
UPS Basic Desktop OAuth Update Guide

Updating ShipRush UPS Basic and Recommissioning Your UPS Account

In addition to the information on this page, please review the UPS OAuth 2.0 Migration Guide. Although the Guide has been written for Descartes ShipRush Web, it also applies to the desktop version of ShipRush as well as your UPS accounts with this update.

Important: Your UPS account must be associated with a login. Please be sure to review Additional Information to Check if Your Account Matches Your UPS Profile. Once you confirm that your UPS account and login are associated, please watch the video below and then perform the steps that follow.

Recommissioning Your UPS Account in ShipRush after Updating

Please watch the video above before performing the following steps.

Step 1

Download ShipRush UPS from our beta download page

- Link to that download can be requested from Customer Service -

Step 2

Run the installer and let it finish the setup

Step 3

Click on the ShipRush icon in the system tray and go to settings | shipping settings

- Highlight your UPS account

- Click Delete Account

- If you have more than one UPS account, you will need to repeat these steps for all accounts

Step 4

Once all of your UPS accounts have been removed, the wizard will start up to add a UPS account to the system

- Choose ShipRush Basic for UPS is the option is provided

- Agree to Terms and Conditions

- Agree to Terms and Conditions again

- Log into ShipRush with your email\password

- Most users should have a My.ShipRush login

- If you do not, Click the Sign Up at the bottom of the login screen

- Most users will select I want to Create a new ShipRush UPS Account

- If you also use ShipRush Web with UPS, select I want to use my existing ShipRush UPS account

- Select it from the list and continue to step 5

- Click on Use my existing UPS account

- Agree to Terms and Conditions

- Click Authenticate on the UPS Website

- Enter your email or username and click the I Agree checkbox and click Continue

- Enter password and click Login

- Enter in your UPS account information to be used in ShipRush

Step 5

- After entering in your UPS account information or selecting your existing UPS account from ShipRush Web, setup the printer

- Select if you're using this with an eCommerce platform (ShipRush Order Manager), or no

- Finish

You will need to repeat this if you have multiple UPS Accounts in ShipRush. Please be sure to use the correct login information if you have more than one.

If an error is seen after doing this process, please refer to the FAQ page: