A shipping label's return address is the same as the Ship From (or FROM) Address. Ship From addresses are highlighted in these example labels.
The FROM address for the label is usually obtained from the Ship From address specified in SETTINGS for the Carrier account (see Ship From Addresses from details).
However, the Ship From address can come from other sources:
Web Store Shipment Defaults: Each web store has settings in Shipment Defaults that override the settings enabled for the shipping Carrier account. This feature is primarily used to set a different company name (the FROM company) on the label for each sales channel. However, the feature can be used to set a completely different address for Orders from the Web Store. Go to SETTINGS > WEB STORES > your Web Store > Shipment Defaults. On the Shipment Defaults page, as needed, fill-in the fields highlighted in the graphic below. Click Back to save your entries.
Presets: Presets can be created for commonly used shipping configurations. In the Preset, you can specify the FROM address among many other options. The Preset can be applied to one or more Shipments. As shown in the Preset example below, only the elements with the green checkmark are included in the Preset. See Presets for Shipping Options and Common Packaging Sizes for details on creating and managing Presets.
Automation Rules: An Action defined in an Automation Rule can set the Ship From address (see example, below). Click here for details on creating and managing Automation Rules.
Change the Shipment's From Address Manually: On the Editing Shipment page, you can display the From address for the Shipment by clicking the "toggle display" button highlighted in the graphic below. You can then edit the From address by clicking the pencil icon button. Your changes are only applied to the displayed Shipment.
Tip: This method should only be used for occasional changes. Use the methods explained above for regular changes.
Shipping Carrier: Certain shipping services, such as FedEx SmartPost, control the From address centrally. In these cases, Descartes ShipRush Web cannot set the From address on the label. The From address can only be changed by a representative of the shipping Carrier.