
Postage Purchase History and Refund Status of Voided Shipments

To display the postage purchase history along with the refund status of voided Shipments for a ShipRush USPS account:

  1. Display the Void Shipments/Report on shipments page for a ShipRush USPS account (SETTINGS > ShipRush USPS > Billing - Postage).

Any voided Shipments with their statuses are listed at the top of the page.

Voided U.S. Postage labels can take up to 30 days to process and be refunded to your postage balance (although 5-10 days is typical). If the label is used, the void request will be denied per U.S. Postal Service guidelines, and no postage will be refunded.

Note: Descarte ShipRush Web sends an email when a void request is approved or denied. For example:

  1. To download a report of transactions for the selected ShipRush USPS account, enter the Transactions from and to dates (see above graphic at top).

  2. Click Download Transactions.

  3. Choose to open or save the spreadsheet file.

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