
Amazon Shipping

Carrier Account

To start using Amazon Shipping V2 API, first configure an Amazon Shipping carrier account in ShipRush.

To set up an Amazon Shipping carrier account:

  1. Click on the Accounts icon in the top menu.

  2. Select Add Carrier Account.

  3. From the ‘Carrier Configuration’ wizard, select Amazon Shipping from the dropdown menu.

  4. After selecting, click Next at the bottom right to show the Total Shipping Protection screen.

  5. Fill out the information on the Amazon Shipping Shipper Information wizard page but read ahead before hitting the Next button.

    Only accounts originating from the USA, Italy, France, Spain, India and the United Kingdom can be created at this time.

  6. Three scenarios (below) are possible depending on whether you are currently an Amazon Seller or not. Determine which one is applicable:

    1. I do NOT have an Amazon Seller Account.

      • Skip to step 7.

    2. I have an Amazon Seller account but do NOT have an Amazon Webstore set up in ShipRush.

    3. I have an Amazon Seller account AND have an Amazon Webstore already set up in ShipRush.

  7. Non-Amazon Seller:

    1. When the Next button is clicked, the Amazon Shipper account set up screens are shown.

    2. When completed, if there are errors (as seen below), please solve the issue and resume; If no errors exist, skip to step 9.

  8. Amazon Seller’s without Amazon Webstore:

    1. Check the I am using seller central account checkbox.

    2. Click the Next button to reload the page.

    3. Click the Set-up Amazon webstore button that is now visible at the bottom.

    4. Fill in the information on the Webstore Setup screen.

    5. Click the Next button, sign-in and authorize Descartes ShipRush Web.

    6. Click the Confirm button to be redirected back to ShipRush.

    7. Click the Done button on the Webstore Complete screen.

    8. Skip to step 9.

  9. All Users: Fill in the information on the Printer: Shipping Label page.

    Note: These settings can be changed later.

  10. Click the Next button to finish your setup and see the confirmation screen for setting up Amazon Shipping.


The Amazon Shipping carrier is chosen using the From dropdown. Amazon Shipping supports only domestic shipping, so the ‘To’ country only displays one option. For each country of origin, different services are available. A list of supported services is found on Frequently Asked Questions (

Note: External links are maintained by third parties and are provided here as a convenience only. Descartes does not endorse, approve or make any claims as to the accuracy or reliability of the contents, which may be changed from time to time by the third party without warning.

These fields are mandatory:

  • Ship To address

  • Weight

  • Reference Id (only when shipping w/t order)

  • Package Size

  • Service

Declared value is optional only for USA-origin shipments (Cover Genius insurance is used, as Amazon Shipping currently doesn’t support it). The
COD section is available only for India-origin shipments.

If shipping some order from a web store, we use Order # as Package Client Reference Id (as shown on the Amazon shipper or the Amazon seller central page). When creating a shipment without order details, you must enter some unique reference. You must also do the same for the Item Identifier field.

Rate and Rate Shopping

Rate and Rate Shopping are supported by ShipRush. Rate Shopping returns a list of all supported rates (with transit times) for selected options. To initiate rate shopping, you must click on the magnifying glass in the Service section. To get a rate for a selected service, you must click on the Rate button in the top menu bar.

Services available for rate shopping can be set in Settings / account settings / Rate shopping (supported countries and label options are listed in brackets next to each service).


By clicking on the Ship button, the shipment is created and the label is downloaded/printed.

Below is an example with a test label (sandbox endpoints were used).


Voiding/canceling shipments is also supported by Amazon Shipping. The Void button can be found in the top menu bar.


You can ship from multiple warehouses with the same shipper account, as long as all have the same country of origin. They can add warehouse locations by going to Settings/AmazonShipping/Account and clicking the Add Ship From Address button.

You can set up some shipment defaults. Those defaults are prepopulated only if specified shipment fields are empty.

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