In Descartes ShipRush Web, you can set up a printer to print INTL paperwork, such as commercial invoices or country-of-origin documents. The Printer: International option supports printing on paper (it does not support thermal printers).
To set up a printer for INTL paperwork:
Display the Printer: International page (SETTINGS > select a Carrier > Printer: International).
Printing Method: Select "Print to Laser/Inkjet" or "ShipRush Cloud Print".
To use "ShipRush Cloud Print", download the ShipRush Web Toolbox by clicking Windows (32-bit), Windows (64-bit), or Mac/OSX, and then following the instructions. The links are at the bottom of the International page, if the selected Printing Method is "ShipRush Cloud Print".Printer Type: Select "Laser/Inkjet".
Printer Name: (Available if the Printing Method "ShipRush Cloud Print" is selected.) Select a printer.
If Printer Name does not list any printers, press F5 to refresh the page. If printers are still not listed, position the cursor on the Printer Name information icon (), and then follow the displayed instructions.
Horizontal Margin, inch:
The default value is "0".
If the printout needs to move right or left on the label, try the value "5" or "10".
Click Print Test Label to test the printout.
As needed, try entering a different value.
Vertical Margin, inch:
The default value is "0".
If the label needs to move down the page, try value "5" or "10" for thermal printers, or "0.02" or "0.04" for laser printers or PDFs.
Click Print Test Label to test the printout.
As needed, try entering a different value.
Rotate/Flip: If selected, ShipRush rotates the printout 90-degrees on laser printers.
Download Labels as PDF: (Available if the Printing Method "Print to Laser/Inkjet" is selected.) If selected, the label will be downloaded as a PDF file. The PDF file can be opened later for printing, emailing, etc.
Save Labels to Disk: (Available if the Printing Method "ShipRush Cloud Print" is selected.) If selected, ShipRush will auto-save the labels. After selecting this option, select a file naming convention in the dropdown:
Note: Labels are saved locally for up to seven days. After the seventh day, they are purged automatically.
To display the folder in which the labels are stored, use the menu in the ShipRush Web Toolbox.To print a test label, click Print Test Label.