What is FedEx One Rate?
The FedEx One Rate service includes a simplified kit of rates plus free FedEx-provided boxes.
Note: FedEx One Rate is an express service.
Please note:
One Rate has a simpler rate structure with fewer zones and fewer surcharges.
Descartes ShipRush Web offers advanced rate shopping and comparison of One Rate to other FedEx services.
FedEx-provided packaging must be used. You can order packaging on the FedEx web site.
If you have questions about FedEx One Rate, please refer to the FedEx web site.
If you primarily ship FedEx Ground, Home Delivery, or SmartPost, check carefully that One Rate is advantageous. One Rate is an express service, so it tends to be more expensive than the Ground or SmartPost options.
If you have contract discounts with FedEx, check carefully that One Rate is beneficial.
Note: If enabled in Settings, FedEx One Rate is used when the selected shipping service and packaging are eligible for FedEx One Rate. For example, a FedEx Two-Day shipment in a FedEx Small Box is eligible; however, a FedEx Ground shipment is not eligible.
Enabling FedEx One Rate
To enable FedEx One Rate for your FedEx account:
Go to SETTINGS > your FedEx account > FedEx One Rate. The FedEx One Rate Options page is displayed.
2. Select Add FedEx One Rate options to service options (top of screen) to enable FedEx One Rate.
3. Enable or disable the other settings, as needed. For example, you can:
Enable or disable One Rate options when rating
Show all FedEx options, or show only One Rate
Auto-select One Rate when it is more economical
Auto-set One Rate packaging
Auto-select One Rate when shipping via FedEx Ground, if it is more economical
Only show FedEx One Rate options
Hover on the option's information icon for details.
The settings in the screenshots may not reflect the best settings for your account and should only be used as an example.
Using FedEx One Rate
If enabled, FedEx One Rate is used when the selected shipping service and packaging are eligible for One Rate. For example, a FedEx Two-Day shipment in a FedEx Small Box is eligible; however, a FedEx Ground shipment is not eligible.
To use FedEx One Rate:
In the Editing Shipment form, enter the required information in the To section.
Select a FedEx Express Service.
Select a FedEx Packaging type. Enter the package Weight.
Note: The FedEx One Rate options are not listed on the Services dropdown.
4. Execute a Rate Shop by pressing F4 or clicking the Service magnifying glass (highlighted in the graphic, below). Select a Service in the list.
5. Press F2 to rate the selected express service. The rate and related information are displayed at the top of the screen.
Note: If the rate information shown at the top of the screen does not include (One Rate) after the name of the express service, then the system did not rate against the One Rate service. FedEx One Rate is used when the selected shipping service and packaging are eligible for FedEx One Rate. For example, a FedEx Two-Day shipment in a FedEx Small Box is eligible; however, a FedEx Ground shipment is not eligible.
Tip: You can have the One Rate service automatically selected for your express service type (if it is more economical) by adjusting your settings. See the selected options in the screenshot below.