdown. (Click the up/down arrow button to hide or display the From fields.) As needed, enter the Company name, address, Phone number, etc. The Company field has a search button (magnifying glass), allowing you to search for a Company. The options in the Preset form may vary, depending on the From option selected.

  9. To: Select an item in the dropdown to specify a return or pickup parameter, such as "Electronic Return (email label)", "Print and Mail Return Label", or a pickup attempt option. To hide or display certain To fields, click the up/down arrow button. To search the Address Book, click the search (magnifying glass) button.

  10. Service: Select a Service option. To search for a Service option, click the search (magnifying glass) button. To hide or display the Service fields, click the up or down arrow button.

  11. Payment: Select a Payment option.

  12. Show International Details: Select this option to show the International and International Goods (Commodities) areas. As needed, select Documents Only, enter a Description, and add or search for a Commodity.

  13. Package: As needed, select a Packaging type, enter a Weight and Declared Value, and enter a Ref 1 and Ref 2..

  14. Size: As needed, enter the package dimensions, and also select Additional Handling, Shipper Release, and/or Nonstandard Container.

  15. Signature Confirmation: Select an option.

  16. C.O.D.: Select C.O.D., if applicable..

  17. Additional fields and options may be available that are not listed above. Enter the information or select from the various options, as needed.

  18. Click the gray checkmarks for the elements to include in the Preset. The checkmarks become green. (See the green checkmarks in the graphic, below.)

  19. To disable a Preset element, click the green checkmark. The checkmark becomes gray. Only the elements marked with a green checkmark are included in the Preset (see the graphic below).

  20. Once you finish creating the Preset, click Back. The new or modified Preset is listed on the Presets dropdown.

Applying Preset to Shipments

To apply a Preset to Shipments:

  1. Display a Shipment page. (Click Back until the SHIPMENTS menu is displayed on the left. Under SHIPMENTS, click a menu item.).

  2. Select one or more Shipments in the list (check the boxes at left). To select all Shipments in the list, check the top checkbox (at left of the column headings).

  3. On the Presets dropdown, click the name of a Preset. The Preset is applied to the selected Shipments.

Warning: If Auto Ship is selected for the Preset, the selected Shipments are processed and shipped automatically.

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