
FedEx Export Shipping

These are the primary concerns for export shipping:

  • Duties and taxes

  • Who pays the duties/taxes

  • Number of shipping labels

Duties and Taxes

Duties and taxes (also known as "Customs") are the import taxes to import the item into the destination country. These taxes can be paid by the sender of the shipment, the recipient, or a third party.

Tip: Duties and taxes are also called D&T or D/T.

D&T costs are difficult (or impossible) to estimate in advance because the fees, charges and practices in this area vary from country to country. A common practice is to bill these charges to the recipient.

Descartes ShipRush can set these charges to be paid by the sender, recipient or third party in the International area:

Checking the Label for D&T Payer

By looking at a FedEx label, you can tell how the D&T will be paid. In this example, we are looking at the 2nd or 3rd label that prints for a FedEx Express international shipment. On this label, the T/C is for "Transport & Carriage" indicates who will pay the shipping charges (e.g., the FedEx transport charges). The D/T indicates which party will pay for the Duties & Taxes:

How Many Shipping Labels Does the Shipment Need?

Descartes ShipRush may print multiple copies of the label depending on the customs requirements of the destination country for the shipment. The correct number of labels (usually 2 or 3) is printed per FedEx specifications:

  • One label is for the box.

  • The other label(s) are for the clear plastic pouch taped to the outside of the package. The number of labels printed may vary from one destination country to another.

Additional information can be obtained by calling FedEx or referring to this web page.

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