
Viewing Shipment Tracking Statuses and Full Scan Histories

Viewing Tracking Statuses of Shipped Packages in the Shipments Grid

The Tracking Statuses of shipped packages can be viewed in the Orders/Shipments grid.

Note: This feature is only available for UPS, FedEx, and USPS shipments, and may become available for other Carriers.

On the main menu at left, select an option under SHIPMENTS to display the grid. The Tracking Status column, if displayed, lists the tracking status for each Shipment/Order, such as Label Printed, In Transit, etc.

To display the Tracking Status column:

  1. Click Columns (highlighted above at upper right). The Select Columns window is displayed.

  2. Under Shipment, select Tracking Status.

  3. Click outside of the Select Columns window to close it. The Tracking Status column is now in the grid.

  4. To move the Tracking Status column, hover on the Tracking Status column header, and then drag the column to a different location.

Displaying Full Scan History of Order/Shipment

To display the full scan history of an Order/Shipment:

  1. Display the Shipment page for the Order/Shipment.

  2. Click Show Change History (highlighted above at bottom left). The change history is displayed for the Order/Shipment, as highlighted in the graphic below (at bottom).

Note: The history is updated about two times per day but more often on the estimated delivery date. This is due to limitations on the number of times that Descartes Shiprush Web can "hit" the API for certain Carriers.

ShipRush/White Label Tracking Pages

You can create custom webpages, allowing your customers to view the Shipment's tracking information and updates. This feature can be enabled per shipping account or webstore. See Managing ShipRush Tracking Page Templates for details.

Note: You can customize your template using the template editor, using the text-editor interface or by writing your own HTML code.

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