
FedEx Services

Tip: If you have questions about FedEx services, call your FedEx representative or look in the FedEx Service Guide.

Supported Services/Options

Descartes ShipRush supports these FedEx services and options:

  • FedEx One Rate: Fully supported in Descartes ShipRush Web.

  • FedEx Ground Economy (formerly SmartPost): APO/FPO Shipping is via FedEx Ground Economy.

  • FedEx Account: Your FedEx account in Descartes ShipRush Web can be set to net terms, or billed to a credit card or a valid, nine-digit FedEx account.

  • FedEx Express Freight: Supported in Descartes ShipRush Web.

  • FedEx Freight: Freight (via trucks) and LTL are supported by Descartes ShipRush Web.

  • Descartes ShipRush for FedEx Shipping: Allows shipments with originations in U.S., Canada, Europe, India, and most countries served by FedEx. Shipments can be domestic or exports/international.

  • Delivery Confirmation: Delivery Confirmation options control whether the delivery driver requires a signature for delivery (and certain related options).

Note: When shipping FedEx, "Service Default" is the most commonly used option and carries no surcharges. Service Default requests that FedEx take its usual action: collect a signature when delivering to commercial addresses or leave the package without a signature when delivering to residences. Click FedEx Signature Options for details.

  • FedEx Signature Options: FedEx offers a range of signature (Delivery Confirmation) options. These options vary depending on whether the recipient's address is a residence or commercial address.

  • Close Day: When shipping FedEx, the Close option is only needed if shipping via FedEx Ground®.

Processing the End of Day is optional for FedEx Ground®. If it is not processed in Descartes ShipRush Web, then FedEx will close the day for you at night, automatically.

Tip: Only FedEx Ground® shipments are part of the End of Pay paperwork. To print a report of all shipments, use the Report option.

Package counts shown will not include return services. If Return Service packages appear on the manifest, they have been submitted to the Carrier for pickup. Generally, the package counts are for specific shipment types (for example, COD) and will typically be far lower than the actual number of labels printed. (The End of Day paperwork is not really a manifest; it is a count of a few specific shipment types.)

  • FedEx Advantage Discount Program

  • FedEx Insight: Descartes ShipRush Web shipments can be seen on once this feature is enabled (see the steps, below). Please note:

    • only shows shipments created in

    • Shipments created any other way do not appear in

    • includes a tool called Insight. This tool can be used to list shipments created in Descartes ShipRush Web as well as other systems.

To access and work with the FedEx Insight tool:

  1. Log into

  2. Mouse over Track > in the top menu bar. Select Monitor All My Shipments with FedEx Insight. You are taken to a separate area on

  3. Go through the access request process. This may take a few days to complete, because a FedEx account executive reviews the request.

  4. You will receive an email once access is granted. You can then view all FedEx shipments in this area, including shipments created by Descartes ShipRush Web as well as those created by third parties.

  • FTSR (aka FTR): Foreign Trade Regulations.

  • COD Shipments: COD shipments via FedEx prints multiple shipping labels:

    • FedEx Express® COD Shipments: Prints two labels. The first label is the outbound shipping label—attach it to the parcel. The second label is the COD return label. It should be included, face down, in a plastic pouch attached to the parcel.

    • FedEx Ground® COD shipments: Prints three or more labels. The first label is the outbound shipping label—attach it to the parcel. The second label is the COD return label. It should be included, face down, in a plastic pouch attached to the parcel. The third label is a copy that the shipper may either discard or keep on hand as a receipt.

    • FedEx Electronic COD (aka ECOD): The ECOD service is configured at the account level at FedEx. If the ECOD service is enabled for the FedEx account, then all shipments processed as COD are handled automatically by FedEx as ECOD. The COD shipping labels include "ECOD" printed clearly on the label. No configuration is needed for ECOD in Descartes ShipRush Web. ECOD occurs automatically for all COD shipments, if the FedEx account is set up for ECOD.

  • Hold At Location: When using Hold At Location (aka 'HAL') the shipment is held at a FedEx location. The recipient must pick up the shipment at the FedEx location.

  • Return Services: FedEx Return Manager & Call Tags.

  • Multi Parcel Shipping

  • FedEx Lithium Battery Shipping

  • Surcharge Calculation

  • Earned Discounts

  • Electronic Trade Documents (ETD)

  • Rates and Rate Calculation: Discounts, residential shipping, and more.

  • Hazardous Materials Shipping: Including OP 900 form support.

  • Broker Address for International Shipments: Available as a default option in SETTINGS.

  • Automatic Return Label

  • FedEx International Mail Service (FIMS)

  • FedEx Mail View

  • FedEx Export Shipping

  • BSO (Broker Select)

  • IGD

  • International Shipping: Shipping documents internationally; see Duties, Taxe and Label on FedEx Cross Border

  • Thermal Label Stock: For examples, FedEx Thermal Label or FedEx Thermal Label with Doc Tab.

  • FedEx Zone Chart: Printing a custom Zone chart for your zip code.

  • FedEx Alternate Return Address

  • FedEx IGC (International Ground Consolidation)

  • FedEx Multiweight: This is a contract service. If enabled on the FedEx account it works automatically, and shows the rate returned in ShipRush. (There is no setting in ShipRush to enable it.)

FedEx FAQs

Can I use my FedEx account to originate shipments from multiple countries?

Generally, a FedEx account is issued for use in a particular country. The account includes your contract discounts and other offers, and is intended for origination from a specific country. You can still use a given account for origination in other countries, but you may be billed more expected. If you need to originate shipments from multiple countries, please contact your FedEx sales rep to discuss the best approach.

How do I enable contract services, such as LTL, Collect, and other services?

In Descartes ShipRush Web, various services can be enabled for your FedEx account, such as Show Alcohol shipping, Show HazMat shipping, Show Dry Ice shipping, Enable LTL freight services, Enable FedEx Priority Alert, Enable Collect billing, and others. See FedEx Advanced Settings for details.

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