
FedEx Signature Options

FedEx offers a range of signature (Delivery Confirmation) options. These options vary based on whether the recipient's address is a residence or a commercial address. As a result, the fees and printout on the label can vary for the same type of shipment. Contact FedEx if you have questions.

Ground and Express Shipments to Commercial Addresses

Please note the following in regards to shipping to commercial addresses:

  • "Indirect Signature" is the service default. The printout on the label does not indicate "indirect signature."

  • Typically, the "No Signature" and "Indirect Signature" options cost the same. The "Indirect Signature" option is included in the base price of the shipment.

Ground and Express Shipments to Residential Addresses

"Indirect Signature" for a residential address is at additional cost. The printout on the label indicates "Indirect Signature" or includes a similar notation.

Note: When shipping to a residence, set the Service to "FedEx Home Delivery".

In order to set the Service to "Home Delivery" when you are shipping, go to SETTINGS > your FedEx account. In Address Validation, select Basic (or higher).

If you have questions, contact FedEx or click Shipping services | FedEx.

Here is this material as available in early 2015:

Note: The Indirect Signature option is only available for non-residential addresses. This means that a shipment going to a business (i.e., a commercial address), FedEx will collect a signature as part of the base service. No charge or option is needed. Collecting an indirect signature is the "service default" signature service for shipments to businesses (i.e., a commercial address).

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