
FedEx Advantage Discount Program

The FedEx Advantage Discount Program is applicable to all Descartes ShipRush Web users. The discounts apply to all shipments on your FedEx account, regardless of the tool used to print the shipping label. Click here for additional information.

You can also sign up for the FedEx Advantage Discount Program directly through your Descartes ShipRush Web settings. Do the following:

1. Go to SETTINGS > your FedEx account.

2. Click this link: Get your ShipRush Discount: Up to 21% off select FedEx shipping services (highlighted in the above graphic). The web page for the FedEx Discounts Program is displayed.

3. After reviewing the information, click APPLY NOW, and then begin the sign-up process.

4. When asked if you have an account number, select Yes.

5. When asked if you are registered with My FedEx Rewards, select Yes or No.

Note: My FedEx Rewards is an additional, optional program. Enrollment in My FedEx Rewards is not required to sign up for the FedEx Advantage Discount Program.

6. On the next page, leave the FedEx Express and FedEx Ground boxes checked. Click Continue.

7. Once you finish entering the required information into each section, click Submit to send the application.

FedEx will contact you if there are any questions regarding your application.

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