Descartes ShipRush Web can be used to build and customize the Commodities available for export shipping. The following sections explain how to add, delete, export, and import Commodities. See also Commodity and Freight Commodity Fields and Options.
Note: See also Managing Freight Commodities.
Adding a Commodity
To add a Commodity:
Click COMMODITY LIST in the main menu (at left). The Commodity List is displayed, listing the Commodities stored in Descartes ShipRush Web.
Click Add Commodity (top of screen). The Editing Commodity page is displayed.
Enter a Description of the Commodity.
Enter a Comm. Code.
Enter a Qty.
Enter the Wt,ttl.
On the Units dropdown, select lbs, kg, or Each.
Enter the Total.
Select a Currency.
Enter the HS Tariff code.
Select the country of Origin.
To save your entries, click Back. The new Commodity is now listed in the Commodity List.
Editing a Commodity
To edit a Commodity:
Click COMMODITY LIST in the main menu (at left). The Commodity List is displayed.
In the Commodity List, double-click a line item. The Editing Commodity page is displayed. The Editing Commodity page also includes the Delete Commodity option (below the fields).
Edit the fields, as needed.
Click Back to save your changes.
Deleting a Commodity
To delete one or more Commodities:
Click COMMODITY LIST in the main menu (at left). The Commodity List is displayed.
Check the box (at far left) for each Commodity that you want to delete.
Click Delete (top of page).
Importing Commodities
To import Commodities into Descartes ShipRush Web:
Click COMMODITY LIST in the main menu (at left). The Commodity List is displayed.
On the Options menu, click Import. The "Drag files here" dialog is displayed.
Do one of the following:
Drag the files into the dialog.
Click Choose File, select the file, and then click Open.
This message may be displayed at the top of the Commodity List: "The commodity book import has started. Depending on the size of the file we are importing, it may take one to four minutes to import. Please check in a few minutes."
Exporting Commodities List to Spreadsheet
To export the Commodities list to a spreadsheet:
Click COMMODITY LIST in the main menu (above the list). The Commodity List is displayed.
On the Options menu, click Export Commodities.
Click Open or Save as. The Commodities list is now in the displayed or stored in an MS Excel spreadsheet.